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vol.18 número3Nutrir las semillas de la innovación: la relación entre la orientación emprendedora y la riqueza socioemocional y sus implicaciones para la innovación en la empresa familiar índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tec Empresarial

versión On-line ISSN 1659-3359versión impresa ISSN 1659-2395


BALBASTRE-BENAVENT, Francisco; DUQUE-OLIVA, Edison Jair  y  CANET-GINER, María Teresa. Enhancing Management Research through Qualitative Methods. Tec Empre. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.3, pp.1-11. ISSN 1659-3359.

Considering the changes and uncertainties of the current environment that affect management in organizations, the use of qualitative methods in business research facilitates the study of organizational phenomena from a different perspective while acknowledging their complexity. The objective of this special issue is to offer greater exposure to empirical studies that thoroughly employ qualitative methods to solving business and management problems. We have attempted to showcase how diverse qualitative methodologies, from classic case-based strategies to more novel ones such as action research, provide new visions for approaching the study of organizational realities. Also, we have briefly reflected on the application of new tools as visual techniques or AI to business and management research. Therefore, this special issue offers five papers that, from different methodological perspectives and content, seek to contribute to this objective. We hope that this special issue represents a significant advancement in the visibility and appreciation of qualitative methods within the field of business and management research.

Palabras clave : Qualitative research; qualitative methods; case study; action research.

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