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Tec Empresarial

On-line version ISSN 1659-3359Print version ISSN 1659-2395


TERAN, Oswaldo; RAVLIC-TORRES, Danko; ROMANI, Gianni  and  SORIA-BARRETO, Karla. Regional endogenous development in Chile: a simulation analysis of two models of allocation of public funds. Tec Empre. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.2, pp.18-35. ISSN 1659-3359.

This paper analyses, through simulations, two regional development models to contrast their potential to promote endogenous development in two Chilean regions (Antofagasta and Coquimbo). The models were developed with the SocLab social simulation platform, which is based on the theory of Organized Action Systems. The models' input was generated by interviews with stakeholders closely involved in the allocation of public funds for innovation and productive development. The results show that Antofagasta's decentralised model promotes endogenous development by permitting a high degree of influence and coordination among local actors, while presenting a better state of critical resources for this purpose. For the Coquimbo region, the centralised model presents greater dominance and autonomy of a single actor (central government) over other actors who should respond to the local interest. The models were compared by using a qualitative approach. The novelty of the paper relies on the application of a simulation platform based on the Organized Action System theory to model and simulate two systems of actors responsible for regional endogenous development. The proposed approach helps to better understand and compare different development models which contribute to policy making.

Keywords : Regional development; endogenous development; decentralisation; SocLab; Chile.

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