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vol.17 número32Evaluación de un programa educativo en diabetes para el nivel primario en saludConsumo de medicamentos alopáticos en Costa Rica, 2006 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 1409-1429


MORA ALVARADO, Darner Adrián  y  ARAYA GARCIA, Alvaro. Water for human consumption and sanitation in costa rica (2007). Rev. costarric. salud pública [online]. 2008, vol.17, n.32, pp.16-34. ISSN 1409-1429.

The objetive of this study is to describe the quality of water for human consumption (ACH ), excrement disposal, and sewerage water in Costa Rica, as well as their coverage to the year 2007. In order attain the objective for this descriptive and retrospective study, the following steps were applied: A) Analysis of the historical database from surveillance and water quality control developed by the National Water Laboratory (LNA). B) Analysis of existing information regarding coverage of different mechanisms for excrement disposal in AyA; Pan American Health Organization, and the National Institute for Statistics and Census (INEC). C) Coverage evolution of water quality supplied by drinking water services administrators, which was done by means of annual reports of quality of ACH between 1989 and 2007 as reported by the National Water Laboratory (LNA). The results indicate that Costa Rica has a coverage of ACH of 98,3% in 2007, of which which 94.3% is supplied by household connections. 83.5% of ACH supplied by AyA was drinking water quality, while 82% of total population of the country was supplied with drinking water quality. In the case of excrement disposal, 67.3% of population used septic tanks, 20.1% by sewerage system without any treatment, 4.9% by sewerage system with a poor treatment of sewage water; furthermore, only 3,5% of excrements disposal by sewerage systems are treated with efficient treatment, and 3.4% use letrines. We recommend carrying out the National Programme for Improvement and Quality Sustainability of Drinking Water Services 2007-2015. With respect to excrements disposal, it is necessary to create a Program of National Excrement Disposal 2008-2020.

Palabras clave : water; sewerage; coverage; ex¬creta; drinking water; sanitation.

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