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Medicina Legal de Costa Rica
versão On-line ISSN 2215-5287versão impressa ISSN 1409-0015
HERNANDEZ CALDERON, Catalina e SALAZAR FONSECA, Rodolfo Jose. Valoracion médico legal de las secuelas de TCE moderado a severo: a propósito de un caso. Med. leg. Costa Rica [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.2, pp.151-158. ISSN 2215-5287.
Craneoencephalic traumas are currently one of the main and more frequent assessments of bodily harm that is done daily, today the vast majority of accidents has meant a head injury combined with brain damage.
This article is based on the principals identify what consequences that must be considered in those who suffer evaluated TCE with loss of consciousness and that time must be assessed to determine whether we are facing a transient neurological deficit or already an established sequel.
Case: We present the case of a male 36 years of age, with high academic standards which after TBI in 2014, is worth a year later to determine possible consequences. With a mental test that provides data with little changes in its overall performance, you will perform specific tests of memory and executive functions detect neuropsychological sequelae that is causally associated with the prior TCE.
Besides detected sequelae in some expected cranial by the type of trauma (fractured skull and broken roof of the orbit) and reduction of smell (anosmia) and loss of visual acuity (PC most affected in cases of TEC).
The importance of assessing complementary tests like X-rays, MRI and other highlights. Besides entrevitas relatives to know the previous state of the evaluated before TEC, to help with clinical diagnosis.
As the importance of these studies after a year of TCE happened to be facing a sequel and not to a transient neurological deficits that are common in this type of trauma.
Palavras-chave : Head trauma; head trauma; sequelae.