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vol.15 número1-2Legislación para el uso de animales de laboratorio en Costa RicaMarcadores biológicos en el alcohólico actual índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Medicina Legal de Costa Rica

versión On-line ISSN 2215-5287versión impresa ISSN 1409-0015


MORERA-BRENES, Bernal  y  JIMENEZ-ARCE, Gerardo. Identificación de restos óseos humanos mediante análisis de ADN. Med. leg. Costa Rica [online]. 1998, vol.15, n.1-2, pp.06-07. ISSN 2215-5287.

The DNA technology has become a powerful tool for human identification in the last few years even in cases where the bones are the only remains. We now report the successful identification of the skeletal remains of a murder victim by comparative typing on nuclear DNA in remains, and in the presumptive parents of the victim. The genetic markers used were: HLA-DQA1, LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, Gc, and D1S80. This feasibility of bone DNA typing is available in forensic investigation in Costa Rica now.

Palabras clave : DNA typing; human bone DNA; human identification; Postmortem; Forensic Sciences.

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