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vol.36 issue1-2Interfase-FISH en un paciente con leucemia mielocítica crónica author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Médica del Hospital Nacional de Niños Dr. Carlos Sáenz Herrera

Print version ISSN 1017-8546


VENEGAS, Patricia. Translocación t(4;11) en médula ósea de infantes con leucemia linfocítica aguda. Rev. méd. Hosp. Nac. Niños (Costa Rica) [online]. 2001, vol.36, n.1-2, pp.5-8. ISSN 1017-8546.

The translocation t(4; 11) is the most common finding in infants with ALL, and is a poor prognostic indicator and is a significant indepent risk factor. The patient with the t(4; 11) require more intensiva quimiotherapy. Recent advances in understanding the alterations in the function of the fusion genes as compared with normal genes provide insights regarding new therapeutic strategies, wich should lead to improve clinical responsos with less toxicity.

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