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Revista Tecnología en Marcha
versión On-line ISSN 0379-3982versión impresa ISSN 0379-3982
MORA-BARRANTES, Jose Carlos et al. Chemical risk classification of organic solvents by using the ''CHEM21 selection guide of classical- and less classical-solvents''. Tecnología en Marcha [online]. 2022, vol.35, n.1, pp.28-43. ISSN 0379-3982.
An organic solvent (OS) is a compound, typically liquid, that contains carbon and the characteristic of dissolving other substances. At industrial level, organic solvents are used in reagent dissolution operations, extraction, washing and separation of mixtures, they are also used in university teaching laboratories. Despite its multiple applications, most organic solvents are highly volatile and influence air and water pollution, as well as in people's health. The objective of this research is to assess the impact on safety, health and the environment from the use of organic solvents in organic chemistry and biochemistry teaching courses, by applying the specific guide ''CHEM21 Selection Guide of Classical-and Less Classical Solvents''. The physicochemical and toxicological characteristics of the solvents under study were compiled to classify them according to the CHEM21 guideline. The results classify most solvents as ''problematic'' with a percentage of 41, the 28% are categorized as ''recommended'' and 31% as ''hazard''. Among the characteristics of dangerous OS highlights its low boiling, melting point and the significant damage to health and environment. According to the obtained results, organic I course is considered the most dangerous, due to its higher percentage of ¨hazardous¨ and ¨problematic¨ solvents. Biochemistry course has the lower risk, mainly due to the less use of solvents.
Palabras clave : CHEM21; organic solvent; risk; safety; health; environment; laboratory; university.