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Agronomía Costarricense

versão impressa ISSN 0377-9424


MORA, Fernando; MUNOZ, Roger; MEZA, Víctor  e  FONSECA, William. Edaphic factors that influence the growth of Vochysia guatemalensis in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica. Agron. Costarricense [online]. 2015, vol.39, n.1, pp.71-89. ISSN 0377-9424.

The growth of Vochysia guatemalensis in Ultisols and Inceptisols of the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica were evaluated. This paper introduces the conditions of the sites, in the region under study where the species is growing. Making use of physical and chemical soil variables, it tries to explain the behavior of the site index (Is) and its relationship with those edaphic variables that show some kind of relation with this indicator of the quality of the land. In addition, working at 2 depths, the factors of the soil which limit or favor the growth of this species are determined, in order to identify the most appropriate, as well as the most inadequate, sites for the species. At to 20 cm depth, the best sites (IS greater than 23), are related to low pH, low calcium concentrations and median concentrations of magnesium, medium sum of bases and medium effective cation exchange capacity, an extractable medium acidity and medium saturation acidity. From 20 to 40 cm, it is observed that the best sites are associated with low apparent density, a high content of clay and iron, and a good amount of organic matter. The soils that show the best chemical condition are those associated with the worst quality of site (IS lesser than 20) for V. guatemalensis. This highlights the low nutritional requirements of this species, V. guatemalensis, which can be considered as adapted to relatively acidic soils of low fertility.

Palavras-chave : Sebo; Mayo blanco; Barba chele; critical factors; index quality.

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