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vol.28 número1-2Emphysematous pyelonephritis: report of two cases at San Juan de Dios Hospital, CCSS. San José, Costa RicaAtrium and right ventricle infarct physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas

versão impressa ISSN 0253-2948


MURILLO-ORTIZ, Juan  e  ALVARADO-JIMENEZ, Oswaldo. Tubular esophageal diplication in a newborn infant: a case report. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 2007, vol.28, n.1-2, pp.61-63. ISSN 0253-2948.

The digestive tract duplications are congenital malformations that can occur at any level from the tongue to the anus. The esophageal duplication can be tubular or cystic and can be associated or not to other congenital malformations. Most of the patients present no symptoms until the duplication enlarges or evolves to perforation, infection, bleeding or becomes malignant (2-3). The following is a case of a newborn patient with tubular esophageal duplication.

Palavras-chave : esophageal duplication; tubular cyst.

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