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vol.28 número1-2Prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in children of the community of Los Cuadros, Goicoechea, Costa Rica. 2002-2003Emphysematous pyelonephritis: report of two cases at San Juan de Dios Hospital, CCSS. San José, Costa Rica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas

versão impressa ISSN 0253-2948


RODRIGUEZ BENAVIDES, Gina  e  ABRAHAMS-SANDI, Elizabeth. Cyclospora Cayetanensis: review of four clinical cases . Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 2007, vol.28, n.1-2, pp.49-56. ISSN 0253-2948.

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a coccidian protozoan which attaches the small intestine of the human being. It is the etiological agent of cyclosporiasis, a disease characterized by profuse diarrhea that leads to temporary sick leave and in some cases, depending on the severity of the illness and the immunologic condition of the patient, may lead to death. Since the 90’s Cyclospora cayetanensis has been considered responsible for a series of diarrheic outbreaks related to food and water, especially in USA and Canada. In Costa Rica few cases of this parasitosis have been reported in the clinical laboratory, and this parasite is still considered by many healthcare professionals as an exotic organism. This work presents four clinical cases of cyclosporiasis detected throughout a 15-day period in the Marcial Fallas Clinic, in Desamparados; it reviews the characteristics of Cyclospora cayetanensis and insists on the need to consider this parasite as possible causal agent of abrupt diarrhea.

Palavras-chave : Cyclospora cayetanensis; cyclosporiasis; intestinal coccidians.

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