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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas
versión impresa ISSN 0253-2948
SALAS-CAMPOS, Ingrid y CHAVES-MADRIGAL, Olga. Agentes de onicomicosis en Costa Rica. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 2004, vol.25, n.3-4, pp.43-47. ISSN 0253-2948.
Dermatophytes are the most common etiological agent of onychomycosis, however Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp. y Scopulariopsis brevicaulis have been identified as primary agent. In the present work we attended 330 patients which onychopathies in the clinical laboratory of the Hospital Calderon Guardia. In total 206 patients were diagnosed with onychomycosis. Of these patients, 119 were diagnosed only by direct examination, 83 by both direct examination and culture, and 4 only by culture of the etiological agent. Fusarium sp. was identified among the agents of onychomycosis. This fungus respond very poorly to antifungals commonly use in onychomycosis cause by dermatophytes. Thus, our finding point out the important of the identification of the etiological agent of onychomycosis.
Palabras clave : Onychomycosis; Fusarium; Aspergillus.