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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas
versão impressa ISSN 0253-2948
SAENZ, Elizabeth et al. Evaluación del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológico del dengue utilizando como indicador la aplicación de la definición de caso sospechoso, Costa Rica 1998. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 2001, vol.22, n.3-4, pp.117-129. ISSN 0253-2948.
The sensitivity of the National Surveillance Program to detect dengue cases was investigated in Costa Rica by evaluating the application of the case definition in three different health regions showing activity for dengue en 1998. The study was aimed to strengthen the Obligatory Notification System in order to achieve a timely detection of suspicious cases and an efficient outbreak control. The investigation corresponds to an observational analytical study from the perspective of the laboratory test demand. Data included 377 registers randomly selected from the data base of the National Reference Center for Dengue of the Costa Rican Institute for Investigation and Training in Nutrition and Health (INCIENSA). Data were processed in two stages: firstly, a descriptive statistics of the variables and, secondly, an univariate analysis of the results to define the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the case definition for dengue were carried out. Results showed that the system based on the clinical surveillance of the dengue suspicious cases is neither sensitive nor has connection with the epidemiological profile of the disease. The system showed to be unable to detect Iess than 50% of the positive cases causing that infected people maintain the cycle of the disease while between 16 and 46 % of patients receive the effects of control actions that are not required. Finally, data showed that clinicians attending the patients describe the clinical picture and guess about the possibility of dengue (even prescribing the necessity of serology test for dengue) but do not indicate it as the presumptive diagnose. As a consequence, the obligatory notification form is not filled out and the surveillance system does not receive a timely notification to activate the control actions. This is the first study aimed to analyze the national surveillance system for dengue in Costa Rica in association with the activity of the disease.
Palavras-chave : Dengue; Case definition; Survillance system; Sensitive.