Revista de Biología Tropical
versión On-line ISSN 0034-7744versión impresa ISSN 0034-7744
COLIN-GARCIA, Norberto A.; CAMPOS, Jorge E.; T ELLO-MUSI JOSE LUIS, Jose L. y ARIAS-GONZALEZ, Jesús E.. Influence of sediments and tungsten traces on the skeletal structure of Pseudodiploria : a reef building scleractinian coral from the Veracruz Reef System National Park, Mexico. Rev. biol. trop [online]. 2016, vol.64, n.3, pp.1077-1090. ISSN 0034-7744.
Coral reefs are under intense conditions of stress caused by the anthropogenic activities in coastal areas and the increase of human population. Water effluents from urban and industrial areas carry large amounts of sediments and pollutants affecting corals populations, inducing bioerosion, increasing diseases and promoting the development of algae that compete for space with corals. In the Veracruz Reef System National Park (VRSNP) coral reefs are strongly affected by human activities carried out in the area. Gallega and Galleguilla reefs are among the most affected by wastewater discharges from the industrial (petrochemical and metallurgical) and urban areas in their vicinity. To assess the potential impact of this contamination on corals in the VRSNP, a chemical composition and morphology study of 76 Pseudodiploria colonies collected in reefs Gallega, Galleguilla, Isla Verde and Isla de Enmedio, was performed. Fragments of ~10 cm2 were collected and boric acid at 0.5 % was used to remove tissue from the skeleton; once clean, the morphology of each sample was determined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Subsequently, to test the chemical composition, an energy dispersion spectroscopy of X-ray chemical microanalysis (EDSX) was performed in the SEM. We found that corals from Gallega and Galleguilla reefs, located closer to human populations, presented high levels of tungsten and the skeleton exhibited multiple perforations. In contrast, corals from the farthest offshore reefs (Isla Verde and Isla de Enmedio) exhibited lower levels of tungsten and fewer perforations in their skeleton. These results demonstrated that anthropogenic activities in the NPVRS are affecting corals skeleton, highly damaging and promoting their bioerosion. The presence of traces of tungsten in the skeleton of corals is an evidence of the damage that waste discharges are causing to coral reefs. Discharges of large amounts of contaminants promoted the growth of harmful species that grow and develop into the corals skeleton, causing its bioerosion, and making them susceptible to disease and physical damage. This study is the first evidence of the effects of contamination on these species; therefore, further studies are necessary to determine the impact of pollution on their biology and survival. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1077-1089. Epub 2016 September 01.
Palabras clave : sediment; pollution; coral bioerosion; coral reefs; skeletal structure; morphology.