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Acta Médica Costarricense
versão On-line ISSN 0001-6002versão impressa ISSN 0001-6012
LACLE, Adriana et al. Leptina, lípidos y sobrepeso en escolares de sexto grado de un área urbano-marginal. Acta méd. costarric [online]. 2003, vol.45, n.3, pp.107-112. ISSN 0001-6002.
Introduction: The hormone called Leptine has been associated with severas factors of the Metabolic Syndrome, including hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance and high density lipoprotein, not only in adults but also in adolescents. In Costa Rica the levels of leptinemia in adolescents and its relationship with obesity and lipids is unknown. Objective: To describe the leptinemia levels in sixth graders in an urban- marginal area, and its association with lipids and overweight. Material And Methods: Transversal study was carried on in the year 2001, with a representive sample sixth graders of 12 Schools of the Area Desamparados 3 (n= 220). Previous written consent of parents and scholars, weight and height was measured and a 12 hour plasma sample was taken to quantify leptine (IRMA,) total cholesterol, HDL- colesterol and triglicerides; the LDL-col was calculated. Results: The leptinemia levels did not follow a normal distribution, so non-parametric analysis was used. Its range varied from a minimum value of 1.0 ng/ml to a maximum value of 42.8 ng/ml in males, and from 3.9 ng/ml to 65.2ng/ml in females. The comparison of quartiles by sex was highly significant (p <0.0003); having higher levels in females. The plasma leptine concentration showed a positive correlation with the Body Mass Index (BMI) (rs= 0.43, p<5.7E-11) and triglicerides (rs= 0.31,p<4.3E-06), but a negative correlation with HDL- cholesterol (rs -0.20, p <0.002); there was no correlation with total cholesterol or LDL- cholesterol. When the correlation was done by sex, the positive correlation was given mainly by the feminine sex (rs 0.59, p <1.05E-12) and its was moderate. The triglicéridos behavior was similar in both sexes, not so with the HDL, where the negative correlation was only found in females (rs -0.40 p <5.1E-06), but it was weak. When the quartiles of leptine were compared with the children's nutritional status a significant differences was found in both sexes between the categories of normal and overweight (p<0.01),and between slender and overweight (<0.05),but not between the siender and normal categories. Conclusion: The leptinemia values of the scholars were higher in the feminine sex, with a relation of 2: 1. The correlation of this variable even though weak, was positive for BMI and negative with HDL-cholesterol, especially in the female adolescents. Significant differences were found between the slender and normal adolescentes and those that were overweight. The results of this study are coincident with other studies in the international literature.
Palavras-chave : Leptina; lípidos; sobrepaso; adolescentes.