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Acta Médica Costarricense
versión On-line ISSN 0001-6002versión impresa ISSN 0001-6012
MONGE-BONILLA, Cecilia et al. Diagnóstico tardío de displasia evolutiva de cadera en la población infantil costarricense en el periodo 1996-2000. Acta méd. costarric [online]. 2002, vol.44, n.3, pp.117-120. ISSN 0001-6002.
Late diagnosis of DDH is an important public health issue, the purpose of this project is to make the medical community aware of the problem and to emphasize on early detection. The aim is to analyze the cases of DDH with delayed diagnosis, seem at the National Childrens Hospital in San José, Costa Rica.This is a retrospective study that analyzes medical charts of patients with DDH whose diagnosis were reached late and that were hospitalized at the National Childrens Hospital between the years of 1996 and 2000. The sample was randomized. The information was organized in a data base designed for this purpose. The information was presented and analyzed by percentages, mean, standard deviation and the relationships between them. The great majority of cases of DDH were found in San José, followed by Cartago and in third place Heredia. Most of the patients were diagnosed between their first and fifth year of age. The mean age of diagnosis was 3 years and 4 months with a standard deviation of 4.99. From the total population, 82% of patients were female and 18% male. The most frequent type of dislocation site was left in 52% of the cases, right was found in 24.8% and bilateral in 20%. The ratio between left and right dislocation was 2.2:1. The most frequent presentation at birth was cephalic in 62.9% of the patients, 26.7% were pelvic and it was not indicated in 10.5% of cases. Concerning the type of birth, 80% were vaginal and 19% by cesarean section, 7% of the charts did not have this information. The percentage of children born at term was 67.6% The great majority of patients in this study were diagnosed after one year of age, when the defect became evident while walking. Of the total population, 98.5% had to be submitted to some kind of surgical treatment. Surgical intervention represents high costs for the institution, traumatic to the patient and the results are frequently not optimal with many possible complications.
Palabras clave : Displasia evolutiva cadera; diagnóstico.