Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Actualidades en Psicología]]> vol. 37 num. 135 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Purpose in life and positive experience in enjoyment activities in adolescents of Buenos Aires]]> Resumen. Objetivo. Poner a prueba un modelo predictivo de la identificación de propósito vital (PV) a partir de las experiencias de disfrute, la realización personal y la claridad en el autoconcepto. Método. Participaron 511 adolescentes (13 a 19 años y de ambos sexos) escolarizados del Área Metropolitana Bonaerense. Se utilizaron cuestionarios de autoinforme para medir las variables estudiadas. Además, se realizó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales con el método de estimación de Mínimos Cuadrados Generalizados. Resultados. El afecto positivo y el involucramiento en la actividad favorita presentan un efecto indirecto sobre el PV, mediado por la realización personal. La claridad en el autoconcepto y el sentido de realización personal tienen un efecto directo sobre el PV.<hr/>Abstract. Objective. To test a predictive model of finding Purpose in life (PL) from the experiences of enjoyment, personal fulfillment and self-concept clarity. Method. Participants were 511 adolescents (13 to 19 years old and of both sexes) attending schools in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. Self-report questionnaires were used to measure the variables studied. A Structural Equation Model was performed using the Generalized Least Squares estimation method. Results. Positive affect and involvement in the favorite activity have an indirect effect on PL, mediated by personal fulfillment. On the other hand, self-concept clarity and the sense of personal fulfillment have a direct effect on PL. Based on these results, it is possible to highlight the importance of promoting experiences of enjoyment and the possibilities of personal fulfillment in the activities carried out by adolescents. <![CDATA[Social Representations of deprivation of liberty: a prototypical analysis among penitentiary system users]]> Resumo Objetivou-se analisar as representações sociais (RS) sobre privação de liberdade (PL) entre usuários(as) do sistema penitenciário. Participaram 40 indivíduos em privação de liberdade pareados por sexo. Aplicou-se questionários sociodemográficos e o Teste de Associação Livre de Palavras (TALP), que teve como indutor o termo “privação de liberdade” . Os dados dos questionários foram analisados pelo software IBM SPSS, enquanto os dados do TALP foram analisados pelo software IRaMuTeQ. A partir da pergunta de pesquisa, verificou-se entre os homens representações de PL sobre saudade, sofrimento, angústia e fé. Já entre as mulheres, a PL significa dor pela falta dos filhos, sentimento de tristeza e solidão. Portanto, se constata que os grupos compartilharam representações semelhantes sobre a privação de liberdade, destacando aspectos emocionais e psicológicos, se sobressaindo a saudade da família.<hr/>Abstract Objective. The objective was to analyze the social representations of deprivation of liberty (DL) among users of the prison system. Forty individuals deprived of liberty matched for sex participated. Method. Sociodemographic questionnaires and the Free Word Association Test (FAWT) were applied with the term “deprivation of liberty” as an inducer. The questionnaire data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS software, while the TALP data was analyzed using the IRaMuTeQ software. Results. From the research question, it was found that among men representations deal with longing, suffering, anguish, and faith. Among women, it means pain for the lack of children, feeling of sadness and loneliness. Therefore, it appears that the groups shared similar representations about the deprivation of liberty, highlighting emotional and psychological aspects, and the longing for the family. <![CDATA[Academic and quality of life variables in mexican university students]]> Resumen. Objetivo. Analizar el efecto de las expectativas y metas de progreso académicas en las dimensiones de la calidad de vida de estudiantes universitarios mexicanos. Método. El tipo de investigación es cuantitativa con un diseño transversal, abierto, observacional con alcances descriptivos y predictivos. Las técnicas estadísticas utilizadas fueron estadística descriptiva, coeficiente de correlación y análisis de senderos con el método GLS. El muestreo fue no probabilístico por conveniencia, con un total de 465 participantes. Resultados. Se demostró que, para el modelo explicativo resultante, la variable metas de progreso académicas es un predictor directo de la dimensión función física. Asimismo, las expectativas académicas de resultado son un predictor de las dimensiones rol emocional y la función física. Respecto a los componentes de la salud física y mental, este último presentó la puntuación más baja.<hr/>Abstract. Objective. To analyze the effect of expectations and goals of academic progress on the dimensions of the quality of life of Mexican university students. Method. The research was quantitative with a cross-sectional, open, observational design with descriptive and predictive scopes. The statistical techniques used were descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient and path analysis with the GLS method. Sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience, with a total of 465 participants. Results. For the resulting explanatory model the variable academic progress goals is a direct predictor of the physical function dimension. And academic expectations of outcome are a predictor of the emotional role and physical function dimensions. <![CDATA[Relationship between age, working memory and cognitive reserve capacity]]> Resumen Objetivo. En este trabajo, se pretende conocer la relación entre la edad, la memoria de trabajo verbal y visoespacial, y la reserva cognitiva en adultos mayores de 40 años. Método. Se trabajó con una muestra conformada por 50 personas de 40 años en adelante, de ambos sexos y sin patologías asociadas. Para la recolección de datos, se administraron las subpruebas de INECO frontal screening, que corresponden al índice de memoria de trabajo (IMT), y el Cuestionario de Reserva Cognitiva (CRC). Resultados. En esta muestra, se pudo determinar que, mientras mayor capacidad de reserva cognitiva posea una persona, mayor será su capacidad de memoria de trabajo, en especial, de tipo visoespacial.<hr/>Abstract Objective. In this work, it was intended to show the relationship between age, verbal and visuospatial working memory, and cognitive reserve in people over 40 years old. Method. The sample was composed of 50 people from 40 years old onwards, of both genders and without associated pathologies. For data collection, the INECO frontal screening subtests and the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire (CRC) were administered. Results. In this sample, it was possible to determine that the greater the cognitive reserve capacity a person has, the greater their working memory capacity will be, specially the visuospatial type. <![CDATA[Subjective Well-being and Mental Health in College Students from Ecuador. Latent Relationship Analysis with SEM]]> Resumen Objetivos. Identificar el nivel de relación latente entre el Bienestar Subjetivo y la Salud Mental en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador. Método. Estudio descriptivo, correlacional y transversal por Modelamiento con Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). Participaron 476 personas (61.5% mujeres y 38.4% hombres), con edades comprendidas entre 17 y 47 años (M = 21.24; DT= 3.65). Eran estudiantes universitarios de 34 centros de educación superior de 10 provincias del Ecuador. Resultados. El Bienestar Subjetivo (Afecto Positivo, Negativo y Satisfacción con la Vida) se relaciona de forma latente con la Salud Mental a través de un modelo de ajuste adecuado. Además, el modelo SEM es invariante según el género. Por último, hay diferencias (p &lt; .05) entre grupos para el afecto negativo y los síntomas de ansiedad/insomnio, depresión y salud mental general. Se concluye que el bienestar subjetivo es un atributo psicológico que juega un papel relevante en el curso y desarrollo de la salud mental.<hr/>Abstract Objectives. To identify the level of latent relationship between Subjective Well-being and Mental Health in a sample of university students from Ecuador. Method. A descriptive, correlational and transversal study by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted. The sample consisted of 476 people (61.5% women and 38.4% men), aged between 17 and 47 years (M = 21.24; SD =3.65). They were University students from 34 higher education centers in 10 provinces of Ecuador. Results. Subjective Well-being (Positive, Negative Affect and Satisfaction with Life) is latently related to Mental Health through an adequate adjustment model. Furthermore, the SEM model is gender invariant. Finally, there are differences (p &lt;.05) between groups for negative affect and symptoms of anxiety/insomnia, depression, and general mental health. Subjective well-being is a psychological attribute that plays a relevant role in the course and development of mental health. <![CDATA[Salvadoran refugees and asylum seekers in Costa Rica: residential satisfaction and intention to Remain]]> Resumen Objetivos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre la satisfacción residencial y la intención de permanencia en Costa Rica de la población salvadoreña refugiada y solicitante de refugio en el cantón de San José. Método. La muestra se basó en una población de 41 personas, con un promedio de edad de 38 años. A 33 personas se les administró un cuestionario de satisfacción residencial e intención de permanencia, basado en García y Arends (2012) y en Aragonés y Corraliza (1992). Finalmente, 8 personas participaron en un grupo focal. Resultados. La intención de permanencia tiene relación con la búsqueda constante de seguridad en el vecindario. Mientras más seguridad se experimenta, mayor es la intención de permanecer. Las personas buscan además mejorar sus barrios, en términos de seguridad, organización y protección comunitarias.<hr/>Abstract Objectives. The objective was to analyze the relationship between residential satisfaction and the intention to remain in Costa Rica among Salvadoran refugees and asylum seekers population, from the San José canton. Method. The sample was based on 41 refugees and asylum seekers; their mean age was 38 years. 33 people were administered a residential satisfaction and intention to remain questionnaire, based on García and Arends (2012), and Aragonés and Corraliza (1992). Finally, 8 people were involved in a focus group. Results. The intention to remain is related to the constant search for security in the neighborhood. The more security one experiences, the greater is the intention to remain. People also seek to improve their neighborhoods, in terms of security, community organization and community protection. <![CDATA[Social skills intervention through role-playing: a mixed-design study with youth with intellectual disability]]> Resumen Objetivos. Identificar si existen mejoras en la interacción social de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual a través del uso de una metodología basada en el juego de rol. Método. Se realizó un estudio de diseño mixto a partir de un programa de intervención breve, de ocho sesiones de duración, con un total de siete participantes. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas como la observación sistemática, la observación directa no sistematizada y la Escala de Autoevaluación de Habilidades Sociales. Resultados. La intervención arrojó resultados modestos. La prueba W de Wilcoxon muestra diferencias significativas a nivel general. Las observaciones evidencian cambios en los comportamientos de los participantes, sobre todo en lo referente a respuestas alternativas a la agresión, la cuales fueron rápidamente sustituidas por estrategias pacíficas y actitudes dialogantes.<hr/>Abstract Objectives. The objective of this study was to identify if there are improvements in social interaction in young people with intellectual disabilities, using a methodology based on role playing. Method. A mixed design study based on a brief intervention program of eight sessions, with a total of seven participants, was used. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for data collection: systematic observation, non-systematized direct observation and the Social Skills Self-Assessment Scale. Results. The intervention yielded modest results. The Wilcoxon W test shows significant differences at the general level. Observations show changes in participants’ behaviors, especially in terms of alternative responses to aggression, which were quickly replaced by peaceful strategies and dialogic attitudes. <![CDATA[Social media jealousy and life satisfaction in romantic relationships: mediation role of communication skills]]> Abstract Objective. The main aim of this study is to examine the mediation role of communication skills in the relationship between social media jealousy and life satisfaction in individuals with romantic relationships. Method. The sample group of the study consisted of a total of 445 individuals who have a romantic relationship, 228 females and 217 males aged from 18 to 31 in the period of emerging adulthood. The mean age of participants in the study was 23.49 (SD = 3.29). In order to gather data Social Media Jealousy Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale and Communication Skills Scale. Results. According to the findings of the study, social media jealousy negatively predicted life satisfaction. The main focus and other important finding of the study was that communication skills mediated the relationship between social media jealousy and life satisfaction. This study emphasises the mediating role of communication skills between social media jealousy and life satisfaction in individuals with romantic relationships and suggests that developing and strengthening communication skills. This study points to an important area in terms of understanding and improving the effects of social media interactions on emotional experience and life satisfaction.<hr/>Resumen Objetivo. El objetivo principal de este estudio es examinar el papel mediador de las habilidades comunicativas en relación con los celos en las redes sociales y la satisfacción vital en individuos con relaciones románticas. Método. El grupo de muestra del estudio consistió en un total de 445 individuos que mantienen una relación romántica, 228 mujeres y 217 hombres con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 31. La edad media de los participantes en el estudio era de 23.49 años (DT = 3.29). Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron la Escala de Celos en las Redes Sociales, la Escala de Satisfacción Vital y la Escala de Habilidades Comunicativas. Resultados. Según los resultados del estudio, los celos de las redes sociales predijeron negativamente la satisfacción vital. El principal hallazgo fue que las habilidades comunicativas mediaron la relación entre los celos en los medios sociales y la satisfacción vital. Este estudio subraya el papel mediador de las habilidades de comunicación entre los celos de los medios sociales y la satisfacción vital en individuos con relaciones románticas y recomienda el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las habilidades de comunicación. Este estudio apunta a un área importante en términos de comprensión y mejora de los efectos de las interacciones de los medios sociales en la experiencia emocional y la satisfacción vital. <![CDATA[Intention of Professional Abandonment in Teachers according to Education Levels]]> Resumo. Objetivo. Identificar os preditores sociodemográficos, laborais, estressores psicossociais, foco regulatório para a obtenção das metas no trabalho, trabalho emocional e a síndrome de burnout para a intenção de abandono profissional em professores brasileiros de acordo com os cinco níveis de ensino: Infantil, Fundamental, Médio, Graduação e Pós-graduação. Método. Utilizou-se uma amostra não probabilística de 1284 professores brasileiros distribuídos em cinco níveis de ensino que responderam a um instrumento on-line que continha cinco seções: questionário de dados sociodemográficos e laborais, Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, Escala Geral de Focus Regulatório, Escala de Emoções no Trabalho e a Escala de Avaliação de Estressores Psicossociais no Contexto Laboral. Resultados. Os resultados obtidos por meio da análise de regressão linear múltipla revelaram preditores diferenciados de acordo com os níveis de ensino. As variáveis que explicaram os modelos foram maiores índices de síndrome de burnout, pressão pela responsabilidade, conflito e ambiguidade de papel, sobrecarga de papéis, insegurança na carreira, variabilidade emocional, maior formação acadêmica e remuneração e menores índices de satisfação com a vida, menor tempo de trabalho e idade, não ter outra atividade profissional e trabalhar em instituição privada. A síndrome de burnout foi preditora em todos os níveis.<hr/>Abstract. Objective. To identify the sociodemographic, work predictors, psychosocial stressors, regulatory focus to achieve goals at work, and emotional labor for professional abandonment intention in Brazilian teachers according to the five levels of education: kindergarten, elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate. Method. A non-probabilistic sample of 1,284 Brazilian teachers distributed across five levels of education was used, who responded to an online instrument that contained five sections: sociodemographic and labor data questionnaire, Burnout questionnaire, General Regulatory Focus Scale, Emotions Labor Scale and the Psychosocial Stressors Assessment Scale in the Work Context. Results. The results obtained through multiple linear regression analyses revealed different predictors according to educational levels. The variables that explained the models were higher rates of burnout syndrome, pressure for responsibility, role conflict and ambiguity, role overload, career insecurity, emotional variability, higher academic training and remuneration and lower rates of satisfaction with life, lower length of work and age, not having another professional activity, and working in a private institution. Burnout syndrome was a predictor at all levels.