Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú]]> vol. 18 num. 43 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Three distances of timber boundaries of <em>Araucaria hunsteinii</em> K. Schum. in Turrialba, Costa Rica]]> Resumen Se muestrearon tres sitios de linderos maderables con Araucaria hunsteinii, cada uno de estos presentó un distanciamiento diferente. Se midieron variables dasométricas como el diámetro a altura de pecho, la altura comercial y total, a las cuales se aplicó un análisis de la varianza y una diferenciación de las medias mediante una prueba de Tukey. Se obtuvo que el crecimiento diamétrico no presentó diferencias significativas, con un promedio general de 57,7 cm, no así en la altura total, donde la mayor altura alcanzada fue de 28,34 m. Se extrapolaron los datos de volumen a una línea de 1 km en cada distanciamiento para obtener un rendimiento aproximado, en el cual se obtuvo un máximo 782,07 m3 km-1 en volumen total con 412,37 m3 km-1 de volumen comercial para el menor distanciamiento.<hr/>Abstract Three sites with timber boundaries with Araucaria hunsteinii were sampled, each of which presented a different distance. Dasometric variables such as diameter at breast height, commercial height and total height were measured, to which an analysis of variance and a differentiation of the means using a Tukey test were applied. It was obtained that the diametric growth did not present significant differences with a general average of 57.7 cm, not so in the total height, where the highest total height reached was 28.34 m. The volume data was extrapolated to 1 km line at each planting distance, in order to obtain an approximate volume performance, it got a maximum of 782.07 m3 km-1 in total volume was obtained with 412.37 m3 km-1 of commercial volume for the smallest distance. <![CDATA[Commercial volume distribution by site index in clonal plantations of <em>Tectona grandis</em> L.f in the Northern Zone of Costa Rica]]> Resumen La producción forestal requiere conocer el volumen de los diámetros comercializables. El objetivo de este estudio fue generar una tabla de distribución del volumen según diámetro mínimo comercial para distintas etiquetas de índice de sitio (IS) para la Zona Norte de Costa Rica. A una muestra de 119, 120 y 28 árboles establecidos dentro de las plantaciones forestales en los índices de 27 m, 24 m y 21 m, respectivamente se midieron los diámetros a la altura de tocón, diámetro normal a 1,3 m sobre el fuste y los diámetros en distintas secciones sobre el fuste con un distanciamiento de 1,5 m hasta alcanzar la altura total y diámetro cero. El volumen de cada sección se obtuvo con la fórmula de Smalian y el volumen del árbol mediante la sumatoria de las secciones. Se consideraron los siguientes diámetros mínimos comerciales: aserrío grueso: ≥30 cm de diámetro, aserrío delgado: ≥20 &lt;30 cm, tarima: ≥12&lt;20 cm, leña: ≥5&lt;12 cm y residuos: &lt;5 cm. El volumen para aserrío grueso aumento conforme incrementa el diámetro de árbol. En el IS de 27 m, los diámetros menores a 13 cm corresponden a leña el 40 %, entre 13 cm y 24 cm predomina tarima, en adelante domina el aserrío delgado; con más de 28 cm el aserrío grueso y delgado representan más del 75 % del volumen comercial. Los cinco mínimos diamétricas evaluados están presentes en árboles que crecen en las etiquetas de IS de 27 m y 24 m; mientras que, en el IS 21 m no se registró madera para aserrío. Las tablas de distribución de volumen por diámetro mínimo comercial son una herramienta útil para determinar la tendencia y distribución del volumen comercial por tipo de utilidad para esta especie.<hr/>Abstract Forest production requires knowing the volume of marketable diameters. The objective of this study was to generate a volume distribution table according to the minimum commercial diameter for different site index (SI) labels for the Northern Zone of Costa Rica. A sample of 119, 120 and 28 trees established within the forest plantations at the 27, 24 and 21 m indices, respectively, the diameters were measured at the stump height, normal diameter at 1.3 m on the stem and the diameters in different sections on the stem with a spacing of 1.5 m until reaching the total height and zero diameter. The volume of each section was obtained with the Smalian formula and the volume of the tree by adding the sections. The following minimum commercial diameters were considered: coarse saw: ≥30 cm in diameter, thin saw: ≥20 &lt;30 cm, pallet: ≥12 &lt;20 cm, firewood: ≥5 &lt;12 cm and waste: &lt;5 cm. The volume for coarse sawmill increased as the diameter of the tree increased. In the 27 m IS, diameters less than 13 cm correspond to 40 % firewood, between 13 cm and 24 cm pallet predominates, henceforth thin sawmills predominate; with more than 28 cm, the coarse and thin sawmills represent more than 75 % of the commercial volume. The five diametric minima evaluated are present in trees that grow at the 27 m and 24 m IS labels; while, in the IS 21 m, no wood for sawmill was recorded. The volume distribution tables by minimum commercial diameter are a useful tool to determine the trend and distribution of commercial volume by type of utility for this species. <![CDATA[Effect of irrigation and fertilization on the hardening of forest seedlings with potential use for dry tropical forest restoration]]> Resumen La calidad de plántulas es un factor clave que influye en el crecimiento y sobrevivencia luego del trasplante, pero pocos estudios han evaluado el efecto de las prácticas culturales sobre la calidad de especies latifoliadas nativas del bosque seco tropical. En este estudio, se evaluó el efecto del riego y la fertilización sobre la calidad de plántulas forestales con potencial uso para restauración de bosques secos tropicales. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorizado para probar el efecto de dos intensidades de riego y de fertilización sobre la calidad de plántulas de Swietenia humilis Zucc, Cedrela odorata L. (ambas Meliaceae) y Ceiba Pentandra, C.F. Gaertn (Malvaceae) durante 75 días en vivero. El índice de calidad de plántulas de Dickson fue significativamente diferente entre especies debido al riego (P &lt; 0,05). La fracción de masa de raíz difirió entre especies debido a la fertilización adicional (P &lt; 0,05). La Esbeltez difirió entre especies en función del riego (P &lt; 0,0001) y la fertilización (P &lt; 0,05). La aplicación de nutrientes adicionales incremento significativamente el diámetro al cuello de la raíz en las tres especies (P &lt;0,05) y la relación de biomasa seca de raíz y área (P &lt;0,05). La altura de las plántulas y el peso seco total fue mayor con nutrientes adicionales y riego constante (P &lt;0,05 y P &lt; 0,05 respectivamente). Nuestros datos indican que las plántulas obtenidas son de alta calidad y podrían garantizar una mayor sobrevivencia post trasplante.<hr/>Abstract Seedling quality is a key factor influencing growth and survival after transplantation, but few studies have evaluated the effect of cultural practices on the quality of seedlings of broadleaf species natives of the tropical dry forest. In this study, we evaluated the effect of irrigation and fertilization on the quality of forest seedlings with potential use for tropical dry forests restoration. A completely randomized design was used to test the effect of two intensities of irrigation and fertilization on the quality of seedlings of Swietenia humilis Zucc, Cedrela odorata L. (both Meliaceae) and Ceiba Pentandra, C.F. Gaertn (Malvaceae) during 75 days in the nursery. The Dickson seedling quality index was significantly different between species because of irrigation (P &lt; 0.05). The root mass fraction differed between species because of the additional fertilization (P &lt; 0.05). Slenderness also differed between species depending on irrigation (P &lt; 0.0001) and fertilization (P &lt; 0.05). The application of additional nutrients significantly increased the diameter of the root neck in the three species (P &lt; 0.05) and the ratio of dry root biomass and area (P &lt; 0.05). The height of the seedlings and the total dry weight of the seedlings was higher with additional nutrients and constant irrigation (P &lt; 0.05) and (P &lt; 0.05), respectively. Our data indicate that the seedlings obtained are of high quality and could guarantee greater post-transplant survival. <![CDATA[Multinomial and Ordinal Logistic Regression Models and Artificial Neural Networks for lumber grading]]> Resumen La clasificación de la madera aserrada es una de las actividades más subjetivas de la fase final del proceso de aserrado de trozas en los aserríos. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer herramientas de auxilio en la clasificación de madera aserrada de coníferas. El estudio se realizó en el aserrío Combate de Tenerías de la Empresa Forestal Integral (EFI) Macurije, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Los datos utilizados proceden de 259 tablas de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea clasificadas siguiendo las exigencias (24 variables) y clases establecidas por el clasificador de madera aserrada de coníferas utilizado en Cuba. Se procedió al ajuste de un modelo de Regresión Logística Multinomial Ordinal (RLMO) y al entrenamiento de Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNAs). Los parámetros del modelo RLMO fueron estimados usando el método de máxima verosimilitud optimizada con el algoritmo de Newton-Raphson. El entrenamiento de las RNAs se realizó con el algoritmo Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS). El problema de multicolinearidad, casi siempre presente en modelaciones con numerosas variables predictivas, fue abordado con el análisis factorial, utilizando los factores retenidos como entradas de los modelos. Con base en el porcentaje de aciertos en la clasificación, la RNA RBF 24-8-4 fue superior a las ecuaciones de regresión logística ordinal.<hr/>Abstract Lumber classification is one of the most subjective activities of the final phase of log sawing process in sawmills. The objective of this research was to propose tools that assist in conifers lumber grading. The research was carried out at the sawmill Combate de Tenerías of Macurije integrated forest company, Pinar del Río, Cuba. The data used comes from 259 lumber pieces of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea classified following the requirements (24 variables) and classes established by the conifers lumber grader used in Cuba. We proceeded to fit a Multinomial and Ordinal Logistic Regression (MOLR) model and train Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The parameters of the MOLR model were estimated using the maximum likelihood method optimized with the Newton Raphson algorithm. ANNs were trained with Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm. The multicollinearity problem, usually present in modeling with numerous predictive variables, was addressed with factor analysis, using the factors retained as inputs to the models. Based on the percentage of correct classification, the ANN RBF 24-8-4 was superior to the ordinal logistic regression equations. <![CDATA[Usos tradicionales del fuego en la Parroquia Ayacucho, Cantón Santa Ana, provincia Manabi, Ecuador]]> Resumen El uso del fuego por los productores agrícolas es una práctica común que ha sido utilizada desde tiempos inmemoriales en la mayoría de los países del mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue: a) diagnosticar los usos tradicionales del fuego en la Parroquia Ayacucho, Cantón Santa Ana, provincia Manabi, Ecuador, b) verificar la percepción de los agricultores sobre los beneficios y efectos negativos del fuego, c) identificar las medidas de prevención para usar el fuego y como proceden cuando tienen que combatir un fuego no deseado, y d) precisar su participación en capacitaciones sobre uso del fuego e incendios forestales. Las informaciones que forman el diagnostico se obtuvieron aplicando una encuesta semi-estructurada con preguntas abiertas y cerradas a 150 productores rurales de febrero a mayo de 2019. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 22.0). Los resultados muestran que el uso del fuego en la localidad es común, quemándose en fechas específicas todos los anos, aunque noviembre fue el mes mencionado con mayor frecuencia, siendo el área quemada promedio de 1,30 ha. La finalidad más importante del uso del fuego en la localidad es la limpieza de terreno para sembrar o plantar. La prueba de X2 demostró que no existe asociación estadísticamente significativa entre variables que describen las características de los productores y las del uso del fuego. El trabajo permitió obtener información importante y relevante sobre el uso del fuego en la Parroquia Ayacucho, las cuales podrán ser utilizadas por los decisores de las actividades de manejo del fuego.<hr/>Abstract The use of fire by agricultural producers is a common practice that has been used since immemorial times in most countries of the world. The objective of this work was: a) to diagnose the traditional uses of fire in the Ayacucho Parish, Santa Ana Canton, Manabi province, Ecuador, b) to verify the farmers perception about the benefits and negative effects of fire, c) to identify prevention measures to use fire and how they proceed when they have to fight an unwanted fire, and d) specify their participation in training sessions on the use of fire and forest fires. The information that forms the diagnosis was obtained by applying a semi-structured survey with open and closed questions to 150 rural producers from February to May 2019. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 22.0). The results showed that the use of fire in the community is common, burning on specific dates every year, although November was the month most frequently mentioned, the average burned area being 1.30 ha. The most important purpose of using fire in the locality is cleaning the land for sowing or planting. The X2 test showed that there is no statistically significant association between variables that describe the characteristics of the producers and those of the use of fire. The work allowed obtaining important and relevant information on the use of fire in the Ayacucho Parish, which may be used by decision-makers of fire management activities. <![CDATA[Influencia del tamaño de los árboles en la mejora del microclima urbano en Viçosa-MG, Brasil]]> Abstract Urban tree planting planning is fundamental for the improvement of the urban microclimate and is therefore necessary in order to avoid various environmental problems. The general objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the microclimate provided by the trees of different sizes and thus, to determine which provides a better performance in the thermal reduction and the increase of relative humidity. The study was carried out at the campus of the Federal University of Viçosa, in Viçosa-MG, Brazil. Twenty-seven trees were used, from nine different species, classified in three height sizes (small, medium and large). Data collection was carried out from August to September 2019, on clear or cloudless days, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., with monitoring intervals counted every 30 seconds, for 20 minutes for each tree. Results indicate that under the projected shade of the tree there is an approximate reduction of 4°C in the air temperature and an increase of 6.03 units of relative humidity, as well as an increase of 0.15 m/s in the wind speed. The shade projected by tree size (small, medium and large) showed a decrease in temperature (3.18 °C, 4.19 °C and 3.43 °C), respectively, and an increase in relative humidity (5.30 units, 7.31 units and 5.52 units). The medium size species present a better result of the regulation of the microclimate, which represent an increase in relative humidity of 7.31 units and a decrease in temperature of 4.19 °C. Of all the species studied; the species Licania tomentosa presented the best results in the regulation of the microclimate in terms of comparison of temperature and relative humidity. For this reason, it was concluded that the medium-sized trees presented the best results in microclimatic improvement.<hr/>Resumen La planificación de la arborización urbana es fundamental para el mejoramiento del microclima urbano, por lo cual, es necesaria con el fin de evitar varios problemas ambientales. El objetivo general de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del microclima que proporcionan los árboles de diferentes tamaños y así para determinar cuál proporciona un mejor rendimiento en la reducción térmica y el aumento de la humedad relativa. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el campus de la Universidad Federal de Viçosa, en Viçosa-MG, Brasil. Se utilizaron veintisiete árboles, de nueve especies diferentes, clasificados en tres tamaños de altura (pequeño, mediano y grande). La toma de datos se realizó desde agosto a septiembre de 2019, en días de cielo despejado o con pocas nubes, desde la 13:00 a las 15:00 horas, con intervalos de monitoreo contados cada 30 segundos, durante 20 minutos para cada árbol. Los resultados indican a nivel general que bajo la sombra proyectada del árbol se genera una reducción aproximada de 4°C de la temperatura del aire y un aumento de las 6,03 unidades de la humedad relativa, al igual que, un aumento de 0,15 m/s de la velocidad del viento. La sombra proyectada por los árboles de tamaños (pequeño, mediano y grande) presentaron una disminución de la temperatura (3,18 °C, 4,19 °C y 3,43 °C), respectivamente, y un aumento de la humedad relativa (5,30 unidades, 7,31 unidades y 5,52 unidades). Las especies de tamaño mediano presentan un mejor resultado de la regulación del microclima, los cuales, representan un aumento de la humedad relativa de 7,31 unidades y una disminución de la temperatura de 4,19 °C. De todas las especies estudiadas; la especie Licania tomentosa presentó los mejores resultados en la regulación del microclima en términos de comparación temperatura y humedad relativa. Por tal motivo, Se llegó a la conclusión de que los árboles de tamaño medio presentaban los mejores resultados en la mejora microclimática. <![CDATA[Sazonalidade dos elementos do clima e sua influência na serapilheira em uma floresta sucessional na Amazônia oriental]]> Resumo A produção e decomposição da serapilheira é importante no funcionamento e na dinâmica de um ecossistema florestal, associando variáveis climatológicas à biomassa. Com isso, investigou-se o estoque de serapilheira em função da sozanalidade dos elementos do clima em uma floresta sucessional na Amazônia oriental. O estudo foi conduzido em uma floresta sucessional, na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), Pará. No ecossistema foi realizada uma amostragem aleatória em três transectos alocados ao longo da perpendicular da linha de borda de 50 m. A análise do efeito da sazonalidade dos elementos do clima nas propriedades físicas (volume, espessura, densidade e massa seca) e no carbono da serapilheira foram realizadas utilizando o teste t student e ANOVA do teste F a 5 % de significância. A precipitação (495,2±125 mm e 109,8±60 mm) e a umidade relativa do ar (89,0±1,7 % e 79,6±2,8 %) apresentaram diferença estatística na sazonalidade (p&lt;0,05), diferente da temperatura (27,1±0,2 ºC e 27,6±0,3 ºC) que não houve diferença. As variáveis da serapilheira não foram influenciadas pela sazonalidade dos elementos do clima e não diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos chuvoso e menos chuvoso, respectivamente: quantidade de serapilheira acumulada (16,46±4,17 Mg ha-1 e 13,91±7,61 Mg ha-1), estoque de carbono da serapilheira (7,9±2,0 Mg ha-1 e 6,6 ± 3,61 Mg ha-1), volume (26,21±0,92 cm3 e 24,88±0,92 cm3), espessura (4,19±0,92 cm e 3,99±0,95 cm) e densidade (0,041±0,92 g/cm3 e 0,034±0,92 g/cm3). A sazonalidade dos elementos do clima não apresentou variação considerável a ponto de alterar as propriedades físicas e o carbono da serapilheira.<hr/>Abstract The production and decomposition of litter is important in the functioning and dynamic of a forest ecosystem, associating climatological variables to biomass. With that, the litter stock was investigated due to the seasonality of the climate in a successional forest in eastern Amazon. The study was conducted in a successional forest, in the metropolitan region of Belém (RMB), Pará. In the ecosystem, a random sampling was performed in three transects located along the perpendicular of the 50m border line. The analysis of the effect of the seasonality of the elements of the climate on the litter physical properties (volume, thickness, density and dry mass) and carbon content were carried out using the t Student test and ANOVA of the F test at 5 % significance level. Precipitation (495.2 ± 125 mm and 109.8 ± 60 mm) and relative humidity (89.0 ± 1.7 % and 79.6 ± 2.8 %) showed a statistical difference in seasonality (p&lt;0.05), different from the temperature (27.1 ± 0.2 ºC and 27.6 ± 0.3 ºC), there was no difference. The litter variables were not influenced by the seasonality of the elements of the climate and did not differ statistically between the rainy and less rainy periods, respectively: amount of accumulated litter (16.46 ± 4.17 Mg.ha-1 and 13.91 ± 7.61 Mg.ha-1), litter carbon stock (7.9 ± 2, 0 Mg.ha-1 and 6.6 ± 3.61 Mg.ha-1), volume (26.21 ± 0.92cm3 and 24.88 ± 0.92 cm3), thickness (4.19 ± 0.92 cm and 3.99 ± 0.95 cm) and density (0.041 ± 0.92 g/cm3 and 0.034 ± 0.92 g/cm3). The seasonality of the elements of the climate did not show considerable variation to the point of altering the litter physical properties and carbon content. <![CDATA[Estaquia caulinar herbácea e semilenhosa de <em>Aegiphila brachiata</em> Vell. (Lamiaceae)]]> Resumo Aegiphila brachiata Vell., conhecida como peloteiro, é uma espécie arbustivo-arbórea nativa do bioma Mata Atlântica do sul e sudeste brasileiro, com potencial para reflorestamento de áreas degradadas, como planta alimentícia e medicinal. Contudo, existem poucos trabalhos que elucidem sua propagação, tanto sexuada como assexuada. Visando a elaboração de um protocolo de propagação vegetativa de A. brachiata, objetivouse avaliar a viabilidade da técnica de estaquia a partir de ramos herbáceos (Experimento I) e semilenhosos (Experimento II). O material foi coletado a partir de 20 árvores adultas no município de Bocaiuva do Sul (Paraná, Brasil). Para ambos os experimentos, as estacas foram coletadas na primavera (outubro/2019) e verão (janeiro/2020) e submetidas a tratamentos com ácido indol butírico (IBA) (0, 3000, 6000, 9000, 12000 mg L-1), sendo mantidas em casa de vegetação por 60 dias. Foram avaliadas as variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, número e comprimento das três maiores raízes por estaca, porcentagem de estacas vivas, com calos, mortas e manutenção das folhas nas estacas. No Experimento I, a taxa de sobrevivência foi ao redor de 20 %. As duas estações do ano apresentaram diferença significativa para formação de calos, que foi maior durante o verão (17,7 % contra 4,3 % na primavera). A aplicação de IBA, nas condições estudadas, não levou a nenhuma diferença significativa nas variáveis analisadas. O Experimento II apresentou 100 % de mortalidade. Não foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios para a propagação da espécie devido à baixa taxa de enraizamento. Sendo assim, não foi possível determinar um protocolo viável de estaquia para Aegiphila brachiata.<hr/>Abstract Aegiphila brachiata Vell. (Lamiaceae), known as peloteiro, is a shrub-tree species native to Mata Atlântica from the southern region of Brazil, with a potential use for reforestation of degraded areas, as food and as medicinal plant. However, there are few studies that elucidate its propagation, both sexual and asexual. In this study, we seek to elaborate a protocol for the vegetative propagation by cuttings of A. brachiata. For this, two experiments were installed: herbaceous cuttings (Experiment I) and semi-hard cuttings (Experiment II). The material was collected from 20 adult trees in Bocaiuva do Sul (Paraná, Brazil). Both experiments were collected in two seasons: spring (October/2019) and summer (January/2020). The cuttings were treated with different concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA) (0 mg L-1; 3000 mg L-1; 6000 mg L-1; 9000 mg L-1; 12000 mg L-1) and maintained during 60 days in a green house. The variables analyzed were: percentage of rooted cuttings, number and length of the three longer roots per cutting, percentage of cuttings alive, with callus, dead, with buds and maintenance of leaves. On Experiment I, the survival rate was 20 %. A significant difference was observed in the seasons for callus formation, that was higher during summer (17.7 % against 4,3 % during spring). The application of IBA, under the studied conditions, did not lead to any significant difference in the analyzed variables. Experiment II showed 100 % mortality. Therefore, it was not possible to determine a viable cutting protocol for Aegiphila brachiata due to the low rooting rate. <![CDATA[Volume, incremento e crescimento em povoamentos clonais e seminais de Teca com danos na copa]]> Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi ajustar modelos de volume e crescimento e analisar os incrementos de clones e material seminal de Teca aos seis anos influenciados por quebra de copa. Foram medidos o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e a altura comercial (hc) e total (h) de árvores de teca em um experimento de blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos clonais e um seminal de Teca. Foram cubadas 10 árvores de cada tratamento e comparada as médias dos volumes, ajustando modelos de volume e crescimento (DAP, h e volume). O modelo de Schumacher-Hall foi escolhido para o clone 68 e para os demais tratamentos o de Prodan Modificado. O crescimento foi expresso pelo modelo de Moissev para DAP e volume e Backman para altura. O ICA e IMA para DAP e h são afetados negativamente por danos na copa e os clones tiveram os maiores ganhos em produtividade, destacando o clone 61.<hr/>Abstract In this study, the main important plants collected by the stingless bee Trigona fulviventris were determined in a secondary dry forest fragment in Pocosol, Guanacaste during the rainy season. A total of 26 pollen types were obtained by collecting individuals of Trigona fulviventris these corresponded mainly representative species of herbs and shrubs. In addition, although there was unusual phenology through the year of the study, a collection of plants was carried out in order to covering the most important species according within the flight range of this species (300-500 m). For the palinological analysis a combination of methods were used and the results showed a convergence of 27% of coincidence when comparing both pollen collected by the bees and plant sources. In addition, the presence of the most representative species at the time of study at the site (Baltimora recta and Dorstenia contrajerva) was determined using ecological indexes. Moreover it was able to demonstrate a generalist behavior of T. fulviventris regarding the search for limited nutritional. The aim of the study was to adjust volume and growth models and analyze the increments of six years old teak clones and seminal material influenced by canopy breakage. Diameter at breast height (DBH), commercial (hc) and total height (h) were measured in a randomized block experiment in with five treatments using clonal and seminal teak material. Ten trees from each treatment were cubed and the mean volumes were compared models (DBH, h and volume). Schumacher-Hall model was chosen for clone 68 and the Modified Prodan model for the other treatments. DBH and volume were expressed by the Moissev model and height by the Backman model. DBH and h CAI and MAI are negatively affected by canopy damage and clones had the greatest gains in productivity, especially the clone 61.