Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Lankesteriana]]> vol. 23 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[A new species of <em>Lepanthes</em> (Pleurothallidinae) in honour of ''Bachué'', the mythological mother of the indigenous Muisca people]]> Abstract During an expedition in which we randomly placed 341 plots across a large elevation range (1100- 3880 m) and spatial gradient (~270 km) in the Eastern Cordillera, we found a new species of the genus Lepanthes in Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque, Boyaca, Colombia. We propose L. bachue as a new species that is most similar to L. papallactae but it differs in its proliferous plants (vs. non proliferous), the petals with the upper lobe 2.5 mm long, the lower lobe 4.5 mm long, larger than the upper one, and the margins fimbriate (vs. lobes subequal, 4.5 mm long and shortly pubescent) and the lip with the blades oblong, sub-sigmoid, adnate to the middle of the column with a short oblong, bifid, an appendix hiding in the middle (vs. blades narrowly elliptical-oblong, adnate to the column above the middle with a recurved pedunculate, biglandular appendix). Our extensive sampling across different areas suggests that this species is geographically restricted and highly specialized in terms of habitat. Thus, it is urgent to protect its natural habitat and population.<hr/>Resumen En expediciones en la Cordillera Oriental, durante un muestreo aleatorio de 341 cuadrantes a lo largo de un amplio gradiente elevacional (1100-3880 m) y geográfico (~270 km), encontramos una especie nueva del género Lepanthes en el Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque, Boyacá, Colombia. Proponemos L. bachue como especie nueva similar a L. papallactae pero difiere por su crecimiento prolifero (vs. no prolifero), el lóbulo superior del labelo de 2.5 mm de largo, el lóbulo inferior 4.5 mm de largo, más largo que el lóbulo superior, y márgenes fimbriados (vs. lobulos de tamaño similar, 4.5 mm de largo cortamente pubescentes) y las láminas del labelo oblongas, sub-sigmoides, adnado a la mitad de la columna con un apéndice amarillo, corto, oblongo, bífido escondido en la mitad (vs. láminas estrechamente elíptico-oblongas, adnado a la mitad de la columna con un apéndice biglandular recurvado). Nuestro amplio muestreo, en términos de elevación y geográfico, evidencia que la nueva especie está geográficamente restringida al Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque presentando un alto nivel de especialización de hábitat, por tanto, es necesario proteger su hábitat natural y la población conocida hasta ahora. <![CDATA[<em>Masdevallia leonor-baeziana</em> (Pleurothallidinae): a new species from the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquetá, Colombia]]> Abstract We describe and illustrate a new species of Masdevallia from the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Caquetá, Colombia. Masdevallia leonor-baeziana belongs to Masdevallia subsect. Saltatrices, within to the M. constricta group. It is most similar to M. constricta, but it can be distinguished by the shorter sepals and sepaline tails that do not surpass the tube length, and the shorter, sigmoid-ovate lip. We proposed categorizing the species as Critically Endangered (CR) based on the B and D IUCN red list criteria.<hr/>Resumen Describimos e ilustramos una nueva especie de Masdevallia del piedemonte Andino-Amazónico de Caquetá, Colombia. Masdevallia leonor-baeziana pertenece a Masdevallia subsecc. Saltatrices, dentro del grupo M. constricta. Es similar a M. constricta, pero puede diferenciarse por los sépalos y colas sepalinas más cortos que no sobrepasan el largo del tubo, y el labelo más corto, sigmoide-ovado. Proponemos la categorización de la especie como Críticamente Amenazada (CR) siguiendo los criterios B y D de la lista roja de la IUCN. <![CDATA[<em>Pinalia elata</em> (Eriinae) - taxonomic and conservation assessments of a lesser-known narrow endemic orchid from Peninsular Malaysia]]> Abstract Pinalia elata is an attractive endemic species of Peninsular Malaysia, known from only six localities within the Titiwangsa mountain range where it is confined to montane vegetation. However, four of these localities are now threatened by anthropogenic factors, raising concerns about the ongoing survival of this endemic species in the wild. Despite efforts to understand the conservation status of Malaysian orchid species, there remains much work to be done, particularly for endemic species confined to remote and mountainous areas. Therefore, this paper provides a detailed morphological description, photographic illustrations for easy identification of the species, and a conservation assessment based on the IUCN Classification Criteria. Morphologically, P. elata can be easily distinguished from the other Pinalia species in Peninsular Malaysia by its erect inflorescences with well-spaced, closed flowers along the apical half, subtended by prominently large purplish-brown bracts. The flowers resemble buds with the labellum hidden by the petals and sepals. A preliminary risk-of-extinction assessment categorizes P. elata as critically endangered, CR A2acd C2a(i) D, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. <![CDATA[Orchids of the Southern Cone (1830-2000) - Part III. Karl Friedrich Reiche's <em>Orchidaceae Chilensis</em> and a commentary about Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Kraenzlin's <em>Orchidacearum Genera Et Species</em> (Vol. 2, Part I)]]> Abstract Karl Reiche (1860-1929), a German botanist, arrived in Chile in 1889 as a professor at the Lyceum in the city of Constitución. He was attracted by the country's climate and its traditional friendliness to German immigrants. A few years later, in 1897, Federico Phillippi, Director of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, welcomed Reiche as the new Head of the Botanical Section, a position he held until 1910. During his 21 years in Chile, Reiche worked intensively on the Chilean flora and was a prolific writer. Besides six volumes of the Estudios críticos de la Flora de Chile (1896-1911), several editions of Reiche's Plant Geography of Chile were published (1907, 1934-1937, 2013), a magnificent essay on Chiles' Orchidaceae, Orchidaceae Chilensis (1910, reprint 2007), and several other minor works. On Reiche's suggestion, The Museo Nacional engaged Friedrich Kraenzlin (1847-1934) to write a treatment of the orchids of the Southern Cone. It was published in 1904 as the second volume of Orchidacearum Genera et Species. This work was widely criticized by many botanists, including Reiche himself. <![CDATA[Colombian Orchidaceae: catalogue of the Pleurothallidinae]]> Abstract Colombia is a major biodiversity hotspot, having one of the richest orchid floras in the world. The country spans over a million square kilometers of land, hosting a multitude of different ecosystems thanks to the complexity of its mountainous systems and influences from neighboring countries in Central and South America, as well as the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines. Prior studies found an estimated 3591-4270 species of orchids occurring in Colombia, making it the most species-rich plant family in the country. About 35% of those orchids are members of the Pleurothallidinae subtribe, the largest group in the family and also that with the highest rate of species discovery. Here we record 1862 species of pleurothallids for the country, a significant increase from the 1286-1529 range estimated just a few years ago. We expect Pleurothallidinae to represent close to half the Colombian orchid flora. Colombia hosts roughly one-third of all currently known taxa in the subtribe, and close to 60% of these species are found nowhere else in the world. These are clear indicators that the country is a highly important center of pleurothallid diversity and a key target for their conservation. The most species rich genera in the country are Stelis (521 species), Lepanthes (377 species), Pleurothallis (248 species) and Masdevallia (171 species). Country-level distribution is given for each accepted species. The closest floristic affinity is found with Ecuador, with which Colombia shares over 76% of the non-endemic Pleurothallidinae species, followed in the distance by Venezuela and Peru, with just above one-quarter of the non-endemics being shared. Numerous new country records are presented in the catalogue, many of which are illustrated with color photographs. We provide a full list of homotypic synonyms for each accepted taxon, as well as an annotated list of excluded taxa and newly proposed synonyms. Heterotypic synonyms are not listed, unless they are based on Colombian material. Typification for each accepted species is presented, with lectotypes, neotypes and epitypes being selected whenever necessary and available, as well as information regarding published illustrations.<hr/>Resumen Colombia es uno de los mayores centros de biodiversidad, y cuenta con una de las floras de orquídeas más ricas del mundo. Ocupa más de un millón de kilómetros cuadrados de territorio, albergando una gran diversidad de ecosistemas gracias a sus complejos sistemas montañosos, la cercanía a varios países vecinos de Centro y Sudamérica, y la influencia de las costas sobre el Atlántico y el Pacífico. Estudios previos estimaron que Colombia cuenta con alrededor de 3591-4270 especies de orquídeas, siendo la familia de plantas de mayor diversidad en el país. Alrededor de un 35% de las orquídeas reportadas de Colombia son miembros de la subtribu Pleurothallidinae, el grupo más diverso de la familia y aquel con la mayor tasa de novedades descritas. Aquí registramos 1862 especies de esta subtribu en el país, un incremento significativo del rango de 1286-1529 especies estimado solo unos pocos años atrás. Esperamos que las especies de Pleurothallidinae representen cerca de la mitad de la flora de orquídeas colombiana. Colombia alberga cerca de una tercera parte de todas las especies que se conocen en la subtribu, y casi el 60% de estas no ocurren en ningún otro lugar del mundo. Estos son indicadores claros que Colombia es un importante centro de diversidad de estas plantas y un sitio clave para su conservación. Los géneros más diversos en el país son Stelis (521 especies), Lepanthes (377 especies), Pleurothallis (248 especies) y Masdevallia (171 especies). Para cada especie aceptada se indica la distribución a nivel de país. La afinidad florística más estrecha se encuentra con Ecuador, con quien Colombia comparte más del 76% de las especies no endémicas de Pleurothallidinae. Le siguen a distancia Venezuela y Perú, con los que se comparten poco más de un cuarto de las especies no endémicas. En el catálogo presentamos numerosos nuevos registros para el país, muchos de ellos ilustrados con fotografías. Se proporciona una lista completa de sinónimos homotípicos para las especies aceptadas, así como una lista anotada de taxones excluidos y nuevas sinonimias. Los sinónimos heterotípicos no se listan a menos que sean basados en material colombiano. Se presenta la tipificación para cada especie aceptada, con lectotipos, neotipos y epitipos siendo seleccionados cuando es necesario y hay material disponible, y se incluye información sobre ilustraciones representativas publicadas. <![CDATA[A new species of <em>Pleurothallis</em> (Pleurothallidinae) from the southwestern Andes of Colombia in the National Natural Park Farallones de Cali]]> Abstract A new species of Pleurothallis from subsection Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae is described and illustrated. The new species is compared with Pleurothallis folsomii from Panama. Pleurothallis celsia is most similar to a group of species with small, yellow flowers but it can be recognized mainly by its lip, which is widely ovate, the surface and margin pilose and papillate, and the base of the glenion densely vesiculose.<hr/>Resumen Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Pleurothallis de la subsección Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae. La especie nueva se compara con Pleurothallis folsomii de Panamá. Pleurothallis celsia es similar a un grupo de especies con flores pequeñas, amarillas, pero se puede reconocer principalmente por su labelo, que es ampliamente ovado, con la superficie y el margen pilosos y papilados, y la base del glenion densamente vesiculosa. <![CDATA[<em>Epidendrum edquenii</em> (Laeliinae), a new species from a montane wet forest of the Private Conservation Area La Pampa Del Burro, Amazonas, Peru]]> Abstract A new species, Epidendrum edquenii, is described and illustrated from the Private Conservation Area La Pampa del Burro, department of Amazonas, northeastern Peru. It belongs to the informal Takulumena group, characterized by Vanda-like monopodial stems with basal or lateral, successive inflorescences. The new species is distinguished by its non-pubescent, red flowers with green dorsal surface, margins, and apices of the sepals and petals, yellow-green base of column and disc of lip, acuminate sepals 9.5-10.7 mm long, narrowly ovate petals with the margin densely and shortly ciliate, and widely triangular lip, 6.0 × 9.5 mm, with the margin scarcely papillose. A list and an identification key for the previously known species of the Takulumena group are provided. Furthermore, the new name Epidendrum vulcanitungurahuae is proposed to replace the illegitimate combination Epidendrum tungurahuae, predated by E. tunguraguae.<hr/>Resumen Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie, Epidendrum edquenii, del Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro, departamento de Amazonas, noreste de Perú. Pertenece al grupo informal Takulumena, que se caracteriza por sus plantas monopodiales con tallos similares a Vanda e inflorescencias sucesivas, basales o laterales. La nueva especie se distingue por las flores rojas, no pubescentes, con superficie dorsal, márgenes y apices de sépalos y pétalos verdes, base de la columna y disco del labelo amarillo-verde, sépalos acuminados 9.5-10.7 mm de largo, pétalos angostamente ovados con el margen densa y cortamente ciliado y el labelo, ampliamente triangular, 6.0 × 9.5 mm, con el margen escasamente papiloso. Se presenta una lista y una clave para la identificación de las especies conocidas del grupo Takulumena. Se propone el nuevo nombre Epidendrum vulcanitungurahuae para reemplazar la combinación ilegítima Epidendrum tungurahuae, antecedida por E. tunguraguae.