ISSN 1409-4142
printed version


Scope and policy

La Revista Costarricense de Cardiología (RCC) is the  official publication of the Asociación Costarricense de Cardiología. It publishes original works on all the aspects related to cardiovascular diseases.  It includes, regularly, publishing articles on basic clinical investigation or, revisions, articles or commentaries, brief communications and letters to the publisher.  The summaries of the communications accepted for the presentation in the Congresses of the Association will be published in a supplement specify of the RCC.

The original contributions (brief articles and communications) will be evaluated by the Publishing Committee of the magazine.

The publishing articles and articles of revision will publish only previous request on the part of the Publisher.

The articles admitted for publication are in property of the Asociación Costarricense de Cardiología and its total or partial reproduction will have properly to be authorized.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


The signatory authors of articles accept the responsibility defined by the Committee the International of Publishers of Medical Magazines, published in N Engl J Med 1991; 324: 424-428 Y en Rev Esp Cardiol 1993; 46: 2-9.

The works that are sent to Asociación Costarricense de Cardiología for evaluation they must have elaborated respecting the international recommendations on clinical investigation and with animals of laboratory, ratified in Helsinki and updated in 1981 by the American Society of Physiology.

The shipment of I articulate to the RCC implies that he is original and that previously has not been published.

Conflict of interests

When some relation between the article authors certain and any public or deprived organization exists, from which some conflict of interests could be derived, this circunstance must be communicated in separate letter the Publisher, who guarantees his confidentiality.  If the article were accepted for publication, it will remember between the authors and the Publisher the most advisable form communicate this information to the readers.

Instructions to the authors

All the manuscripts will be adapted to the publication norms.  In order to make sure it the authors they must complete the following list, marking with a cross each one of the sections, after to have verified his veracity.  Once complimented and with the corresponding signature, the manuscript will have to be sent to this list along with.  Manuscripts prepared in inadequate form will be returned to the author without being reviewed.

It is understood that the first signer of the publication takes responsibility of the norm and that the rest of the authors knows it, they participate and they are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.

Original Articles

Presentation of the manuscripts:

Three independent games of figures and tables are enclosed.

The manuscript is typed to double-spaced, by a single face, in paper bond so large letter, leaving margins of 2.5 cm. recommends a maximum of 15 pages (including figures and tables), but works of greater length will be considered in special cases.

The manuscript follows the following order 1) frontal Page;  2) Summary structured in Spanish;  3) Summary structured in English;  4) Text;  5) Bibliography;  6) Feet of figures;  7) Tables, and 8) Figures.  The pagination is numbered consecutively beginning by the frontal page.

Frontal Page

Title in spanish.

Full name of the authors in this order.

Center of origin and source of financing, in its case.

Complete mailing dress of the author to whom must go to the correspondence and separata.


The summary, with a Maxima extension of 250 words, is structured in four sections, with the following headings:  a) introduction and Objectives;  b) Methods;  c) Results, and d) Conclusions.

It is comprehensible by itself and it does not contain bibliographical appointments nor abbreviations (except the corresponding ones to the units of measurement).

It includes between 2 and 5 key words at the end of the same one.

Translation to the English of the summary and the key words is included, with identical structuring.


It consists of the following sections:  a) introduction;  b) Methods;  c) Results;  d) Discussion, and e) Conclusions, each one of them suitably headed.

They have been used less than 6 abbreviations, that properly have been explained the first time that has appeared in the text.

The abbreviations of the units of measurement are the recommended in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Sumitted to Biomedical Joumal. International Committee of Medical Joumal Editors (N Engl Med 1991; 324:424-428) y en Requisitos de uniformidad para la remisión de manuscritos a revistas biomédicas. Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas (Rev Esp Cardiol 1993,,46.,2-9).

Gratefulness appear at the end of the text.


They are not included, between the bibliographical appointments, personal communications, manuscripts or any data nonpublished.  All it, nevertheless, can be including, between parenthesis, within the text.

The bibliographical references are mentioned in numerical sequence in agreement with their order of appearance in the text.

For the reference to medical magazines the same abbreviations are used that appear in Index Médicus: List of Journals indexed, so and as they are published in the number of January of every year.

The style and the score of the references follow the format that is recommended in requirements of uniformity for the biomedical remission of manuscripts to magazines. Comité internacional Editores de Revistas Médicas. (Rev Esp Cardiol 1993; 46:2-9 y N Eng J Med 1991; 324: 424-428).

Medical Magazine.  List of all the authors, without using commas after the initials, that must appear in capital letters;  if the number of authors is superior to six, the six will be included first, adding Latin particle "Et al".  Example:

11. Waters DD, Théroux P, Szlachcic J, Dauwe F. Provocative testing with ergonovine to assess the eficacy of treatment with nifedipine, diltiazem and verapamil in variant angina. Am J Cardiol 1981; 48: 123-130.

13. Villacastin JP, Almendral J, Arena¡ A, Ormaetxe J, Esteban E, Alberca T et al. Ablación mediante catéter de vías accesorias auriculoventriculares utilizando radiofrecuencia. Rev Esp Cardiol 1992; 45: 175-182.

Book chapter:  List of authors following the norms described previously.  Example:

23. Woodward B, Mannin AS. Reperfusion arrhythmias: are the free radicals involved? En: Hearse DJ, Manning AS, Janse M, editores. Lifethreatening arrhythmias. Nueva York: Raven Press, 1987; 115-134.


The figures corresponding to graphs and drawings are sent by means of reproduction of high quality, in laser printer, or through photographic reproduction, using the black color for lines and text.  The minimum size is of 13 x 18 cm.

For the figures that demand discharge quality (ecocardiográficos registries, angiográficas images, microscopic or macrocospic pieces, cutaneous injuries or alterations, etc.)  photographic reproduction in shining paper is used, with a minimum size of 13 x 18 cm.

Three copies of each figure are sent.

All the reproductions are of high resistance.  The graphs, symbols, letters, etc., are of reduced size sufficient to be able to identify clearly the being and black outline for its accomplishment has been used (manual rotulaciones were not accepted).

In reverso of the figures the position by means of an arrow is indicated and it includes the number of order and title of the work, omitting the name of the authors.  The special details are indicated with arrows, using for these and any other type of symbols the layout of maximum resistance with respect to the figure.

The title of the figure appears in its corresponding legend and not in the own figure.

The feet of figures are included aside in leaf.  At the end of each legend the used abbreviations are identified, by alphabetical order.

The figures do not include data that allow to know the origin the work or the identity of the patient.  The photographies of people are made so that these are not identifiable, or in the documentation sent to the Publisher the consent of its use on the part of the photographed person consists.


They are classified with Arabic numbers, in agreement with its order of appearance in the text.

Each table is restricted to a single page.

They include a title in the superior part and in the inferior part the abbreviations used by alphabetical order are described.

The content is explanatory and the data that it includes do not appear in the text nor in the figures.

Brief communications

Three copies of the communication are sent, including three independent games of figures and tables.

The manuscript is typed to double-spaced, by a single face, in paper bond so large letter, leaving margins of 2,5 cm.

The manuscript follows the following order:  1) frontal page;  2) summary in Spanish (100-150 words), not structured, with 2-5 key words;  3) summary in English, with 2-5 key words;  4) introduction, 5) Presentation of the case;  6) bibliography;  7) feet of figures, and 8) tables.

The pagination is numbered consecutively, beginning by the frontal page.

The maximum extension is of 500 words (5 folios) and contains a maximum of 3 figures and 8 bibliographical appointments.

Computer science support

It is sent, simultaneously to the written text, its complete recording in diskette 3,5 inches, using anyone of the text processors for computers type PC, compatible PC or Macintosh.  This norm does not prevail for the figures. (signature and nº of certificate of the author)

(Explanation of the signature in letter presses )

Sending of manuscripts

All the manuscripts will be sent to the Publisher, to the offices for authorized of the Asociación Costarricense de Cardiología, Clínica San Angel - 2do piso, AP. 527-1200. Pavas, San José, Costa Rica. e-mail:


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Asociación Costarricense de Cardiología

Apartado 527-1200 Pavas, San José, Costa Rica
Telefone: (506) 2253-6767, ext 23
Fax: (506) 2253-2342