ISSN 2215-2636
printed version


Scope and policy

Journal of Arts and Letters of the University of Costa Rica, is a biannual publication of scientific academic character on Costa Rican, classical and international literature and the arts in general. It publishes unpublished, scientific articles of theoretical and metatheoric analysis on the area of arts and letters.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Norms of the Journal Kañina:


All articles must follow the characteristics mentioned below as well as maintain the format:


All articles must follow the characteristics mentioned below as well as maintain the format:
The Management and Editorial Board of Káñina, Journal of Arts and Letters of the University of Costa Rica, communicate to the collaborators the following guidelines to be followed for the edition of the articles in this publication.

The articles must be sent in triplicate, printed double-spaced, to the Journal Address. Along with these, the article must be delivered in digital file Word version for Macintosh and as pdf file. You can send it to or

In addition, the affiliation (full name, profession and place of work), author's address (post office box) and e-mail must be attached on a separate sheet. In the case of co-authors: the name, affiliations and addresses must be clearly indicated in a similar way. The main qualities of the author should be written at the bottom of the page with an asterisk (* Lic., Ph. D., Dr., Institution.).

The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes both national and foreign contributions. The University of Costa Rica reserves the right to articles published in the Journal.

Articles should conform to the following formal characteristics:

I. The texts, in principle, should not exceed thirty pages. They must be presented in their definitive wording, clearly and clearly, double-spaced. If possible, the font used in the text should be Times New Roman 11.

II. The articles will preferably be written in Spanish. In exceptional cases, such as when the subject matter warrants it, they may be written in German, French or English.

III. The title of the article should appear centered in Times New Roman 14, bold, uppercase. The author's name should appear attached to the right margin of the page in Times New Roman 14, italic, lowercase:



                                                                         Dorde Cuvardic García*


IV. Next, the article should include a summary in both Spanish and English of no more than two hundred words in small Times New Roman 9, which should be preceded by the word "Abstract" and "Abstract", respectively, centered on letter Times New Roman 9, bold, uppercase. Five key words of the text will be attached in both Spanish and English:



En este artículo se analiza la figura del trapero y de la trapera en la literatura, el periodismo y diversas artes visuales, sobre todo en el siglo XIX. Alegoría del escritor y del artista, esta figura conoció un gran éxito en el movimiento costumbrista francés, que lo exportó a otros países europeos. En el caso español, Mariano José de Larra y Mesonero Romanos representaron esta figura urbana en escenas urbanas. Se concluye el análisis con un reportaje publicado en el diario costarricense La nación, con el objetivo de demostrar la pervivencia del mendigo-filósofo en nuestros días.

Palabras clave: Trapero, literatura costumbrista, comparatismo interartístico.


This article analizes the image of the ‘ragman’ and the ‘ragwoman’ in literature, journalism and in different visual arts, mainly in the XIX century. The ragman, an allegory of the writer and the artist, had a great success in the Frech literature of manners, and this image was adopted by other european countries. In Spain, for example, Mariano José de Larra and Mesonero Romanos used this figure in urban scenes. At the end, this study analyzes an article published by the Costa Rican newspaper <<La Nación>> in order to show the survival of the beggar-philosopher of our days.

Key Words: Ragman, literature of manners, interartistic comparatism.


V. The titles of the parts that compose the writing should appear in Times New Roman 12 lowercase bold. The titles of the sections should appear in bold Times 12, those of the subsections in Times New Roman 12 italic. All titles must be numbered with continuous Arabic numbers as follows:


1. First part

1.1. First section of the first part

1.1.1. First subsection of the first section
1.1.2. Second subsection of the first section

1.2. Second section of the first part
2. Second part
2.1. First section of the second part


The titles of the parts, sections and subsections should not be closed with period. Two spaces should be left between the end of one part or a section and the beginning of another part or section; And a space between subsections.
SAW. A space should be left between the title line and the next paragraph.

VII. The enumeration of examples, if it is done, should be indicated by the lower case letters of the Latin alphabet, or in Arabic numerals in case the examples exceed the possibilities of the Latin alphabet, followed by a dot and followed.

VIII. Short quotations will be included in the text, indicating in brackets the author, year of publication of the work and the page. Example: (Agüero 1962: 187). If the author's explicit mention is appropriate, the year and page or pages corresponding to the quotation will be placed in brackets. Example: "According to Bakhtin (1982: 133) (...)"

IX. The bibliography will be elaborated according to the following specifications:
The order of the authors must be strictly alphabetic.
If it is a book, the order of the reference is as follows:

Surname and surname (s) of the author. Year. Title of the book (in italics). City: editorial.
A) If the authors of the work are two or three, then the names of the second and third author must appear before the surnames.
B) If the authors are more than three, then only the surnames of the first author, his name and, followed in cursive, the abbreviation et al.



Amoretti Hurtado, María. 1992. Diccionario de términos asociados en teoría literaria. San José: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.

Meyers, Kari y Gilda Pacheco. 2003. The Perceptive Process. An Introductory Guide to Literary Criticism. San José: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Ovares, Flora et al. 1993. La casa paterna. Literatura y Nación en Costa Rica. San José: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.


C) If it is a magazine article, the order of reference is as follows:

Surname and surname (s) of the author. Year of publication. Title of the work (in quotation marks). "In": Title of the journal (in italics). Number of the volume (in roman numerals) number of the number (in parentheses and in Arabic numerals, if applicable): the number of pages in which the article is included (in Arabic numerals).



Chinchilla Sánchez, Kattia. 1996. “Los misterios de Atis y Cibeles, a propósito del poema 63 de Catulo”. En: Revista Káñina XX (1-2): 87-96.


D) If it is an article included in an anthology, the order of reference is as follows:
Surname and surname (s) of the author. Year of publication. Title of the article (in quotation marks). The word "In": Last name (s) of the publisher or compiler, followed by the abbreviation "ed." Or the abbreviation "comp." In parentheses: (ed.) Or (comp.): Number of pages in which the article is included (in Arabic numerals).



Sánchez Avendaño, Carlos. “Homo Loquens: La historia de la humanidad y del lenguaje en cinco actos”. En: Antología de la Sección de Comunicación y Lenguaje de Estudios Generales: 59-74.


- In the bibliography must include the bibliographical reference of the anthological work.



Antología de la Sección de Comunicación y Lenguaje de Estudios Generales. 2003.

Signos.... San José: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.


E) If it is a thesis, the order of reference is as follows:
Surname and surname (s) of the author. Year of publication. Title of the work (in normal print). Identification of the work as thesis: Doctoral thesis, Master's thesis or Thesis: Name of the university (in Spanish).



Jiménez Díaz, Floria. 1987. Descripción componencial del mundo mitológico bribri. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad de Costa Rica.


F) If it is a document retrieved from the internet, the order of reference is as follows:
Surname and surname (s) of the author. Year of publication. Title of the work (in normal print). Website consulted. Consultation: date of consultation.

X. The notes will be included at the end of the text before the bibliography. These should appear in Times New Roman 9.



1. Los griegos acostumbraban incinerar los cuerpos de los difuntos como lo explica con claridad Heródoto a mediados del siglo V a. C. (III, 38). Este rito en el mundo helénico contrasta con la idea judeocristiana del “cuerpo glorificado”, que se une al alma en el momento del Juicio Final.


XI. Tables and tables should be numbered with continuous Arabic numerals and be spelled with the word "Table" or "Table", respectively, in capital letters 8: TABLE 3.2. This heading and the title of the table or table should appear centered on the top of this.

XII The figures, likewise, should be numbered and spelled with the word "Figure" in capital letters Times New Roman 8: FIGURE 3.2. This heading and the title of the figure should appear centered on the bottom of this.

XIII. The mention of notes, figures or graphics must be highlighted with a marker.

XIV. The images of the articles should have a backup in a separate file, the digital format of these should be psd, jpg or tiffy should be provided in a resolution of 300 dpi.

XV. If photographs or illustrations of authors who are less than 70 years of deceased are used, the corresponding written authorization of the owner of the rights will be necessary.

XVI. When an appointment or transcription is made and words are omitted, ellipsis must be used in parentheses: (...), to indicate such omission.

XVII. Extensive citations will be included in separate paragraphs, in Times 9 and single spaced. It should be remembered that quoting is not used.


El autor no se ocupa de explicar por qué comienza su libro con tantas aclaraciones, pero comenta que ahora, ya escritas, es mejor que pertenezcan ahí, justamente al comienzo de la obra, no solo para que el relato sea más extenso, sino también para que a él mismo no se le ocurre intercalar más adelante ni repetirlas en otro libro que, sobre un tema similar, se propone escribir en el futuro, cuando verdaderamente haya envejecido y su experiencia en estos asuntos haya madurado. (Durán 1997:14)


XVIII. The pages of the article should be numbered in the upper right.

* Items that do not comply with these rules will be rejected ad poros.


Sending of manuscripts

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission complies with all of the following. Authors who do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to authors.

The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation provided in Comment to the editor).

The file sent is in OpenOffice format, Microsoft Word 2010 or higher.

Web addresses have been added for references where possible.

Text has simple line spacing; The font size is 12 points; Italics are used instead of underlining (excepting URLs); And all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the whole.

The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Rules for authors, which can be found in About the journal.
If you are submitting to a section of the peer reviewed journal, you must ensure that the instructions in Securing a blind review have been followed.


Primary Contact

Ginette Sánchez Gutiérrez
Universidad de Costa Rica
Facultad de Letras, oficina 144, Universidad de Costa Rica. Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio.
Teléfono: 2511-8402
Correo electrónico:

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