Acta Pediatrica Costarricense

print version

Instructions to the authors


Norms of Publication
General considerations:

Acta Pediátrica Costarricense provides average for the communication and an interchange with ideas and works with investigation in the field with pediatric. The magazine is dedicated to all those that of one or another way they have to do with the pediatric task, medical generals, pediatric, social nurses, microbiology, farmaceutics, workers etc. It is published in cuatrimestral form and it publishes:

Articles of original investigation reporting progress and results in all the areas of  pediatric. 

Articles of review, reflecting the present knowledge in special areas, as well as the present time of the treatment. 

•Developing areas of particular interest or special articles. 
Short communications
Clinic observations with review of the literature.
Basic Squemes of described handling with the latest in Literature.
Review of books and of the literature
• Reports of Congress
• Announcements

The works of investigation in humans must indicate that consent in writing of the father, ordered has been obtained or responsible for the subject including in the investigation before being including in the same one. The protocols must be reviewed and approved by the named revisory committee to previous in the center where the investigation was made before being initiated, therefore must be in agreement with the ethical and standard postulates of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964. The reports of experiments done in animals must include a letter indicating that the "animal Principles well-taken care of in the laboratory"     (NIH, publication no. 86-23, reviewed in 1985) were followed, as well as the national laws for the protection of the animals in respective countries.

Editor-Chief reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not fulfill the requirements previously mentioned. The authors will become people in charge of any affirmation false or any fault to fulfill the previous requirements. The magazine is for the publication of  supplements and abstracts of the National and International Congresses open. The conditions can be obtained through their Chief of a main director. 


The articles are accepted for their publication, single if they have not been published in his totality or partly by another magazine, although this one is in another language (except in form of abstract or summary). All the manuscripts must be accompanied by machote signed by the authors where faith occurs of which the manuscript is original and it is not being considered or it has been published by another magazine and that all the authors know the content and they are in agreement with the same one. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors automatically transfer the right of Copyright to the        publishing company, in this case to the Asociación Costarricense de Pediatría and accept that she will not be published in any other magazine whatever is their  language, without the consent of the owners of the Copyright. All the articles published in this magazine are protected by copyright, that covers the exclusive right to reproduce and to distribute the article, as well as their translations. No material published in this magazine can be reproduced photographically, to be kept in microfilm, electronic bases of data, video, floppy disks, etc. without obtaining the first necessary permission of the publishers.

It is considered that the information presented/displayed for its publication in the magazine is true and stays to date to the day of acceptance of the manuscript. The opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily the same ones of the publishers or the publishing house. Neither the publishers nor the publishing house become guarantors by any product or service announced in this publication. Neither the authors, nor the publishers or the publishing house become people in charge by any error or omission that is committed during the publication process. 

Preparation of manuscripts:

All the manuscripts must be sent by duplicate to the publishing head of the     magazine:

Ramón Rivera
Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos
Hospital Nacional de Niños " Dr. Carlos
Sáenz Herrera"
Apartado 1654-1 000
San José, Costa Rica
Tel y Fax +(506) 255 2239 6 +(506) 221 6821

All the manuscripts are received in format of 81/2 x 11 inches (22 xs 28 cm), to machine or forms in computer with quality of impression, sequentially numbered,  to double-spaced and with liberal margins, approximately 25 lines by page.  Front page must include the title, the name of all the authors with its respective academic titles, as well as institutional and/or university affiliation. One will be due to include the name and the exact direction, telephone, fax and electronic  mail (if it applies) of the author to whom is due to direct the correspondence. Of being possible a floppy disk is due to include (which will be given back to him)  with the text, enumerating the name of the file as well as of the used program.  

All the original articles of investigation must include a summary of 200 words or             less than it will appear after front page where the investigation of the same form is described that in the main content. (Objective, design, site of accomplishment, materials and methods, results and conclusions). It is asked for enclose at least 5 key words. 

The text of must divide in introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references. 

Gratefulness are due to place in the end before the section of references. In the section of materials and methods one is due to be I specify with respect to the statistical analysis that made in the investigation. Mention to or the used programs of computer is due to do (ej. Epi-info 6, for Centers disease control and prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., 1994). The references will be placed numbered according to the appearance order in the text, following the published international format in N Eng J Med 1991; 324:424-6, with the abbreviations for the magazines as they appear in  accumulated lndex  Medico or the Medline: 

-Article of journal: Pérez RA, Sonora TW, Peters V. lnmunodeficiencia en los niños.  JAMA 1912.130:345-9. If they are more than six authors, to soon include first three and et al.

-Books: Zamora JL.  Como presentar un manuscrito.  San José: Editorial Costa Rica, 1980: 72-95,

-Chapter of a book: Pérez RA.  La bibliografía.En: Zamora JL, ed. Como presentar un manuscrito.  San José: Editorial Costa Rica, 1980: 94-9.

The tables, pictures or graphs must be understandable in case single, they must come in a separate leaf and written to double-spaced, it does not have to duplicate the text. Each one in a separate leaf with a brief title. If this one has been published previously, a footnote must establish with total credit its origin. The graphs must have very good quality since they will be published equal to his presentation. If it is possible like the text the name and the used program will be given in the same floppy disk, expressing (Harvard Graphics, Power Point, Excel, MS Graphics). The publication of graphs is in black and white reason why palette    used for the graphs must be the same one.

It is possible the publication of photographies and graphs to all color, as long as these are of excellent quality (single original) and in case the cost is superior to which the magazine considers suitable, or the authors must cover the cost with the color separation and impression. 

Articles of Review: 
He is specially critical with this type of articles since they are generally a revision or update on a specific subject and all asseveration must be accompanied of a recent reference on the matter. They must have a logical order with introduction, average text and conclusions. If it is desired to develop some subject in individual, is advisable to put in contact with the publisher or the director on the subjects of importance at the moment. Articles will not be received that do not make the references adapted in the text. A usual article of revision must contain 20 references at least. 

Acta Pediátrica Costarricense is official publication of the Asociación Costarricense de Pediatría (ACOPE).  The Acta translation all rights reserved all and reproduction, according to the  Pan-American Convention and the International of author rights. The publication of publicity in the magazine confers no endorsement neither of the magazine nor of the Association to or announced products. The published works have author  right and are protected by the Copyright that belongs to ACOPE, which in a while determined can arise like defender from such. 

Announcements: Acta Pediátrica Costarricense is consenting to publish any announcement referring to programs of continuous medical education. Any request of impression of the announcements must go to the direction of the Magazine. 

Impresión Comercial de la Nación S.A.

Layout y Editorial:
Dr. Ramón Rivera

Board Editorial

Tiraje : 1800 units.
San José, Costa Rica.

[About of the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

© 2001 Asociación Costarricense de Pediatría
Apartado 1654-1 000
San José, Costa Rica.