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Revista Educación
versão On-line ISSN 2215-2644versão impressa ISSN 0379-7082


Educación vol.43 no.2 San José, San Pedro, Montes de Oca Jul./Dez. 2019

 Artículos Científicos
 ·  Exploring Postgraduate Socioeconomics Programs in Spanish-Speaking Countries
de la O, Dyalá; Fedorov, Andrei N; Urra Urbieta, J. Anastasio; Arzadun, Paula

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 ·  A new postgraduate program in intercultural-studies: the Masters Program in Nahua Indigenous Culture and Language at the University of Veracruz, Mexico
Bernal-Lorenzo, Daisy; Figueroa-Saavedra, Miguel

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 ·  Factors that Influence Academic Performance: Analyzing Gender Differences in Accounting Students
Martí-Ballester, Carmen Pilar

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 ·  Socio-Emotional Skills in Educational Communities: Contributions to Integral Teacher Training
Aristulle, Patricia del Carmen; Paoloni-Stente, Paola Verónica

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 ·  Perceptions of Chilean Sign for Teaching Deaf Students: Teaching and Co-teaching as Historical Subjects Communicatively Positioned in the Classroom
Morales–Acosta, Gina

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 ·  Characterizing Social Practices Associated with the Origins of Mathematical Induction: An Exploratory Study among Engineering Students
Cruz Quiñones, María De los Ángeles; Portillo Lara, Héctor Jesús; Tchoshanov, Mourat; Flores García, Sergio; Ramírez Sandoval, Osiel

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 ·  Returning to Comfort Zones and Interdisciplinary Projects? One High School´s Experience in Southern Argentina
Carranza, Pablo; Sgreccia, Natalia; Quijano, María de la Trinidad; Goin, Martin; Chrestia, Mabel

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 ·  School Performance and Video Games among Middle School Students in the Municipality of La Estrella- Antioquia (Colombia)
Restrepo Escobar, Sandra Milena; Arroyave Taborda, Leisy Magdaly; Arboleda Sierra, Wilmer

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 ·  Characteristics of International Relations Postgraduate Program Graduates
Fonseca-Hernández, Raúl; Cascante-Segura, Carlos Humberto

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 ·  From the University to the Job Market: Graduates from Michoacana University (Mexico)
Zalapa Lúa, Elsa Edith; Silva Riquer, Jorge; Favila Tello, Antonio

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 ·  Didactic Planning Strategies for Teachers of Mathematics
Pérez González, Andel; Valdés Rojas, Martha Beatriz; Garriga González, Ana Teresa

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 ·  Medical School Students from a State University in Tabasco (Mexico): A Look at Graduates
Guzmán Priego, Crystell Guadalupe; Baeza Flores, Guadalupe del Carmen; Guzmán Priego, Laura Beatriz

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 ·  Leadership Skills that Motivate School Principals at Subsidized Private Schools in Regional V, Chile
Castro Castro, Soledad Andrea; Flores Castillo, Francis; Cornejo Garcés, César Alejandro; Castro Castro, Marjorie Alejandra

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 ·  A Didactic Cultural Heritage: A Study on Mathematical Teacher Education and Teaching the Concept of Area
Morales Paredes, Hernán; González Méndez, Ricardo

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 ·  Teacher Education and Assessment based on a Proficiency Profile: A Proposal from a Reflective Practice Perspective
Arreola Rico, Roxana Lilian

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 ·  Loyalty among Collaborators at a Private Higher Education Institution: A Case Study in Celaya, Guanajuato, México
Godínez López, Roberto; Luna Correa, José Enrique; Macías Salinas, Silvia

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 ·  Indirect Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback and its Effect on Grammar Acquisition in EFL Preservice Teachers at a Chilean University
Ortiz Navarrete, Mabel; Fuica, María Angélica; Sáez Sáez, Lorena

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 ·  Inquiry-Based Science Education: Analysis of Didactic Conceptions of Primary School Teachers in Costa Rica Based on a Complexity Model
Retana-Alvarado, Diego Armando; Vázquez-Bernal, Bartolomé

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 ·  Prison College Education: Achievements, Difficulties and Needs
Murillo Leiva, William

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 ·  The Relationship between Virtual Classrooms and Academic Performance among NursingStudents in a University of Costa Rica Biochemistry Course
Granados-Zúñiga, Jorge

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 ·  A Teaching Environment that Favors Learning. A Study at the University of Atacama (Cuba) Faculty of Engineering
González-Maura, Viviana Lázara; López-Rodríguez, Alejandro; Valdivia-Díaz, Jorge Eduardo; Carvajal-Coello, Karina

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 ·  Ageism in the School: Do Stereotypes about Ageing Exist among Future Teachers?
Gutiérrez Moret, Margarita; Mayordomo Rodríguez, Teresa

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 ·  An Exploratory Study on the Knowledge of Memory Processes Teachers
Federico Muchiut, Álvaro; Vaccaro, Paola; Zapata, Rocío Beatriz; Segovia, Ana Paula

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 ·  Educational Design and Emerging Professional Activities based on Cognitive Skills: Social Conflict Mediation
Iglesias Ortuño, Emilia de los Ángeles

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 ·  Carmen Lyra, Teacher: Following the Footsteps of Pedgagogical Eclecticism
Rubio Torres, Carlos

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 ·  Training in Tolerance – Learning to Self-Regulate Emotions
Rodríguez Ortiz, Angélica María; Zapata Blandón, Edilberto

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 ·  Psychological Care Needs for Underperforming College Students with Clinical and Subclinical Symptoms
Mayorga-Lascano, Marlon; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo

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 ·  Dispositional Strategies and Meaningful Learning in Virtual Classrooms
Duarte- Herrera, Marcela; Montalvo Apolín, Danitza Elfi; Valdes Lozano, Dora Elia

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 ·  The Need for Active Methodologies at the Reino de Inglaterra School
Cano de la Cruz, Yullio; Aguiar Monar, Jenniffer Cristina; Mendoza Román, Mishell Carolina

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 ·  Novice EFL Teacher Perceptions on their Past Mentoring Experience
Vásquez Carrosa, Claudio; Rosas-Maldonado, Maritza; Martin, Annjeanette

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 ·  Cognitive and Motor Development Program for Selective and Sustained Attention in Children with ADHD
Pizarro-Pino, Daniela; Fuentes Vilugrón, Gerardo Andrés; Lagos-Hernández, Roberto

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 ·  The On-ground, Hybrid, Online, and Flipped Classroom: A Comparative Study of Didactic Methods in L2 Teaching
Bachelor, Jeremy W.

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 ·  The Importance of an Education in Humanities for Employment: Perception of Graduates from a Peruvian University
Cervera Vallejos, Mirtha Flor; Reluz Barturén, Francisco Felizardo

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 ·  School Coexistence in Chile: An Analysis Based on the New Educational Quality Measurement Framework
Padilla Fuentes, Geraldo; Rodríguez Garcés, Carlos

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 ·  Screening Reading Comprehension Skills in Student Teachers
Ríos Higuera, Selenne; Espinoza Cid, Rosa Ascensión

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 Revisión Bibliográfica
 ·  Teachers as Cognitive Mediators and Promotors of Meaningful Learning
Ferreira, Marco; Olcina-Sempere, Gustau; Reis-Jorge, José

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 ·  The Teaching of Philosophy as a Public Asset
Cordero R, Joan J.

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 ·  The Need to Reclaim a Gender Perspective in Education
Marrero Peniche, Gretel

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 ·  Encouraging Social Education for Gifted students: Peer Tutoring
Plaza-de-la-Hoz, Jesús

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 ·  Inclusion and Social Justice in Mexico. What can be done from an Educational Perspective?
Pérez Archundia, Eduardo; Millán Valenzuela, Henio

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 ·  An Overview of the Development of Astronomy in Costa Rica and Contributions by the San Jose Planetarium at the University of Costa Rica
Calvo-Gutiérrez, Ivannia

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