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vol.22 número32Self-efficacy and its relation to academic performance in students of mathematics educationPhonological awareness, a safe path to the written language: argumentation and strategies índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Innovaciones Educativas

versão On-line ISSN 2215-4132versão impressa ISSN 1022-9825


CAMPOS-CESPEDES, Jensy  e  SOLANO-GUTIERREZ, Walter. University autonomy and academic freedom in times of change. Innovaciones Educativas [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.32, pp.151-169. ISSN 2215-4132.

Summary: This paper offered some basics elements related to university autonomy and academic freedom, with the aim of promoting reflection around these two concepts, which, for some, turn out to be elusive and controversial, especially in the new educational contexts in which Planetary changes change the actions of the universities and their teaching activities. A synopsis of the historical evolution of the university and a discussion on the concepts of university autonomy and academic freedom are offered, in light of its necessary reconceptualization in current societies, characterized by the obsolescence of knowledge and the deconfiguration of the great stories that structured the speeches and tasks of the university institutions of yesteryear.

Palavras-chave : University; Freedom of education; educational autonomy; Educational self-management; Educational independence; university education; higher education.

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