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Revista Humanidades

versão On-line ISSN 2215-3934


CARDELLA, Sebastián Nicolás. Reconfigurations of the desert and the Argentine nation: The case of The adventures of China Iron, by Gabriela Cabezon Camara. An approach from the Latin american Neo-baroque conceived as a reading device. Humanidades [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.1, pp.16-34. ISSN 2215-3934.

The adventures of China Iron is a text that, through a deep intertextual dialogue with José Hernández's canonized Martin Fierro, takes up and redefines one of the foundational figures of modern argentinian: the desert. Therefore, these article seeks to analyze the way in which Gabriela Cabezón Cámara's text rewrites that figure –and with it, that of the nation– using the principles and guidelines that make up de Latin American neo-baroque not only as poetics, but mainly as a reading device. Thus, the work demonstrates, on the one hand, the epistemic and methodological potential of the neo-baroque, feasible to become a properly Latin American hermeneutic modality of textual artifacts. On the other, the way in which The adventures can be read from that perspective, and consequently, how desert and nation are reconfigured in a neo-baroque sense, neutralizing all kinds of binarisms and schemes typical of Western rationality. Which reveals, in turn, the enormous political potential tha the Latin American neo-baroque also entails.

Palavras-chave : desert; reading; Argentina; Latin America.

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