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Revista Rupturas

versión On-line ISSN 2215-2989versión impresa ISSN 2215-2466


SOTO KIEWIT, Luis Diego. Approach to the Conception of Governability in the Presidential Speeches of José María Figueres Olsen. Rev. Rup. [online]. 2017, vol.7, n.1, pp.1-27. ISSN 2215-2989.

This paper analyses the speeches given by former president of Costa Rica José María Figueres Olsen on May 1st in front of the Legislative Assembly, in order to know the concept of governability proposed in these. The article focuses on the relationship between the discourse of governability and the policy oriented to the transformation of state and public institutions in Costa Rica, while exposing the sense and the way in which the president understands the phenomenon in the national reality.

Palabras clave : Political Speech; Governability; State; Critical Discourse Analysis; neoliberal restructuring..

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