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vol.19 número40Traditional and Non-traditional Masculine Representations in Macbeth (Shakespeare’s and Kurzel’s)Gnostic references in Ennead I, 6 of Plotinus índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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TORRES CALDERON, Gina. Costa Rica's overwiew about the use of technology in second languages teaching. InterSedes [online]. 2018, vol.19, n.40, pp.128-147. ISSN 2215-2458.

The following work presents an overview about the teaching of second languages (SL) with emphasis in the use of Costa Rican’s technology. It describes the current situation, the challenges and the obstacles that teachers may deal with during their classes. The essay covered a total of 35 interviews to teachers of SL on universities and hig schools. It is concluded that there is a great need of training about technology and the teachers expressed a demand by the absence of built-in technological devices or easy transfer in the institutions, what complicates its implementation in the classrooms.

Palavras-chave : second languages; foreign language; technology; teaching languages; Costa Rican education.

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