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vol.34 número3Potential use of two herbaceous forage (Axonopus catarinensis and Smallanthus sonchifolius) crops in the silvopastoral systems in the tropical highlands of ColombiaCryptosporidiosis as a zoonotic disease, a review índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Agronomía Mesoamericana

versão On-line ISSN 2215-3608versão impressa ISSN 1659-1321


ALFONSO-PARDO, Sofia; MAHECHA-LEDESMA, Liliana; GALLEGO-CASTRO, Luis Alberto  e  ANGULO-ARIZALA, Joaquín. Potential use of porcine zoogenetic resources (Sus scrofa domestica) in silvopastoral, for family livestock production systems. Agron. Mesoam [online]. 2023, vol.34, n.3, 53662. ISSN 2215-3608.

Introduction. In Colombia, there has been an observed increase of over 100 % in pork consumption over the last decade, positioning it as the animal-origin protein that has grown the most in the country. This surge has driven the pork industry to evolve into a sustainable and competitive sector both nationally and internationally. This productive advancement has been made possible through high-tech processes and improvements that meet the current supply demands. However, access to such technological processes and improvement practices by family livestock production systems remains limited. Objective. To analyze the use of porcine zoogenetic resources under silvopastoral models for potential implementation in family livestock production systems focused on piglet raising and fattening. Development. Through the use of key terms and search formulas, eighty documents addressing central topics such as porcine zoogenetic characteristics, with an emphasis on the Colombian creole pig breed ''San Pedreño'', forage, and shrub alternatives for nutritional supplementation of pigs within silvopastoral systems, animal welfare criteria, and development opportunities in creole pigs' production, were collected and analyzed. Conclusion. This review emphasizes the social importance of contextualizing family livestock systems with alternatives that lead to greater productive, environmental, and economic sustainability. It also aims for increased competitiveness and recognition of their products through optimal management of natural, food, and zoogenitic resources in each region. Consequently, value-added products are generated from sustainable production systems, ensuring food security for families implementing these alternatives. Further research is needed to evaluate potential zoogenetic and nutrition alternatives.

Palavras-chave : animal welfare; creole pig; family production; silvopasture; sustainability.

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