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vol.23 número1Diversidad genética de Rosa de Jamaica en Guatemala revelada por marcadores AFLPFenología, producción y contenido de almidón en árboles de mango en Guanacaste, Costa Rica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Agronomía Mesoamericana

versión On-line ISSN 2215-3608versión impresa ISSN 1659-1321


PONCIANO-SAMAYOA, Karla Melina  y  LACAN DE LEON, Juan Pedro. Genetic  diversity  of  passion  fruits  in  Guatemala revealed by AFLP markers. Agron. Mesoam [online]. 2012, vol.23, n.1, pp.73-80. ISSN 2215-3608.

The  objectives of this study were to characterize with AFLP nine genotypes of passion fruit collected in Guatemala, to identify clusters and to evaluate the  existing genetic diversity. The study was conducted  at Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícolas (ICTA), during July 2010/May 2011. A preliminary analysis was conducted in which ten selective primer pairs were amplified and 106 polymorphisms  were  detected.  The  selective  primer  pair E+ACG/M+CAG, E+ACA/M+CTA,  E+ACT/M+CTG  and E+AAC/M+CTT, gave the most information. An average of ten loci per selective amplification was detected. Similarity analysis revealed no duplicated genotypes. Correspondence and clustering analysis identified two groups. The first one included all accession of P. edulis f. edulis  Sims and the second one all accessions of P. edulis f. flavicarpa Degener. The genetic diversity based on Nei´s index for the collection was 0,3160. Genetic differentiation (Gst) was 0,2542 for the entire collection; 25.42% of the genetic diversity is expressed between  groups  while  the  74,58%  is  expressed   within groups.  Those  results  give  evidence of  the evolutionary proximity of the purple and yellow types of P. edulis Sims. The genetic flow was high (Nm=1,4670) as expected in an allogamous species in which genetic exchange is facilitated.

Palabras clave : Passiflora edulis Sims; similarity; genetic differentiation; clusters; genetic flow.

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