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vol.20 número2An optimization algorithm inspired by musical composition in constrained optimization problemsTabu search algorithm for a variation of the coloring problem índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Matemática Teoría y Aplicaciones

versão impressa ISSN 1409-2433


DE-LOS-COBOS-SILVA, Sergio G.; TERCENO-GOMEZ, Antonio  e  GUTIERREZ-ANDRADE, Miguel A.. General guidelines solution for linear programming with fuzzy coefficients. Rev. Mat [online]. 2013, vol.20, n.2, pp.203-214. ISSN 1409-2433.

This work introduce to the Possibilistic Programming and the Fuzzy Programming as paradigms that allow to resolve problems of linear programming when the coefficients of the model or the restrictions on the same are presented as fuzzy numbers, rather than exact numbers (crisp). This work presents some examples based on [1].

Palavras-chave : Possibilistic programming; fuzzy programming; optimization.

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