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vol.38 número1Agronomic and nutritional evaluation of african star grass-based pastures (Cynodon nlemfuensis) in the region of Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. II. nutritional valueCharacterization of visual symptoms of nutritional deficiencies in oak seedlings índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Agronomía Costarricense

versão impressa ISSN 0377-9424


MONTENEGRO-JUAREZ, Frank E.; ROJAS-IDROGO, Consuelo; QUEVEDO-CALLE, David  e  DELGADO-PAREDES, Guillermo E.. Effect of sulpomag and organic complexs as partial substitutes of the culture medium used in the micropropagation of Musa sp. Cv. Cavendish. Agron. Costarricense [online]. 2014, vol.38, n.1, pp.147-159. ISSN 0377-9424.

The Sulpomag natural fertilizer, or potassium sulfate and magnesium, constituted by K2O 22%, MgO 22%, S 18% and Cl (chloride) 2.5% plus organic complexes of coconut water 10 to 20%, and casein hydrolyzate 250 and 500 mg.l-1, as partial substitutes for mineral salts of Murashige and Skoog (MS), were used in the in vitro propagation of banana, Musa sp., cv. Cavendish. The aim was that the in vitro plants grow and develop in minimum quantities of mineral salts, banned in the technical regulation for organic products.  Shoot  tips,  established  in  vitro  on MS medium, were transferred to 10 treatments for  shoot  multiplication  supplemented  with KH2PO4 (170 mg.l-1), CaCl2.2H2O (150 mg.l-1), NH4NO3  and KNO3, at 1/5 and 1/10 of the MS concentration, MS micronutrients and 0.1096 g.l-1 of Sulpomag, IAA (0.2 mg.l-l) and BAP (5 mg.l-1). The rooting medium was the same formulation of mineral salts, only varying on the growth regulators. Best results were obtained in culture media supplemented with NH4NO3 and KNO3 at 1/5 of MS concentration, 0.1096 g.l-1  Sulpomag and coconut water 10 y 20%. The results allow to  consider  the  possibility  of  using  Sulpomag and coconut water, as partial substitutes for MS mineral salts for in vitro propagation of Musa sp., cv. Cavendish for use in organic agriculture.

Palavras-chave : Micropropagation; in vitro culture; Musa sp.; cv. Cavendish; Sulpomag.

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