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vol.38 número1Root development in f1 coffe hybrids obtained by tissue cultureClay minerals identified in soils of Costa Rica from 1931 to 2014: II. Major clay types described in soils with vertic, and oxidic kaolinic properties índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Agronomía Costarricense

versão impressa ISSN 0377-9424


ALVARADO, Alfredo; MATA, Rafael  e  CHINCHILLA, Miguel. Clay minerals identified in soils of Costa Rica from 1931 to 2014: I. History, methodsof analyses, and mayor clay types found involcanic ash derived soils. Agron. Costarricense [online]. 2014, vol.38, n.1, pp.75-106. ISSN 0377-9424.

Findings in a total of 84 research papers identifying clay minerals on 520 soil samples of Costa Rica are summarized. This review emphasizes on the clay minerals described in the topsoil samples, although clay minerals in the B horizons are also discussed when they are different to predominant mineralogy in the topsoil. Sites where soil clays information is available were geo-referenced, to observe their geographical distribution. In general most of the country possesses soil clays identified, except forthe Nicoya Peninsula, the Northern Zone, and the Eastern Talamanca Range. Clay mineralogy suites (“predominant clay groups”) were group edas: (1) vitrous-amorphous-halloysitic (Andisolsand other soils with andic properties; (2) smectites and interstratified clays (Vertisols and other soils with vertic properties); (3) oxidessita hidroxides-oxihidroxides-kaolinite-gibbsite   (Alfisols, Ultisols and Oxisols); Plus a large area of soils with mixed clay mineralogy, found in places with little or no development (Entisols and Inceptisols). The soil clay genesis of the main clay types in the country is discussed when enough information was available.

Palavras-chave : Clay; soil; Andisol; volcanic glass; amorphous; allophanes; illite; halloysite; metahalloysite; imogolite; ferrihydrite; goethite; gibbsite; smectite; Costa Rica; tropics.

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