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Revista de Biología Tropical

versión On-line ISSN 0034-7744versión impresa ISSN 0034-7744


ZULUAGA, Catalina; BURITICA, Pablo  y  MARIN, Mauricio. Filogenia de hongos roya (Uredinales) en la zona andina colombiana mediante el uso de secuencias del ADN ribosomal 28S. Rev. biol. trop [online]. 2011, vol.59, n.2, pp.517-540. ISSN 0034-7744.

Phylogenetic analysis of rust fungi (Uredinales) from the Colombian Andean region using 28S ribosomal DNA sequences. Rust fungi (Uredinales, Basidiomycetes) are one of the most diverse and economically important plant-obligated parasites. Taxonomy of this group has been under revision during the last years using molecular techniques to define phylogenetic relationships.  In this study we evaluated the phylogenetic affinities of a group of 40 rust fungi obtained from different plants in the Colombian Andean region using sequence analysis of the 28S ribosomal DNA, specifically D1/D2 domains. Comparisons were undertaken with sequences of rust fungi from around the world deposited in the GenBank database. An alignment of sequences was used to build a phylogenetic tree through Maximum parsimony analysis. Our results support the taxonomical validity of families Pucciniaceae, Phakopsoraceae, Phragmidiaceae, Pileolariaceae, Mikronegeriaceae, Coleosporiaceae and Cronartiaceae, while Pucciniosiraceae represents redundant taxa with Pucciniaceae. The analyses indicated that Uropyxidaceae, Raveneliaceae, Chaconiaceae and Pucciniastraceae correspond to poly-phyletic families. Melampsoraceae appear to be a basal taxon to the Uredinales.  Information obtained in this study will be useful to incorporate a higher number of sequences from tropical rust fungi within global efforts to redefine the taxonomy of order Uredinales. Additionally, we propose to give priority to future phylogenetic studies of taxa: Gerwasia, Hemileia, Phragmidium, Prospodium, Puccinia and Uromyces, genera that include a high number of rust fungi from the tropics. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 517-540. Epub 2011 June 01.

Palabras clave : maximum parsimony; rDNA; rust fungi; sequence analyses.

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