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vol.14 número1Sociología y literatura, ¿un amor imposible? Reflexiones desde la (in)experienciaA propósito de los colaterales para la democracia en la era digital índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Humanidades

versión On-line ISSN 2215-3934


PUENTES SANCHEZ, Juan Camilo. The Postmodern Territory: A Normative Approach to the Processes of Production, Organization and Orientation of Space. Humanidades [online]. 2024, vol.14, n.1, e56278. ISSN 2215-3934.

Postmodernity is not limited only to the profound transformations of social or cultural structures originated in the last century, but also to certain traditional political structures such as the State and its constituent elements. Through a normative approach, this essay analyzes the changes in the territory caused by the hegemony of postmodern forces represented especially in post-industrialized capitalism, globalization, and the information and communication revolution. The preliminary results explain these transformative dynamics from three interrelated processes: the production, organization, and orientation of space. At each of these levels, the territory ceases to be a political object by nature, capable of fulfilling its congregational functions around a community political ideal, to become, instead, into a political unit that privileges other types of interests, especially, economic ones.

Palabras clave : State; society; globalization; open spaces; social change.

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