Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Actualidades en Psicología]]> vol. 36 num. 132 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Post-traumatic symptoms and posttraumatic growth in higher education students in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic]]> Resumen Objetivo. Evaluar un modelo predictivo de sintomatología postraumática (SPT) y de crecimiento postraumático (CPT), que incluía variables psicológicas, relacionadas con la pandemia y con las clases virtuales, en estudiantes de educación superior durante la pandemia. Método. Participaron 552 estudiantes cuya mayoría corresponde a un 68.5% de mujeres. Se aplicaron instrumentos para medir distintas variables psicológicas. Resultados. Se estableció que un modelo predictivo que incluía la rumiación intrusiva y deliberada, la severidad subjetiva, la supresión emocional, la revaluación cognitiva, el apoyo social, un espacio adecuado para conectarse a clases en línea y el nivel de estudios predecía en forma significativa la SPT. La rumiación deliberada, el apoyo social, la reevaluación cognitiva y la edad predecían el CPT. Se discute la relevancia de estos resultados para el apoyo que se podría brindar a los estudiantes.<hr/>Abstract Objective. To evaluate a predictive model of posttraumatic symptomatology (PTS) and posttraumatic growth (PTC), which included psychological, pandemic-related, and online classroom-related variables, in higher education students during the pandemic. Method. A total of 552 students participated, 68.5% of whom were women. Instruments were applied to measure different psychological variables. Results. It was established that a model that included intrusive and deliberate rumination, subjective severity, emotional suppression, cognitive reappraisal, social support, adequate space to connect to online classes, and educational attainment significantly predicted PTS. Deliberate rumination, social support, cognitive reappraisal, and age predicted CPT. The relevance of these findings to the academic support that could be provided to students is discussed. <![CDATA[Anxiety, hopelessness, and coping with COVID-19 in users of psychological care]]> Resumen Objetivo. Identificar los niveles de síntomas de ansiedad y desesperanza, así como, las estrategias de afrontamiento durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en usuarios de servicios de atención psicológica en línea. Método. Se utilizó un diseño de tipo transversal predictivo, con una muestra de 78 personas voluntarias. Se aplicó la Escala de estrategias de afrontamiento frente a riesgos extremos, Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI) y la Escala de Desesperanza de Beck (BHS). Resultados. Al existir un alto nivel de ansiedad en las personas participantes, se tiende a manifestar mayor nivel de indefensión y de conductas de afrontamiento orientadas hacia la evitación y de naturaleza pasiva.<hr/>Abstract Objective. The main goal was to identify the levels of symptoms of anxiety and hopelessness, as well as the coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in users of online psychological care services. Method. A predictive cross-sectional design was used, with a sample of 78 volunteers. The scale of coping strategies in the face of extreme risks, the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) were applied. Results. The results indicated that since there is an elevated level of anxiety in the participants, they tend to manifest a higher level of helplessness and coping behaviors oriented towards avoidance and passive nature. <![CDATA[Comportamentos sexuais durante a pandemia da Covid-19: representações sociais de homens gays e heterossexuais]]> Resumo Objetivo. O presente artigo objetivou comparar as representações sociais (RS) entre grupos de homens gays e heterossexuais sobre os comportamentos sexuais face ao isolamento social decorrente da pandemia da Covid-19. Método. Participaram 200 homens (100 heterossexuais e 100 homossexuais), com médias de idade de 27,06 e 28,12, respectivamente. Utilizou-se um formulário sociodemográfico on-line e uma entrevista semiestruturada com duas perguntas disparadoras para apreensão das RS. Os dados foram analisados pelo software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados. Verificou-se similaridades em ambos os grupos quanto a vida sexual ativa e uso de tecnologias para Sexting e acesso a pornografia. Entretanto, os homossexuais divergem na estrutura representacional ao buscarem estas estratégias compensatórias em maior quantidade, em razão de relacionamentos com pouca duração e/ou pouca união estável. Conclui-se que o distanciamento físico desvela intercorrências heterogêneas à vida afetivo-sexual nessa nova realidade social.<hr/>Abstract Objective. This article aimed to compare the social representations between groups of gay and heterosexual men about sexual behavior as a result of social isolation from the Covid-19 pandemic. Method. 200 men participated (100 heterosexuals and 100 homosexuals) with average age of 27.06 and 28.12, respectively. A sociodemographic questionnaire was used for sample characterization and a semi-structured interview for the apprehension of SR, with data processed by the IRAMUTEQ software. Results. Similarities were found in both groups in terms of active sex life and the use of technologies for sexing and access to pornography. However, homosexuals diverge in the representational structure when seeking greater compensatory strategies for having more stable civic states. It is concluded that physical distance reveals heterogeneous intercurrences to affective-sexual life in this new social reality. <![CDATA[Social support, attitudes toward sexuality, and life satisfaction based on the sexual orientation of university students]]> Resumen Objetivo. Examinar las relaciones entre el apoyo social percibido, actitudes hacia la sexualidad y satisfacción vital entre estudiantes universitarios heterosexuales y lesbianas, gay y bisexuales (LGB), en Temuco, Chile. Método. Muestra no probabilística de 281 estudiantes universitarios (70.8% heterosexual, 29.2% LGB), quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea. Resultados. No hubo diferencias según orientación sexual en las actitudes hacia la sexualidad y la satisfacción vital. Estudiantes heterosexuales reportaron mayor apoyo social general y por parte de la familia y otros significativos que estudiantes LGB; ambos grupos reportaron igual apoyo de sus amistades. Únicamente, el apoyo social fue predictor de satisfacción vital. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de fortalecer fuentes de apoyo para contribuir al bienestar de estudiantes de distintas orientaciones sexuales.<hr/>Abstract Objective. To examine the relationship among perceived social support, attitude towards sexuality, and life satisfaction of heterosexual and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) university students in Temuco, Chile. Method. A non-probabilistic sample of 281 university students (70.8% heterosexual, 29.2% LGB) answered an online questionnaire. Results. There were no significant differences between heterosexual and LGB students in attitude towards sexuality or life satisfaction. Heterosexual students reported greater social support from their family than LGB students; both groups reported equal support from friends. Only social support was a predictor of life satisfaction. These results indicate the importance of strengthening social support from different sources to contribute to the subjective well-being of students of different sexual orientations. <![CDATA[Informais, empreendedores ou precarizados? A trajetória de trabalhadores de comida de rua]]> Resumo Objetivo. Esta pesquisa objetivou a compreensão e a análise da relação entre informalidade, empreendedorismo e precarização de trabalhadores de pequeno porte envolvidos no segmento de comida de rua na cidade de Fortaleza, Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Método. Foram entrevistados, por meio de um roteiro semiestruturado, 10 trabalhadores de comida de rua da cidade de Fortaleza, com idade entre 25 e 73 anos, dentre vendedores de cachorro-quente, milho, tapioca, pastel e outros tipos de produtos alimentícios. Resultados. Uma característica parece surgir como primordial para o trabalhador de comida de rua: ser empreendedor. A falta de perspectiva laboral faz com que os trabalhadores busquem por uma salvação e assim são veiculadas as ideias empreendedoras, focados na informalidade, mas que terminam por reforçar os processos de precarização.<hr/>Abstract Objective. This research aimed to understand and analyze the entrepreneurial activity of formal and informal micro-business owners involved in the street food segment in the city of Fortaleza, State of Ceará / Brazil. Method. 10 street food micro-business owners from the city of Fortaleza, aged between 25 and 73 years old, among them sellers of hot dogs, corn, tapioca, pastries, and other types of food products, were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews. Results. One characteristic that becomes paramount for contemporary street food micro-business owners is that of being an entrepreneur. The lack of a career perspective in the formal job market makes the micro-business owners regard the street food segment as a kind of salvation from that context, and convey entrepreneurial ideas focused on informality, which ultimately reinforce precariousness processes. <![CDATA[Psychological consequences of social isolation and its link with positive psychological functioning]]> Resumen Objetivo. Evaluar los efectos psicológicos del aislamiento social (síntomas de estrés postraumático) asociados a la situación mundial de pandemia y la posible asociación con el funcionamiento psicológico positivo. Método. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 440 participantes entre 18 y 65 años (M = 35.25), a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, convivencia y ocupación. La información se recogió en formato en línea, entre abril y julio de 2020. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y comparativo de las variables. Resultados. Se observó una relación entre Aislamiento Social y Síntomas de estrés post traumáticos. El funcionamiento psicológico positivo se correlacionó de manera inversa con el aislamiento social y los síntomas de estrés post traumático, los que son más evidentes en las franjas de edad intermedia y mayor (36-50 y 51-65). El funcionamiento psicológico positivo mostró niveles más elevados en el grupo de 51-65 años y en participantes del interior del país. Los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión fueron mayores en jóvenes (de 18-25 años), mujeres, residentes de ciudad y personas que viven con sus padres. Estos datos pueden aportar a las estrategias de tratamientos que intenten reducir los síntomas psicológicos del aislamiento por COVID-19, basado en los recursos psicológicos.<hr/>Abstract Objective. Evaluate the psychological effects of social isolation (post-traumatic stress symptoms) associated with the global pandemic situation and the possible association with positive psychological functioning. Method. The design was a cross-sectional study with 440 participants between 18 and 65 years old (M = 35.25) selected through convenience sampling. Sociodemographic, coexistence and occupation data were collected. The information was collected online, between April and July 2020. A descriptive and comparative analysis of the variables was carried out. Results. A relationship between Social Isolation and Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms was observed. Positive psychological functioning was inversely correlated with social isolation and post-traumatic stress symptoms, which are more evident in the middle and older age ranges (36-50 and 51-65). Positive psychological functioning showed higher levels in the 51-65 age group and in participants from the interior of the country. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were greater in young people (18-25 years old), women, city residents, and people living with their parents. These data can inform treatment strategies that attempt to reduce the psychological symptoms of COVID-19 isolation, based on psychological resources. <![CDATA[Development of metapragmatic reflections on the function of verbal irony in adolescents]]> Resumen Objetivo. Analizar las reflexiones metapragmáticas que presentan 32 adolescentes de 12 y 15 años de edad (16 por grupo etario) sobre la función de la ironía verbal en dos tipos de actos de habla: agradecimiento y ofrecimiento irónicos. Método. Los participantes se enfrentaron a ocho historias que terminaban con una expresión irónica y mediante un guion de preguntas se indagó sobre las funciones que les atribuían a los enunciados irónicos. Resultados. Se muestran diferencias significativas debidas a la edad, pero no al tipo de enunciado en las reflexiones que hacen los adolescentes, lo que confirma que la capacidad para hacer reflexiones metapragmáticas sobre la ironía verbal se desarrolla de manera muy tardía en el lenguaje infantil.<hr/>Abstract Objective. Analyse metapragmatic reflections made by adolescents aged 12 and 15 years old (16 per age group) on the functions of verbal irony, in two types of ironic speech acts: ironic thanking and ironic offering. Method. The participants faced eight stories ending with ironic remarks, and through questioning, they were asked about the functions they attributed to the ironic statements. Results. Significant differences are shown due to age, but none related to the type of statement, which confirms that the ability to make metapragmatic reflections on verbal irony develops late in children's language. <![CDATA[Psychometric properties of the ambivalent sexism Inventory (ASI) in ecuadorian adult population]]> Resumen Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar la validación del Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ASI) en el contexto ecuatoriano, así como analizar su consistencia interna y validez convergente con el Inventario de Ambivalencia hacia Hombres (AMI). Método. Participaron en el presente estudio, cuantitativo e instrumental, hombres (44.1%) y mujeres (55.9%) de la ciudad de Quito (N = 965) entre los 20 y los 60 años. Resultados. El ASI presenta un ajuste factorial adecuado al modelo original de dos factores; existe además consistencia interna en la escala total (w = .72) y en los dos factores (sexismo hostil: w = .71; sexismo benevolente: w = .53), y una validez convergente estadísticamente significativa con el AMI (r = .652). Se concluye que el instrumento es válido para uso en el contexto ecuatoriano.<hr/>Abstract Objective. The aim of the study was to validate the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) in the Ecuadorian context, as well as to analyze its internal consistency and convergent validity with the Ambivalence Inventory towards men (AMI). Method. Men (44.1%) and women (55.9%) from the city of Quito (N = 965), aged from 20 to 60 years old, participated in this quantitative and instrumental study. Results. The ASI presents an adequate factorial fit to the original two-factor model; there is internal consistency in the total scale (w = .72) and in the two factors (hostile sexism: w = .71; benevolent sexism: w = .53), and statistically significant convergent validity with the AMI (r = .652). It is concluded that the instrument use in the Ecuadorian context is valid. <![CDATA[Handbook of Positive Youth Development. Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Global Contexts]]> Resumen Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar la validación del Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ASI) en el contexto ecuatoriano, así como analizar su consistencia interna y validez convergente con el Inventario de Ambivalencia hacia Hombres (AMI). Método. Participaron en el presente estudio, cuantitativo e instrumental, hombres (44.1%) y mujeres (55.9%) de la ciudad de Quito (N = 965) entre los 20 y los 60 años. Resultados. El ASI presenta un ajuste factorial adecuado al modelo original de dos factores; existe además consistencia interna en la escala total (w = .72) y en los dos factores (sexismo hostil: w = .71; sexismo benevolente: w = .53), y una validez convergente estadísticamente significativa con el AMI (r = .652). Se concluye que el instrumento es válido para uso en el contexto ecuatoriano.<hr/>Abstract Objective. The aim of the study was to validate the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) in the Ecuadorian context, as well as to analyze its internal consistency and convergent validity with the Ambivalence Inventory towards men (AMI). Method. Men (44.1%) and women (55.9%) from the city of Quito (N = 965), aged from 20 to 60 years old, participated in this quantitative and instrumental study. Results. The ASI presents an adequate factorial fit to the original two-factor model; there is internal consistency in the total scale (w = .72) and in the two factors (hostile sexism: w = .71; benevolent sexism: w = .53), and statistically significant convergent validity with the AMI (r = .652). It is concluded that the instrument use in the Ecuadorian context is valid.