Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Actualidades en Psicología]]> vol. 34 num. 128 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Análise psicossocial do envelhecimento entre idosos: as suas representações sociais]]> Resumo Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar e comparar as representações sociais do envelhecimento construídas por idosos participantes de grupos de convivência para idosos (G1) e idosos não-participantes (G2).Contou-se com a participação de 60 idosos, distribuídos equitativamente por sexo. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário sociodemográfico, a Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras (TALP) e uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados coletados pela TALP foram analisados através da técnica das redes semânticas, ao passo que as entrevistas foram processadas pelo software IRaMuTeQ. Verificou-se que os idosos de grupos de convivência representaram o envelhecimento, sobretudo, com aspectos positivos, associando-o à saúde e à atividades físicas, enquanto os que não participam associaram-no a conteúdos negativos, relacionados à doença, perdas e declínio.<hr/>Abstract This study aimed to identify and compare the social representations of aging built by senior participants of cohabiting groups for the elderly (G1) and non-participant elderly (G2). The participation of 60 elders was equally distributed by gender. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Free Word Association Technique (FAWT), and a semi-structured interview were all applied. The data collected by the FAWT were analyzed by the technique of semantic networks, while the interviews were investigated by IRaMuTeQ software.Overall, it was found that the elderly in cohabitation groups characterized aging with positive aspects, associating it with health and physical activities while those who did not participate associated it with negative aspects related to disease, loss and decline. <![CDATA[Perceived emotional intelligence in higher education students: analysis of differences in the different dimensions]]> Resumen La finalidad es analizar la inteligencia emocional percibida en estudiantes universitarios. Se trata de un diseño metodológico correlacional correspondiente a un diseño ex post facto, de carácter retrospectivo y comparativo. La muestra está compuesta por un total de 175 sujetos de tercer y cuarto curso del Grado de Educación Social. Se muestra la existencia de diferencias en la inteligencia emocional atendiendo al sexo en cuanto a la atención y la regulación emocional, en las que las mujeres poseen puntuaciones más altas. En el caso de la edad, también existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la regulación emocional, en la que obtienen puntuaciones más altas el alumnado cuyas edades se sitúan hasta los 20 años.<hr/>Abstract The purpose is to analyze the emotional intelligence perceived in university students. This is a correlational methodological design corresponding to an ex post facto design of retrospective and comparative. The sample is made up of a total of 175 subjects in the third and fourth year of a Social Education Degree. This work shows the existence of differences in emotional intelligence based on sex in terms of attention and emotional regulation, in which women have higher scores. In the case of age, there are also statistically significant differences in terms of emotional regulation, in which students whose ages are up to 20 obtain higher scores. <![CDATA[Factorial structure and reliability of Cyberbullying Questionnaire (CBQ) and her complement (BCQ-V) in ecuadorian teenagers]]> Resumen Analizar la estructura factorial y la fiabilidad del Cyberbullying Questionnaire (CBQ), que mide la perpetración del cyberbullying, y además medir su complemento, la victimización (CBQ-V) en una muestra de adolescentes tungurahuenses. El estudio es de carácter instrumental para constatar la construcción factorial y la consistencia interna de las pruebas en una muestra de 998 estudiantes de bachillerato de seis centros educativos de Tungurahua. Se encontró que el CBQ explica el 58.5% de la varianza con tres factores con valores de S-B c2= 29.5;gl= 24;p&gt; .05; S-B c2/gl= 1.2; NNFI = .95; CFI = .96; GFI = .90 y RMSEA = .08 IC 90% [.10 - .05]. Mientras que el CBQ-V igualmente con tres factores explica el 52.6% de la varianza con S-B c2= 29.5;gl= 24;p&gt; .05; S-B c2/gl= 1.2; NNFI = .95; CFI = .96; GFI = .90 y RMSEA = .08 IC 90% [.10 - .05]. En cuanto a la fiabilidad, los puntajes alcanzados para el CBQ es α(ordinal)= .903 y CBQ-V es α(ordinal)= .879. Se concluye quelas pruebas bajo análisis son válidas como constructo y fiables en estudiantes de bachillerato de Tungurahua.<hr/>Abstract To analyze the factor structure and reliability of the Cyberbullying Questionnaire (CBQ), which measures the prevalence of cyberbullying; as well as measure the complement on victimization (CBQ-V).The study is instrumental in verifying the factorial construction and internal consistency of the tests in a sample of 998 high school students from six educational centres in Tungurahua. It was found that the CBQ explains 58.5% of the variance with three factors with values of S-B c2= 29.5;df= 24;p&gt; .05; S-B c2/df= 1.2; NNFI = .95; CFI = .96; GFI = .90 and RMSEA = .08 IC 90% [.10 - .05]. While the CBQ-V also with three factors explains 52.6% of the variance with S-B c2= 29.5;df= 24;p&gt; .05; S-B c2/df= 1.2; NNFI = .95; CFI = .96; GFI = .90 and RMSEA = .08 IC 90% [.10 -.05]. Regarding reliability, the scores reached for the CBQ is α(ordinal)= .903 and CBQ-V is α(ordinal)= .879. It is concluded that the tests under analysis are valid as a construct and reliable in Tungurahua high school students. <![CDATA[Social representations of breast cancer: a comparison of women with recent diagnosis and healthy women]]> Resumen Identificar las representaciones sociales (RS) del cáncer de mama en mujeres con diagnóstico y mujeres sanas o libres de enfermedad (MLE), Guadalajara-Jalisco, 2016. Se aplicó la técnica asociativa de listados libres y cuestionario de pares a 40 mujeres; para conocer la estructura de las RS se hizo análisis de contenido temático y estructural de la RS.Los hallazgos muestran que las mujeres diagnosticadas tienen mayor conciencia sobre la importancia de prevención y detección oportuna. MLE otorgaron mayor importancia a aspectos negativos como miedo y muerte. La RS sobre la enfermedad se construye a través de las vivencias, ya sea propia con el diagnóstico o a través de experiencias de una persona cercana o conocimientos sociales.<hr/>Abstract The objective of the study was to identify the social representations (SR) of breast cancer in diagnosed women and healthy or disease-free women (MLE), Guadalajara-Jalisco, 2016. The associative technique of free listing and peer questionnaire was applied to 40 women. In order to know the structure of SR, a thematic and structural content analysis of SR was carried out. The findings show that diagnosed women are more aware of the importance of prevention and timely detection. MLE gave greater importance to negative aspects such as fear and death. The SR on the disease is built through experiences, either one’s own with the diagnosis, through the experiences of a close person, or through social knowledge. <![CDATA[Early dyadic communication: microanalysis of eight cases]]> Resumen La investigación caracteriza estilos de interacción mamá - bebé con el propósito de identificar la construcción del vínculo diádico. Se enfatizan las Formas de Interacción como concepto central para la incorporación del sujeto a la comunicación y luego al lenguaje. Registros de interacciones naturales de ocho díadas a las seis semanas, seis meses y un año de vida infantil, identifican la constitución progresiva del sistema de comunicación diádico.La elucidación de signos corporales y el surgimiento de la regulación emocional a las seis semanas, el juego con escenas sociales a los seis meses y la instauración del campo semántico diádico al año son rasgos destacados que se concatenan entre sí durante el proceso. La triangulación con el entorno social es una constante en la interacción.<hr/>Abstract This paper characterizes mother-baby interaction styles for the purpose of identifying dyadic bonding throughout the first year of life. The Forms of Interaction are emphasized as a central concept for the incorporation of the subject into communication and then to language. Records of natural interactions from eight dyads to six weeks, six months and one year of age identify the progressive constitution of the dyadic communication system. The elucidation of body signs and the emergence of emotional regulation at six weeks, the interplay with social scenes at six months, and the establishment of the dyadic semantic field at one year are salient features that intertwine during the process. Triangulation with the social environment is a constant within the interaction. <![CDATA[Predictors of emotional symptoms during residential lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in El Salvador]]> Resumen Explorar la manifestación de síntomas emocionales y potenciales predictores en población salvadoreña bajo condiciones de cuarentena domiciliar debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Se contó con una muestra no probabilística de 339 participantes mayores de 18 años, 62% mujeres y 38% hombres, mayoritariamente dedicados a su trabajo (52.8%). Un cuestionario en línea registró acciones y percepciones sobre la situación de pandemia y síntomas emocionales (escala DASS-21). Alrededor del 75% de la muestra experimentó síntomas emocionales leves y comparados con los hombres y con quienes trabajan, las mujeres y quienes se dedican a otras actividades reportaron más síntomas emocionales. El temor al contagio, tener menos edad y la alteración de rutinas cotidianas constituyen predictores centrales de los síntomas emocionales.<hr/>Abstract To explore emotional symptomatology and its predictors in a Salvadorean sample in residential lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A non-probabilistic sample of 339 participants over 18 years of age, 62% women and 38% men, mostly working people (52.8%), was collected. An online questionnaire recorded behaviors and perceptions during the pandemic, as well as emotional symptoms, using the DASS-21 scale. Around 75% of the sample reported mild emotional symptoms. Compared to men and those employed, women and those engaged in other activities reported more emotional symptoms. Fear of contagion, younger age, and disruption of daily routines were core predictors of emotional symptoms. <![CDATA[Psychological interventions in anxiety treatment in people with breast cancer: a meta-analysis]]> Resumen Esta investigación busca estimar el tamaño del efecto de las intervenciones psicológicas para el tratamiento de la ansiedad en personas con cáncer de mama. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de bases de datos en línea (Dialnet, Ebsco, Latindex, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Wiley, SAGE, Scielo y Google Scholar), a través de la cual se extrajeron artículos experimentales y cuasi-experimentales relevantes para el tema de estudio. De los artículos seleccionados, se extrajeron datos de las participantes, los tratamientos utilizados y datos pretest y postest de los grupos para el análisis. Diecisiete artículos que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión fueron agregados en el análisis. El tamaño de efecto global de las intervenciones fue de (g= -.459). Asimismo, se realizaron análisis de sesgo y de variables continuas moderadoras.<hr/>Abstract This study aims to estimate the effect size of psychological interventions for anxiety treatment in people diagnosed with breast cancer. A systematic review of online databases (Dialnet, Ebsco, Latindex, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Wiley, SAGE, Scielo, and Google Scholar) was carried out, through which experimental and quasi-experimental articles relevant to the analysis were retrieved. From the selected articles, data were extracted regarding the participants, the treatments used, and pre and post test data from the groups for analysis. Seventeen articles that met the inclusion criteria were used in the analysis. The overall effect size of the interventions was determined (g= -.459). Likewise, bias and continuous moderating variables analyses were performed. <![CDATA[Differential analysis of emotional work wear in geriatric socio-health care professionals]]> Resumen El síndrome deBurnouttiene un largo recorrido histórico en el ámbito público de los profesionales dedicados al cuidado de ancianos. En este estudio pretendemos conocer la influencia de diversas variables sociodemográficas sobre el desgaste laboral en profesionales de residencias públicas. La muestra está constituida por 136 trabajadores de ambos géneros y con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 60 años, que desempeñan labores de atención directa y gestión psicosocial. Los instrumentos aplicados han sido el Inventario deburnoutde Maslach &amp; Jackson (1986), y el Cuestionario de Salud General (GHQ-28), de Goldberg &amp; Hillier (1979). Nuestros resultados refieren la existencia de diferencias por sexo (en el cansancio emocional, así como en elburnouten general) y por tiempo de antigüedad en la profesión (concretamente en realización personal y enburnouten general). Estos resultados van a reforzar la necesidad de potenciar la resiliencia de los equipos interdisciplinares de profesionales orientados a proteger la salud de las personas trabajadoras en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales.<hr/>Abstract Burnout syndrome has had a long history in the public arena of professionals dedicated to the care of the elderly. In this study, we aim to understand the influence of various socio-demographic variables on work-related wear of professionals in public residences. The sample consists of 136 workers of both genders, aged between 18 and 60, who carry out direct care and psychosocial management tasks. The instruments applied were the burnout inventory by Maslach &amp; Jackson (1986), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) by Goldberg &amp; Hillier (1979). Our results point to the existence of differences by sex in emotional fatigue as well as in burnout in general; and by work seniority (specifically, in personal fulfillment; and in burnout in general). These results will reinforce the need to strengthen the resilience of interdisciplinary professional teams aimed at protecting the health of working people in terms of occupational risk prevention.