Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Actualidades en Psicología]]> vol. 30 num. 120 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Innovations in Measurement: visual Analog Scales and Retrospective Pretest Self-Report Designs]]> Abstract The authors discuss limitations of two popular measurement procedures, the Likert scale and conventional pretest-posttest self-report design. Both techniques have limits and yet are often combined, leading to restricted fidelity for measuring change. The authors go on to discuss two innovations in measurement that provide researchers with greater assessment fidelity: Visual analog scales and the retrospective pretest design. Moreover, when used in combination, these innovations measurement techniques provide dramatic increases in the power to detect and quantify change.<hr/>Resumen Se discuten las limitaciones de dos procedimientos de medición extremadamente populares; la escala Likert y los diseños pre-post tradicionales. Ambos métodos tienen limitaciones; estos métodos son comúnmente combinados obteniendo como resultado una fidelidad limitada para la medición del cambio. Se discute sobre dos innovaciones en medición que proveen al investigador una mayor fidelidad: escalas visuales análogas y el diseño pre-test retrospectivo. Además, cuando se usan de manera combinada, estas innovaciones en medición proveen notables incrementos en el poder de detección y la cuantificación de cambios. <![CDATA[Psychometric Analysis of Attitudes Toward Mathematics Through the Graduated Response Samejima Model]]> Resumen La evaluación de las actitudes en el ámbito educativo ha sido utilizada como herramienta para prevenir la pérdida de asignaturas y la deserción académica. El objetivo del estudio es realizar el análisis psicométrico del instrumento Actitudes hacia las Matemáticas con el Modelo de Respuesta Graduada de Samejima (MRG). Se contó con una muestra total de 944 estudiantes de primeros semestres de diferentes carreras universitarias. Se realizó el análisis a partir de la TCT y se ajustó el modelo MRG. Se estimaron y analizaron los parámetros de los ítems y se encontró que la mayoría se ajustan al modelo. En conclusión, se encuentra que la escala cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. Finalmente, se presentan las bondades del uso del MRG para la evaluación de actitudes.<hr/>Abstract The assessment of attitudes in education has been used as a tool for preventing the loss of subjects and the desertion. The aim of the study is to perform a psychometric analysis of the “Attitudes towards Mathematics” scale with Samejima´s graded response model (MRG). The sample was of 944 students from different university careers. To analyze the TCT and the MRG model was used. In conclusion, the scale has good psychometric quality. Finally, the benefits of using the MRG for assessing attitudes are presented. <![CDATA[Construction and Statistical Analysis of the Multidimensional Inventory of Romantic Jealousy: preliminary Study]]> Resumen Con el objetivo de construir y validar una prueba para medir propiedades de los celos románticos, se desarrolló el Inventario Multidimensional de Celos Románticos (IMCR) desde tres ejes: 1) su conceptualización, 2) circunstancias que lo generan y 3) respuestas cognitivas, afectivas y conductuales involucradas. El IMCR está constituido por cinco escalas tipo Likert con sus respectivas opciones de respuesta. Se acudió a juicio de expertos para la validez de contenido y por análisis factoriales exploratorios para la validez de constructo de cada escala, presentando coeficientes de confiabilidad superiores a (α &gt; .873). Por esto, el IMCR tiene una estructura relativamente clara con dimensiones en parte independientes y que miden con razonable precisión los tres ejes; concluyendo que los celos románticos son un constructo multidimensional con respuestas afectivas, cognitivas y conductuales desencadenadas a partir de una situación que representa la posible pérdida de la pareja.<hr/>Abstract Aiming to construct and validate a test to measure jealousy, the Multidimensional Inventory of Romantic Jealousy (MIRJ) was developed from three axes: 1) conceptualization, 2) conditions that generate romantic jealousy and 3) cognitive, affective and behavioral responses involved. The MIRJ consists of five Likert scales with five response options each. The inventory was validated by expert judgment on the content validity and exploratory factor analysis to construct the validity of each scale, showing higher reliability coefficients (α&gt; 0.85). MIRJ has a fairly clear structure with independent dimensions that measure with reasonable accuracy the three axes. In Conclusion, romantic jealousy is a multidimensional construct with affective, cognitive and behavioral responses, triggered from a situation that represents the possible loss of a partner. <![CDATA[Measuring Emotion Understanding with the Rasch Model]]> Resumen El objetivo fue construir ítems de comprensión emocional desde la perspectiva del Modelo de Rasch, comparando mediante un experimento aleatorizado los formatos de respuesta verbal/imagen. Participaron 204 sujetos de población general. Se contrastó el efecto del formato (verbal/imagen) y del género en las medidas Rasch de comprensión de emociones de los participantes y se analizó el efecto de la distancia social (cerca/lejos) sobre la dificultad Rasch de los ítems. El formato de respuesta tuvo un efecto significativo sobre las medidas independientemente del género: el formato verbal resultó más fácil que el de imagen. El efecto del género fue significativo, favorable a las mujeres. Los ítems que describían situaciones con receptores cercanos resultaron más fáciles que los que incluían receptores lejanos.<hr/>Abstract The aim of this study was to construct emotion understanding items from the Rasch Model approach by experimenting through comparison between verbal /image response format. The participants were 204 subjects from a Spanish community sample. A randomized experiment was carried out to test the effect of response format (verbal/ image) and participants’ gender on the emotion understanding Rasch measurements. The effect on item difficulty of the social distance (close/far) was also contrasted. No interaction effect was found. Response format had a significant effect on measurement regardless of gender: the verbal response format was easier than the image one. There were significant gender differences on emotion understanding favoring women. Items describing situations with close receivers were significantly easier than the items showing far recipients. <![CDATA[Adaptation of two measures of social support in argentinian university students]]> Resumen El soporte social constituye un importante constructo en el ámbito educativo, el cual influye en términos comportamentales, cognitivos y afectivos. Aunque en la literatura internacional existen numerosos instrumentos que permiten evaluar dicho constructo, en Argentina no se dispone de escalas que permitan evaluar el apoyo percibido por los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo consistió en adaptar las escalas de Apoyo Social para Niños y Adolescentes (Malecki, Demaray &amp; Elliot, 2003) y Soporte Académico (Lent et al., 2005) en estudiantes universitarios. Para ello, en este estudio participaron 551 estudiantes de diferentes carreras dictadas en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Para ambos instrumentos, los resultados indicaron valores satisfactorios de consistencia interna (confiabilidad compuesta,ρ&gt; .70) y, además, se logró replicar la estructura original de cada medida mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se destacan las limitaciones y se sugieren nuevas líneas de estudio.<hr/>Abstract Social support is an important construct in education which influences behavioral, cognitive and affective terms. Although there are numerous instruments to assess this construct, in Argentina there are no published scales to assess perceived support by students. Therefore, our aim was to adapt Social Support for Children and Adolescents (Malecki, Demaray &amp; Elliot, 2003) and Academic Support (Lent et al., 2005) scales in college students. For this projectIn this regard, data from 551 students of different degrees from the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) was collected. For both instruments, results showed satisfactory internal consistency values (composite reliability,ρ&gt; .70) and the original structure was replicated for each measure using confirmatory factor analysis. Limitations and new lines of research are suggested. <![CDATA[The psychologist in Health Centers: distant reports of SUS]]> Resumo A pesquisa teve o objetivo de compreender as concepções acerca da saúde e do papel profissional entre psicólogos no cotidiano das Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas com Psicólogos na região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo. Levantaram-se informações sobre a trajetória profissional, o cotidiano de trabalho, o papel do psicólogo, as concepções de saúde, as orientações teóricas, além de expectativas e desafios. A Análise de Conteúdo das entrevistas aponta que as ações dos psicólogos são orientadas por pressupostos da prática clínica exercidas no âmbito do consultório particular. Os dados sugerem que a identidade profissional é sustentada pelos ideais clínicos e que as práticas são restritas à psicoterapia. As mudanças necessárias para uma atuação consonante com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), só ocorrerão se os espaços acadêmicos e profissionais se transformarem em ambientes democráticos de intensa reflexão crítica e de produção de novos saberes.<hr/>Abstract The research aimed to understand concepts about health and the professional role between psychologists in daily Basic Health Units. Interviews were conducted with psychologists at the metropolitan region of São Paulo. We raised information about the professional trajectory, the daily work, the role of the psychologist, the concepts of health, theoretical orientations, beyond the expectations and challenges. The Content Analysis of the interviews points that the actions of psychologists are still guided by assumptions of clinical practice exercised in the scope of private practice. The data suggests that the professional identity is supported by clinical ideals and the practices are restricted to psychotherapy. However, the necessary changes for a performance in line with the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS) will only occur if the academic and professional spaces transform into democratic environments of intense critical reflection and of production of new knowledge. <![CDATA[Family influence on antisocial behavior in adolescents from Arequipa, Peru]]> Resumen El objetivo fue determinar la influencia de la familia sobre las conductas antisociales en adolescentes no institucionalizados. La muestra consistió en 929 alumnos de secundaria entre 13 y 17 años de edad. Se aplicó una batería de instrumentos sobre datos sociodemográficos, conductas antisociales y funcionamiento familiar: relación, satisfacción, cohesión, adaptabilidad y comunicación familiar. Se analizaron las variables por medio de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales diferenciados por sexo. Los resultados mostraron que el funcionamiento familiar, en ambos sexos, y el número de hermanos, en los varones, son factores protectores frente a las conductas antisociales. Los factores de riesgo son: maltrato infantil y violencia entre los padres, en las mujeres; además del consumo de alcohol en los padres, para ambos sexos.<hr/>Abstract The aim was to determine the influence of the family on antisocial behavior in non-institutionalized adolescents. The sample consisted of 929 high school students, between 14 and 17 years old. In the process, a battery of test about social-demographic data, antisocial behavior and family functioning: relationship, satisfaction, cohesion, adaptability and family communication was applied. We analyzed variables using structural equation models differentiated by sex. The results indicated that family functioning in both sexes and the number of siblings in males are considerable factors when discussing antisocial behavior. The risk factors are: child abuse and violence between parents in females, besides consumption of alcohol by parents in both sexes. <![CDATA[Verification of a Theoretical Model Between Empathy, Ethic Socialization and Cultural Orientation in Young Brazilian]]> Resumo O presente estudo tem o objetivo de verificar a associação entre a empatia, a transmissão de valores morais e ética e a orientação cultural em jovens. Teoricamente, sendo a empatia uma disposição funcional das pessoas para as trocas de experiências, afetivas e cognitivas, em relação ao outro, julga-se que este construto é importante para a formação moral e ética do jovem, bem como, para a orientação dos padrões convencionais estabelecidos culturalmente. 427 sujeitos, do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, de 12 a 19 anos, de instituições privadas e publicas das cidades de João Pessoa-PB e PatrocínioMG responderam a escala multidimensional de reatividade interpessoal de Davis, questões a respeito da crença nos pais e nos professores quanto ao esforço que cada um tive para transmitir/ensinar valores morais e princípios éticos e a escala dos atributos do tipo de orientação cultural individualista e coletivista. Observou-se que a empatia associou-se positivamente, a socialização ética e orientação coletivistas, mas, em relação à orientação individualista, as duas primeiras variáveis se associaram negativamente. Com isso, aqueles que desenvolvem habilidades empáticas na sua relação interpessoal, tanto contribui para uma transmissão dos valores sociais e morais, bem como, uma orientação a cooperação e manutenção das relações interpessoais.<hr/>Abstract The present study aims to investigate the association between empathy, transmission of moral and ethical values and cultural orientation in youth. Theoretically, empathy and the functional exchange of experiences layout of people is believed to be important for moral and ethical training of the young, as well as to the orientation of the conventional patterns culturally established. 427 subjects of both genders between the ages of 12- 19 years old of private and public institutions of the city of João Pessoa-PB and Patrocínio-MG answered the multidimensional Davis Interpersonal Reactivity test. This consists on a set of questions about the belief of parents and teachers conveying / teaching moral and ethical principles and scale attributes of individualist and collectivist cultural orientation. It was observed that empathy was positively associated to socialization and ethical collectivist orientation, but in relation to the individualistic orientation, the first two variables were negatively associated. Thus, those who develop empathic abilities in their interpersonal relationships, both contribute to the transmission of social and moral values, as well as to the orientation, cooperation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships.