Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú]]> vol. 20 num. 47 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Alternativas de modelagem para a estimativa da altura de árvores de eucalipto]]> Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar alternativas para a modelagem hipsométrica generalista de eucalipto via regressão linear, com a inclusão de índices de competição independentes da distância como variável preditora. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes de 34 parcelas distribuídas em quatro unidades de manejo florestal com 72 meses de idade. Calcularam-se 7 índices de competição independentes da distância. Avaliou-se o desempenho preditivo de 16 modelos hipsométricos generalistas, sendo propostos 14 modelos de dupla entrada (DAP e índice de competição). Todas as equações geradas foram biologicamente consistentes. Diante da ausência de informações da altura de árvores dominantes, a modelagem generalista pode ser melhor viabilizada com a inclusão do índice IC4, que representa a área basal de árvores vizinhas competidoras. Conclui-se que a inclusão de índices de competição em modelos hipsométricos ampliam a capacidade de generalização de equações para talhões de eucalipto com distintas capacidades produtivas. O índice de competição IC4 favorece a qualidade de ajuste e desempenho preditivo da modelagem hipsométrica nos sítios estudados.<hr/>Abstract This study aimed to evaluate alternatives for general hypsometric modeling of eucalypt through linear regression, with inclusion of distance-independent competition indices as a predictor variable. The data was collected from 34 plots distributed in four 72-month-old forest management units. Seven distance-independent competition indices were calculated. The study evaluated the predictive performance of 16 general hypsometric models, and 14 double-entry models (DAP and competition index) were proposed. All equations generated were biologically consistent. Given the lack of information on the height of dominant trees, general modeling can be better employed with inclusion of the IC4 index, which represents basal area of neighboring competing trees. It is concluded that the inclusion of competition indices in hypsometric models increases generalization capacity of equations for eucalyptus stands with different productive capacities. The IC4 competition index enhances fit quality and predictive performance of the hypsometric modeling in the study sites. <![CDATA[Equações de taper ajustadas para <em>Corymbia citriodora</em> Hill & Johnson empregando dados gerados pelo método da altura relativa]]> Resumo Neste estudo o objetivo foi avaliar o ajuste de equações para descrever o perfil do fuste de Corymbia citriodora empregando-se dados de cubagem coletados diretamente ao longo do mesmo (cubagem real) e indiretamente por meio do método da altura relativa (cubagem hr). Para isso, os diâmetros do fuste foram obtidos nas posições: 0,2 m, 0,4 m, 0,7 m, 1,3 m, 2,70 m e, sucessivamente, de 2 m em 2 m até um diâmetro em torno de 3 cm com casca. Na avaliação da descrição do perfil do fuste, com as equações de taper geradas com dados das cubagens real e hr e do volume pela aplicação da fórmula de Huber, foram adotados os critérios estatísticos: resíduo médio, Bias, correlação linear, desvio padrão dos resíduos, exatidão obtida pelo teste de qui-quadrado e raiz quadrada do resíduo médio, além de análise da distribuição dos resíduos. Tais critérios foram obtidos em uma validação cruzada utilizando-se dois bancos de dados de cubagem obtidos pela alternância das posições de medição do diâmetro do fuste. Concluiu-se por haver evidência de se obter níveis de acurácia bem próximos no emprego das equações de taper geradas a partir dos dados de cubagem real e cubagem hr, tanto na descrição do perfil do fuste de C. citriodora, quanto na quantificação do seu volume.<hr/>Abstract This study evaluated the fit of equations to describe the stem shape of the tree species Corymbia citriodora using cubing data collected directly along the stem (real cubing) and indirectly by measuring the relative height (hr cubing). For this, stem diameters were obtained at different heights: 0.2 m, 0.4 m, 0.7 m, 1.3 m, 2.70 m, and successively, every 2 m up to a diameter around 3 cm with bark. Stem shape was calculated using taper equations adding real cubing data and hr cubing, also the volume through the Huber formula. The statistical criteria used included: mean residue, Bias, linear correlation, standard deviation of the residues, accuracy obtained by the chi-square test and the square root of the residue, in addition to analysis of the distribution of residues. Such criteria were obtained through cross-validation using two cubing databases obtained by alternating the measurement positions of the stem diameter. As a conclusion, there is evidence of fine levels of accuracy when using taper equations generated from real cubing data and hr cubing for both stem profile description of C. citriodora and volume quantification. <![CDATA[Characterization of a <em>Pteridium arachnoideum</em> (Kaulf.) Maxon population and the vegetation associated with the anthropic paramo in Southern Ecuador]]> Resumen Los páramos ecuatorianos afectados por incendios forestales presentan cambios en su estructura, composición florística, modificación en sus procesos ecológicos y aparición de especies invasoras. El presente trabajo se desarrolló en el Parque Universitario ''Francisco Vivar Castro”, con la finalidad de caracterizar el estado actual de P. arachnoideum y su vegetación asociada en 20 parcelas de 5 x 5 m, mediante la identificación de individuos mayores a 5 cm de altura. Las variables medidas fueron abundancia, densidad, estructura poblacional, distribución espacial; y para la vegetación asociada se calcularon parámetros estructurales de la vegetación, el grado de cobertura de especies herbáceas y el grado de asociación con las especies. Se registró una abundancia de 1 919 individuos de P. arachnoideum, densidad poblacional de 38 380 ind/ha y una distribución espacial agregada. La riqueza específica del páramo antrópico fue de 28 especies, 27 géneros y 15 familias; las especies con mayor importancia ecológica y que determinan su estructura fueron Baccharis latifolia (12,52 %), Gaultheria erecta (12,35 %) y Gynoxys nitida (11,85 %); la cobertura vegetal de P. arachnoideum estuvo entre el 25-50 %, el 46,42 % de las especies tuvieron una asociación baja, el 25 % una asociación media y el 28,58 % una asociación alta. La presencia de P. arachnoideum en el páramo antrópico fue abundante y dominante, especies arbustivas y arbóreas nativas presentaron diferentes grados de asociación como producto de las condiciones ambientales del páramo antrópico.<hr/>Abstract The Ecuadorian paramos affected by forest fires present changes in their structure, floristic composition, modifications in their ecological processes, and the appearance of invasive species. This study was carried out at the Parque Universitario "Francisco Vivar Castro", to characterize the status of P. arachnoideum and the associated vegetation in 20 plots of 5 x 5 m, by identifying individuals greater than 5 cm in height. The variables measured were abundance, density, population structure, and spatial distribution; for the associated vegetation, we calculated the structural parameters of the vegetation, the level of coverage of herbaceous species, and the level of association with the species. The results showed an abundance of 1 919 individuals of P. arachnoideum, a population density of 38 380 ind/ha, and a cluster spatial distribution. The specific richness of the anthropic paramo was 28 species, 27 genera, and 15 families; the species with the greatest ecological importance and that determine its structure were Baccharis latifolia (12,52%), Gaultheria erecta (12,35%), and Gynoxys nitida (11,85%); the plant cover of P. arachnoideum was between 25-50%, 46,42% of the species had a low association, 25% a medium association and 28,58% a high association. The presence of P. arachnoideum in the anthropic paramo was abundant and dominant, and shrubs and tree species showed different associated levels as products of environmental conditions of anthropic paramo. <![CDATA[GA3 y BAP en la productividad de minijardines clonales de Tectona grandis Linn. F]]> Resumen Los reguladores de crecimiento facilitan la propagación y aumentan el rendimiento en la producción de plantas. La adición en diferentes cantidades determina una mayor efectividad en la regeneración celular. Por tanto, este estudio evaluó el efecto de varias dosis del GA3 (ácido giberélico) y de la BAP (bencilaminopurina) en la productividad de minijardines clonales de teca en San Carlos, Costa Rica. Se estableció un ensayo con diseño factorial (2x4). Como factor (A) se utilizó al GA3 y la BAP, mientras que como factor (B) las dosis 0, 5, 10 y 20 mgl-1. El análisis de varianza y pruebas de comparación mostraron que el uso del GA3 aumentó significativamente la producción y longitud de brotes. Y, el BAP no presentó efectos significativos en la producción. La aplicación de 10 y 20 mgl-1 de GA3 aumentó la producción de brotes por planta madre de 1,02 a 1,47 y 1,50 aumentando la producción en un 44 y 47 % respectivamente, en cosecha quincenal ordinaria, y 169 hasta 172 brotes por metro cuadrado correspondiente a un 38 y 33 %. Al aplicar 5 mgl-1 hasta 20 mgl-1 de GA3 se obtuvo brotes desde 4,19 a 4,44 cm de longitud. En la tasa de enraizamiento, las diferencias se presentaron en el GA3 que demostró ser superior al BAP en un 49% para el enraizamiento diario medio, con una velocidad de 1,30 brotes por día. En conclusión, aplicar 10 mgl-1 de GA3 es suficiente para aumentar el rendimiento en la productividad de minijardines clonales de teca.<hr/>Abstract Growth regulators facilitate propagation and increase yield in plant production. Adding different amounts of regulators cause greater effectiveness in cell regeneration. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of different doses of GA3 (gibberellic acid) and BAP (benzylaminopurine) on the productivity of clonal teak mini gardens in San Carlos, Costa Rica. A trial with a factorial design (2x4) was established. GA3 and BAP were used as factor (A), while doses of 0, 5, 10, and 20 mgl-1 were used as factor (B). The analysis of variance and comparison tests showed that the use of GA3 significantly increased shoot production and shoot length, while BAP had no significant effect on production. The application of 10 and 20 mgl-1 of GA3 increased shoot production per mother plant from 1.02 to 1.47 and 1.50 increasing the production by 44 and 47 % respectively, in ordinary biweekly harvest, and 169 to 172 shoots per square meter corresponding to 38 and 33 %. When 5 mgl-1 to 20 mgl-1 of GA3 were applied, shoots from 4.19 to 4.44 cm in length were obtained. In the rooting rate, the differences were presented in GA3 which proved to be superior to BAP by 49% for the average daily rooting, with a rate of 1.30 shoots per day. In conclusion, applying 10 mgl-1 of GA3 is sufficient to increase the productivity performance of clonal teak mini gardens. <![CDATA[Early performance of mahagony clones (Swietenia macrophylla King) at Pococí from Limón, Costa Rica]]> Resumen En Costa Rica, la reforestación con fines comerciales utilizando especies nativas de alto valor de mercado no se ha desarrollado con el potencial que el país cuenta, ello como consecuencia, principalmente, de la falta de material genético adecuado para cada una de las regiones productivas, entre otras. Para lograr sistemas productivos exitosos se requiere material genético identificado como superior con base en su desempeño en distintas condiciones de sitio. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el desempeño dasométrico a temprana edad de genotipos de caoba desenvolviéndose bajo las condiciones propias del sitio Guápiles, con el propósito de mejorar el paquete de producción forestal intensiva y sitio - específica para la especie. Para esto se evaluó durante nueve años un ensayo clonal ubicado en dicho lugar, con el fin de conocer el desempeño que presentan los distintos genotipos evaluados. Se registró un diámetro normal promedio de 16,3 cm*árb-1 a los 108 meses, lo que representa un IMA de 1,81 cm*árb-1*año-1. Los clones 207, 233, 194, 227, 57, 52, 21, 126, 201, 61, 56, 72, 199, 97, 191, 16, 187, 217, 276, 183, 173, 40, 3, 100, 193, 185, 177, 307, 1 y 237 fueron seleccionados para continuar el mejoramiento genético para este sitio. Su uso generaría un volumen promedio a los 9 años de 0,2206 m3*árb-1. Los restantes clones deberían descartarse con fines de reforestación comercial y conservarse para eventuales objetivos futuros.<hr/>Abstract In Costa Rica, reforestation for commercial purposes using native species of high market value has not been developed with the potential that the country has, mainly because of the lack of suitable genetic material for each of the productive regions. To achieve successful production systems, genetic material identified as superior based on its performance under different site conditions is required. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dasometric performance at early age of mahogany genotypes developing under the conditions of the Guápiles site, with the purpose of improving the package of intensive and site-specific forestry production for this species. For this, a clonal trial was evaluated for nine years, to know the performance of the different genotypes evaluated. An average normal diameter of 16.3 cm*tree-1 was recorded at the end of 108 months, which represents an AMI of 1.81 cm*tree-1*year-1. Clones 207, 233, 194, 227, 57, 52, 21, 126, 201, 61, 56, 72, 199, 97, 191, 16, 187, 217, 276, 183, 173, 40, 3, 100, 193, 185, 177, 307, 1 and 237 were selected to continue genetic improvement for this site. Its use would generate an average volume of 0.2206 m3*tree-1 at 9 years. The remaining clones should be discarded for commercial reforestation purposes and preserved for other later possible purposes. <![CDATA[Litterfall dynamics in a late tropical dry forest and relationship with climate variables and water balance, Costa Rica]]> Resumen Se realizó una comparación interanual de la producción mensual de hojarasca de un bosque seco tropical (BsT) tardío en el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa. La producción de hojarasca promedio anual para tres años (6.7 ton/ha/año) indica que el sitio tiene un valor de producción en los rangos medio para BsT tropical tardío según la literatura. También se encontró que la estación seca concentra un 57% de volumen de biomasa de hojarasca. La relación de biomasa de hojas y otros residuos foliares fue de 56% y 44% correspondientemente para un año de análisis. No se encontró una correlación significativa entre variables climáticas anuales con la producción de hojarasca, pero hay claras evidencias que los años con estación de crecimiento más larga y con los menores déficits hídricos de evapotranspiración fueron los de mayor productividad.<hr/>Abstract An interannual comparison of monthly litterfall production was conducted in a late successional stage of a tropical dry forest (TDF) in the Santa Rosa National Park. According to the literature, the annual average litterfall production of three years (6.7 tons/ha/year) indicates that the site has a production value in the intermediate ranges for TDF. It was also found that the dry season produces 57% of the volume of litterfall biomass. The biomass ratio of leaves and foliar components was 56% and 44%, correspondingly, for one year of analysis. No direct relationship was found between annual climatic variables and litterfall production. However, there is clear evidence that the years with the most extended growth season and the smaller evapotranspiration deficits have the highest litterfall productivity. <![CDATA[Raio de competição entre árvores em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica sob recuperação florestal]]> Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar índices de competição dependentes da distância e definir um raio de influência competitiva entre árvores em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica sob recuperação florestal. A área em estudo possui 2,53ha, na qual foi realizado o inventário com intensidade amostral de 15,81%. Avaliaram-se três índices de competição e vinte distâncias para o raio de competição (1, 2, 3... e 20 m). O índice IC3, que relaciona o DAP de árvores competidoras com a aquele da árvore objetivo multiplicado pela distância entre as mesmas somado a uma unidade, se mostrou o mais adequado para representar a competição. Esse índice se correlacionou mais fortemente com os atributos biométricos, apresentou fundamentação biológica e a menor variabilidade com o aumento do raio de competição. Os índices de competição e suas respectivas variabilidades tenderam à estabilização a partir do raio de competição de, aproximadamente, 6 m. Conclui-se que o índice IC3 e o raio de competição de 6m são indicados para análises sobre relações entre a competitividade e aspectos biométricos no local de estudo.<hr/>Abstract This research aimed to evaluate distance-dependent competition indices and defining a radius of competitive influence among trees in an Atlantic Forest fragment under forest recovery. The study area has 2.53 ha, in which the inventory was carried out with a sampling intensity of 15.81%. Three competition indices and twenty distances for the competition radius (1, 2, 3... and 20 m) were evaluated. IC3 index, which relates the DBH of competing trees with the target tree multiplied by the distance between them plus one unit, proved to be the most adequate to represent competition. This index was strongly correlated with biometric attributes, having biological support and the lowest variability when increasing the competition radius. Competition indices and their respective variability tended to stabilize from the competition radius at approximately 6 m. It is concluded that IC3 index and 6 m competition radius are suitable when analyzing the relationship between competitiveness and biometric attributes at the study site.