Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña]]> vol. 14 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Étienne Morin and his influence in the development of ancient accepted scottish rite: a State of Affaires]]> Resumen Este artículo analiza a figura de Étienne Morin, el cual fue fundamental en el desarrollo del escocesísmo en Centro América, Estados Unidos y después, en Europa. La hipótesis de investigación plantea que éste recibió distintas patentes que utilizó alternativamente para la creación de nuevos grados masónicos gracias a su oficio, a sus redes de comercio entre Francia y Centro América y a su bilingüismo, que logró la expansión de un rito de 25 grados hasta los 33, siendo base para la creación del escocesísmo en el mundo.<hr/>Abstract This paper analyzes the figure of Étienne Morin, who was fundamental in the development of Scottish rite in Central America, the United States of America and later, in Europe. Our research hypothesis states that he received different patents that he used alternately for the creation of new Masonic degrees, and thanks to his trade, his networks between France and Central America and his linguistics skills, he achieved the expansion of a rite of 25 degrees up to 33, which was the source for the creation of Scottish rite in the world. <![CDATA[Ritual roots of the ancient and accepted scottish rite in the novohispanic and mexican masonic traditions from the 19th to the 21st centuries]]> Resumen Los rituales del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado tienen antecedentes en una Orden del siglo XVIII y en leyendas vinculadas al rey Federico de Prusia. Los antiguos rituales escoceses fueron la base de los usados por los Supremos Consejos regulares del mundo, con un contenido trascendente, cabalístico ''secreto'', que pudo haberse perdido; otros grupos irregulares de Europa, de Estados Unidos y del Caribe, arraigaron sus tradiciones en la Nueva España y en México. Algunas ideas de sus rituales afectan su doctrina hasta el siglo XXI, limitándola a fines políticos, al anticlericalismo y la intolerancia contra otros ritos masónicos.<hr/>Abstract The rituals of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite have antecedents in an Order of the 18th century and in legends linked to Frederick King of Prussia. The Ancient Scottish masonic rituals were the basis of the regular Supreme Councils of the world, with a transcendent, cabalistic "secret" content, which may have been lost. Other irregular groups from Europe, the USA, and the Caribbean, rooted their traditions in New Spain and Mexico. Some ideas of their rituals affect their doctrine until the 21st century, using it for mostly political purposes, anticlericalism, and intolerance against other Masonic rites. <![CDATA[The Pike Report: the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Spain during the Six Revolutionary Years and the Bourbon Restoration (1868-1882)]]> Resumen Durante el siglo XIX, la masonería española experimentó un auge sin precedentes gracias a la política consagrada por la Revolución de 1868. No obstante, hubo una falta de unidad, debido a la existencia obediencias rivales. En 1882 Albert Pike, el Gran Comendador del Supremo Consejo de Charleston, emitió un informe para dilucidar cuál era la legítima entre las cuatro obediencias españolas con un sistema de Altos Grados, regidas por el Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado. Todas ellas se arrogaban herederas o continuadoras del Supremo Consejo de España establecido en Madrid por el conde Alexandre-François-Auguste de Grasse Tilly en 1811.<hr/>Abstract During the 19th century, thanks to the political tolerance of the 1868 Revolution, Spanish freemasonry underwent an unprecedented boom. Nevertheless, it lacked unity since each obedience claimed to be the only legitimate one. In 1882, Albert Pike, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston, issued a report elucidating which was the regular one, among the four Spanish obediences, whose high degrees system was governed by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. All four argued they were the sole successor of the Supreme Council of Spain, established by the count Alexandre-François-Auguste de Grasse Tilly in Madrid in 1811. <![CDATA[Record unit «Joseph Brisolara y Ravena», 33rd degree of the ancient and accepted scottish rite]]> Resumen La contribución de los estudios sobre la cultura material de la masonería española empieza a ser reconocida como fuente para construir la Historia cultural de este grupo social. En este contexto, el coleccionismo privado de obras de arte masónicas y el mercado de estos artefactos constituyen los yacimientos de este trabajo. Como resultado de esta labor presentamos la unidad documental compuesta de «Joseph Brisolara y Ravena» formada por su collarín y joya del grado 33º del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, su sello para lacre del mismo grado y un pequeño libro sobre gramática latina.<hr/>Abstract The contribution of studies on the material culture of Spanish Freemasonry is beginning to be recognized as a source for constructing the Cultural history of this social group. In this context, the private collections of Masonic works of art and the market for these artefacts constitute the sites of this research. As a result of this labor, we present the compound recorded unit «Joseph Brisolara y Ravena» formed by his collarette and jewel of the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, his wax seal of the same degree and a small book of Latin grammar. <![CDATA[The ancient and accepted scottish rite of Italy in the archive of Salamanca]]> Abstract Questo lavoro e il risultato delle ricerche portate avanti sullo studio dei fondi in lingua italiana relativi al Supremo Consiglio del Rito Scozzese Antico ed Accettato, guidato da Saverio Fera dal 1908, dopo la scissione dentro al RSAA del Grande Oriente d'Italia. I documenti, sono unici, testimoniano sia i primi anni di vita dell'organismo massonico e portato avanti da Saverio Fera per inserirlo nel novero degli organismi massonici riconosciuti e operanti nel sistema mondiale del Rito Scozzese Antico e Accettato, sia le forti relazioni con l'omologo spagnolo. L'arco cronologico inizia dal 1908, per terminare nel 1925.<hr/>Abstract This contribution presents documents in Italian language found in the Archive of Salamanca, regarding the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Italy, led by Saverio Fera after the 1908 split within the RSAA of the Grand Orient of Italy. These unique documents (1908 -1925) testify to the early years of life of the Masonic body and to Fera's constant endeavors to include it among recognized and operating Masonic bodies in the world system of the AASR, and to strengthen its relationships with its Spanish counterpart. <![CDATA[The ''Evangelical International'' and the split of ancient and accepted scottish rite in Italy in 1908]]> Abstract Nel 1908 si produsse la più grave scissione all'interno del Rito Scozzese Antico ed Accettato italiano e di conseguenza del Grande Oriente d'Italia, che ebbe come protagonisti principali dei pastori protestanti. La scissione non fu il frutto di una congiura ''protestante'', ma le relazioni evangelmassoniche internazionali degli scissionisti permisero sopravvivere grazie anche ai prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali ottenuti. In buona parte il merito può essere attribuito alle grandi doti di abilità politica e allo spasmodico lavoro prodotto dal pastore Saverio Fera e dai suoi più stretti collaboratori, anche se le Chiese a cui appartenevano furono del tutto estranee alla vicenda.<hr/>Abstract In 1908 there was a severe schism in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Italy and, consequently, in the Grande Oriente d'Italia. The main actors were protestant pastors. The ''protestant'' conspiracy didn't cause the split, but the international evangelmassoniche relationships of the secessionists helped the new masonic organism survive thanks to their prestigious international awards. The good political qualities and the hard work of pastor Saverio Fera and his close associates made this possible, even if the churches, to which they belonged, had nothing to do with it. <![CDATA[The ancient and accepted scottish rite. Addressing historical considerations]]> Resumen El artículo presenta un balance general de las investigaciones relativas al Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado. Para ello, se analizan e identifican las temáticas desde donde se ha investigado; los problemas relacionados con el acceso a fuentes primarias; las estructuras institucionales de investigación que se han creado y la producción historiográfica relativa al tema. Al respecto, se infiere que una parte importante de la investigación se ha realizado al margen de la disciplina histórica y esta ha respondido a motivaciones vinculadas a los cismas y conflictos entre obediencias rivales.<hr/>Abstract The paper presents a realignment of the investigations related to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. For this purpose, it identifies the topics of research; the problems related to gaining access to primary sources; the institutional research structures that have been created and the historiographical production related to the subject. In this regard, it is inferred that an important part of the research has been carried out outside the historical discipline and this was response motivated by schisms and conflicts between rival Supreme Councils. <![CDATA[The masonic criminal case against Luis Zuloaga, for being disloyal to the Rite of York]]> Resumen Este trabajo analiza la profunda relación en México entre la masonería y la política tras la independencia. Este análisis de un juicio masónico contra un miembro de la logia ''Apoteosis de Hidalgo,'' en Chihuahua, ilustra cómo la masonería Yorkina en México se convirtió en un centro de acción política e incorporó elementos políticos en los principios y las prácticas masónicas. Influyó en las nuevas prácticas políticas republicanas, como las elecciones. También mostramos la importancia de la prensa y el debate público, así como la interacción entre la política local y la nacional, interacción a la contribuyeron las logias simbólicas locales.<hr/>Abstract This paper analyzes the deep relationship in Mexico between Freemasonry and politics after its independence. Through the analysis of a Masonic trial against a member of the "Apotheosis de Hidalgo" lodge, in Chihuahua, we observe how Yorkino Freemasonry in Mexico became a center of political action, since it incorporated political elements into Masonic principles and practices. It influenced political practices of the republican order, such as elections. The text also shows the importance of the press and public debate, as well as the interaction between local and national politics, an interaction in which the local symbolic lodges largely contributed. <![CDATA[Halfway between feelings and profits. A few sad stories of repression]]> Resumen La declaración-retractación ordenada por ley en 1940 tuvo características, implicaciones y usos que le confieren identidad propia en el marco de la abolición de la orden masónica en España. Este trabajo se ocupa de casos concretos, en busca de las motivaciones que llevaron a declarar y las consecuencias de su actuación.<hr/>Abstract Written retraction as required by Franco’s 1940 law had characteristics, implications and uses which had an identity of its own within the framework of the abolition of freemasonry in Spain. This paper describes specific cases, in search of motivations that led freemasons and witnesses to testify and the consequences of these actions. <![CDATA[Teotl, Cipactly and the theosophical intelligentsia of El Salvador]]> Resumen Este artículo se divide en tres secciones a fin de comprender el desarrollo de la Teosofía en El Salvador, la primera trata sobre la historia de la logia más antigua del país, la cual aún existe en la actualidad, cuya denominación es ''Sociedad Teosófica Teotl'', la segunda versa sobre Cipactly, una revista de la década de los treinta publicó una serie de artículos sobre la doctrina en estudio. Finalmente. elaboramos un bosquejo sobre la trayectoria de algunos de los intelectuales más renombrados de principios de siglo XX que eran miembros de las logias o que simplemente simpatizaban con el movimiento.<hr/>Abstract In order to understand the development of Theosophy in El Salvador, this paper is divided into three sections The first deals with the history of the oldest lodge in the country, which still exists today, the ''Teotl Theosophical Society'', the second analyzes, Cipactly, a magazine that published a series of articles on the doctrine under study during the 1930s. Finally, the last section outlines the trajectory of some of the most outstanding intellectuals of the early twentieth century who were members of the lodges or who simply sympathized with the movement. <![CDATA[II Seminario Permanente Internacional de Historia de las Masonerías: masonerías, mar y migraciones (Cádiz, abril 29-mayo 2, 2022)]]> Resumen Este artículo se divide en tres secciones a fin de comprender el desarrollo de la Teosofía en El Salvador, la primera trata sobre la historia de la logia más antigua del país, la cual aún existe en la actualidad, cuya denominación es ''Sociedad Teosófica Teotl'', la segunda versa sobre Cipactly, una revista de la década de los treinta publicó una serie de artículos sobre la doctrina en estudio. Finalmente. elaboramos un bosquejo sobre la trayectoria de algunos de los intelectuales más renombrados de principios de siglo XX que eran miembros de las logias o que simplemente simpatizaban con el movimiento.<hr/>Abstract In order to understand the development of Theosophy in El Salvador, this paper is divided into three sections The first deals with the history of the oldest lodge in the country, which still exists today, the ''Teotl Theosophical Society'', the second analyzes, Cipactly, a magazine that published a series of articles on the doctrine under study during the 1930s. Finally, the last section outlines the trajectory of some of the most outstanding intellectuals of the early twentieth century who were members of the lodges or who simply sympathized with the movement. <![CDATA[<em>La masonería hispana y sus luchas democráticas. Sueños de libertad</em> de José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli. Oviedo: masó, 2022. 491páginas. ISBN: 978-84-19044-27-3.]]> Resumen Este artículo se divide en tres secciones a fin de comprender el desarrollo de la Teosofía en El Salvador, la primera trata sobre la historia de la logia más antigua del país, la cual aún existe en la actualidad, cuya denominación es ''Sociedad Teosófica Teotl'', la segunda versa sobre Cipactly, una revista de la década de los treinta publicó una serie de artículos sobre la doctrina en estudio. Finalmente. elaboramos un bosquejo sobre la trayectoria de algunos de los intelectuales más renombrados de principios de siglo XX que eran miembros de las logias o que simplemente simpatizaban con el movimiento.<hr/>Abstract In order to understand the development of Theosophy in El Salvador, this paper is divided into three sections The first deals with the history of the oldest lodge in the country, which still exists today, the ''Teotl Theosophical Society'', the second analyzes, Cipactly, a magazine that published a series of articles on the doctrine under study during the 1930s. Finally, the last section outlines the trajectory of some of the most outstanding intellectuals of the early twentieth century who were members of the lodges or who simply sympathized with the movement.