Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Lankesteriana]]> vol. 19 num. 3 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Rudolf Schlechter’s South-American Orchids II. Schlechter’s “network”: Brazil (La Plata River Basin)]]> Abstract As the second chapter of the series about Rudolf Schlechter’s South-American Orchids, a background of the orchidological work by foreign and Brazilian orchidologists in southern Brazil is outlined, as well as the history of the most important botanical institutions in this region. In order to establish coherent geographical units, the institutions, botanists and collectors mentioned in this chapter are those whose main activity concentrated in the Brazilian part of the La Plata River Basin, or in other words, the Brazilian states including and southwards of Matto Grosso, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. The most important figures in Schlechter’s Brazilian “network” are presented, with short biographical notes and description of their most important botanical exploits. <![CDATA[Notes on the genus <em>Stichorkis</em> (Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae) in Malesia: new combinations, synonyms and lectotypifications]]> Abstract 41 new combinations, two synonyms and three lectotypifications from the genus Stichorkis are proposed. This work aimed to solve taxonomic ambiguity and nomenclatural crisis for Malesian Stichorkis. <![CDATA[<em>Telipogon mayoi</em> (orchidaceae), a new species from Western Andes of Colombia]]> Abstract Telipogon mayoi, from the western Colombian Andes, is proposed as a new species. The species was found in “La Elvira” National Protective Forest in the Yumbo Municipality, one of the oldest protected areas in Colombia, close to the Farallones de Cali National Park, both localities in the Dapa Mountains. Specimens of Telipogon mayoi were previously misidentified as Telipogon lankesteri Ames and T. williamsii P.Ortiz, but detailed analysis of the floral morphology revealed that it is different. Telipogon mayoi is most similar to T. lankesteri but it is characterized by the crenulated margins of the leaves (vs. entire margins), the ovate oblong lip (vs. oblong lanceolate) and furcate setae on the column (vs. simple setae). We provide a description, illustrations, a plate, in situ photographs, a distribution map, and ecological notes.<hr/>Resumen Telipogon mayoi proveniente de los Andes occidentales de Colombia, es propuesta como nueva especie. La especie fue hallada en la Municipalidad de Yumbo en la Reserva Forestal Protectora Nacional “La Elvira”, una de las áreas protegidas más antiguas de Colombia, cercana al Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali, ambas localidades en las montañas de Dapa. Especímenes de Telipogon mayoi fueron previamente identificados como Telipogon lankesteri Ames y T. williamsii P.Ortiz, pero un análisis minucioso de la morfología floral reveló que tiene una identidad distinta. Telipogon mayoi es más similar a T. lankesteri pero se caracteriza por presentar márgenes crenulados en las hojas (vs. Márgenes enteros), un labelo ovado oblongo (vs. oblongo lanceolado), y setas furcadas en la columna (vs. setas simples). Se provee una descripción, ilustraciones, una lámina, fotografías in situ, un mapa de distribución y notas ecológicas. <![CDATA[<em>Scaphosepalum luannae</em>, a new species, and <em>Scaphosepalum anchoriferum</em> (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidianae) from north-western Ecuador]]> Abstract A new species, Scaphosepalum luannae, is described, and new records for Scaphosepalum anchoriferum from Ecuador are presented. Scaphosepalum luannae is superficially similar to S. swertiifolium but its differs in the the dark green leaves, conspicuously nerved at the abaxial side and shiny at the adaxial side, the sub-quadrate petals with a basal lobe at the columnar margin and the lip with a truncate base without lobes with an oblong and flat hypochile. Scaphosepalum luannae and S. anchoriferum were discovered growing sympatrically in a poorly explored cloud forest from north-western Ecuador, near the border with Colombia.<hr/>Resumen Una nueva especie, Scaphosepalum luannae, es descrita y se presenta el nuevo registro de Scaphosepalum anchoriferum en Ecuador. Scaphosepalum luannae es superficialmente similar a S. swertiifolum pero se diferencia en las hojas verdes, oscuras, conspicuamente nervadas en el lado abaxial y brillosas en el lado adaxial, los pétalos sub-quadratos con un lóbulo basal en el margen columnar y el labelo con su base truncada sin lóbulos y, un hipoquilo oblongo y plano. Scaphosepalum luannae y S. anchoriferum se descubrieron creciendo de manera simpátrica en un bosque nublado poco explorado del noroeste de Ecuador, muy cerca de la frontera con Colombia. <![CDATA[To be, or not to be a <em>Stelis</em>]]> Abstract Despite the availability of multiple sources of evidence and consistency in the support for a broadly circumscribed Stelis Sw. (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), some authors continue to be hesitant in its use. It is certain that the more typical species of Stelis, with their triangular, flattish flowers with very short fleshy petals and lip, form a monophyletic group that is easily recognized. However, it is likewise undisputed that they are not an isolated lineage in the subtribe and that several groups of species with a similar vegetative habit but lacking the typical Stelis flower are in fact very close relatives, sharing a relatively recent common ancestor. Those species groups need to be classified in a way that also reflects their own evolutionary history; alternatives to a broadly circumscribed Stelis are possible yet neither straightforward or practical at this time. An infrageneric classification for the whole group is provided here in an attempt to clarify which species belong where in this highly complex affinity. Emphasis is made on the difficulty of diagnosing the less typical members of each proposed subgenus or section, and on the importance of floral convergence and divergence as a result of pollinator adaptation. As here defined, Stelis is the largest genus in the Pleurothallidinae, with 1243 species. <![CDATA[Robert Dressler (1927-2019) - A botanist for all seasons]]> Abstract Despite the availability of multiple sources of evidence and consistency in the support for a broadly circumscribed Stelis Sw. (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), some authors continue to be hesitant in its use. It is certain that the more typical species of Stelis, with their triangular, flattish flowers with very short fleshy petals and lip, form a monophyletic group that is easily recognized. However, it is likewise undisputed that they are not an isolated lineage in the subtribe and that several groups of species with a similar vegetative habit but lacking the typical Stelis flower are in fact very close relatives, sharing a relatively recent common ancestor. Those species groups need to be classified in a way that also reflects their own evolutionary history; alternatives to a broadly circumscribed Stelis are possible yet neither straightforward or practical at this time. An infrageneric classification for the whole group is provided here in an attempt to clarify which species belong where in this highly complex affinity. Emphasis is made on the difficulty of diagnosing the less typical members of each proposed subgenus or section, and on the importance of floral convergence and divergence as a result of pollinator adaptation. As here defined, Stelis is the largest genus in the Pleurothallidinae, with 1243 species. <![CDATA[Carlyle A. Luer (1922-2019) - In memory of a legend, a teacher and a friend]]> Abstract Despite the availability of multiple sources of evidence and consistency in the support for a broadly circumscribed Stelis Sw. (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), some authors continue to be hesitant in its use. It is certain that the more typical species of Stelis, with their triangular, flattish flowers with very short fleshy petals and lip, form a monophyletic group that is easily recognized. However, it is likewise undisputed that they are not an isolated lineage in the subtribe and that several groups of species with a similar vegetative habit but lacking the typical Stelis flower are in fact very close relatives, sharing a relatively recent common ancestor. Those species groups need to be classified in a way that also reflects their own evolutionary history; alternatives to a broadly circumscribed Stelis are possible yet neither straightforward or practical at this time. An infrageneric classification for the whole group is provided here in an attempt to clarify which species belong where in this highly complex affinity. Emphasis is made on the difficulty of diagnosing the less typical members of each proposed subgenus or section, and on the importance of floral convergence and divergence as a result of pollinator adaptation. As here defined, Stelis is the largest genus in the Pleurothallidinae, with 1243 species.