Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Lankesteriana]]> vol. 15 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>In Memoriam</b>: <b>Moises Behar (1922-2015)</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>An annotated checklist of the orchids of western Himalaya, India</b>]]> A checklist of the Orchidaceae of Western Himalaya is presented based on recent orchid explorations and herbarium collections. This checklist comprised of 239 taxa of orchids belonging to 72 genera. Of these, 130 are terrestrial, 13 mycoheterotrophic and 96 epiphytic. Thirteen (13) species are endemic to Western Himalaya. The best represented genus is Dendrobium, with 16 species followed by Habenaria with 14 species and Bulbophyllum with 12 species. In this checklist habit, habitat, phenology, elevational range of distribution etc. are provided. <![CDATA[<b>An attractive new but rarely seen odontoglossum (Orchidaceae: oncidiinae) from Ecuador</b>]]> A new species of Odontoglossum from a limited area in western Ecuador is described, illustrated with a line drawing and color photographs, and compared with apparently closely related species, which are illustrated with color photographs. The new species differs from them all by a combination of features, such as the limited geographic distribution, frequently purple mottled pseudobulbs, a broadly pandurate lip lamina and widely spreading purple striped callus keels on the lip. <![CDATA[<b>A novel seed baiting technique for the epiphytic orchid rhynchostele cer vantesii, a means to acquire mycorrhizal fungi from protocorms</b>]]> We developed a new and novel seed baiting technique sowing mature seeds of the epiphyitic orchid Rhynchostele cervantesii under natural conditions, We introduced a sponge in each package that may serve as a reservoir for water retention to benefit germination; In three of 22 packets we found protocorms in an early stage of development, six of wich were of sufficient size to warrant fungal isolations; Nine strains were isolated in pure culture and were inoculated on seeds and protocorms under in vitro conditions. <![CDATA[<b>New species and nomenclatural notes in acianthera from Brazil</b>]]> Two new Brazilian species of the orchid genus Acianthera, Acianthera calopedilon and Acianthera cephalopodiglossa, are described and illustrated. The identities of Acianthera bidentula, Acianthera saundersiana, and Acianthera serpentula are discussed. Acianthera velteniana, recently described for Esplrito Santo, is placed in the synonymy of Acianthera bidentula. An epitype is selected for Pleurothallis saundersiana and a lectotype for Pleurothallis serpentula. Updated synonymy lists are provided for the taxa treated in the article. <![CDATA[<b>A new species and a new record in Trichosalpinx (Orchidaceae: pleurothallidinae) from Peru</b>]]> A new species in Trichosalpinx is described, illustrated, and compared with similar species, and a new record for Peru is described and illustrated. A brief history of the genus is provided. Trichosalpinx reticulata is most similar to T. carmeniae, but differs with a reticulated, gray-green leaf; a longer inflorescence; and a lip with a pair of low, rounded basal lobes and an obtuse apex. Trichosalpinx acremona is recorded from Peruvian collections. <![CDATA[<b>A new and previously misidentified cyrtochilum (orchidaceae: oncidiinae) from the high plains of central Ecuador</b>]]> A new and previously misidentified, small-flowered Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) from central Ecuador is described, illustrated with a line drawing and photographs, and compared with the species that it has previously been taxonomically mixed-up with by the author. The new species is readily distinguished by the dark yellow, gibbous and carnose lip callus, versus more elongate, longitudinally furrowed and bilobed calli for similar species.