ISSN  1409-1429  
printed version


Scope and policy

Most of the magazine is dedicated to publishing original articles in various fields of public health and related disciplines. Among other areas or specific areas include health policy, development and health economics, health equity, social security, surveillance, primary care, epidemiology, management and health administration, occupational health, disaster communication and information, legislation on health, community and social participation, health promotion, health systems and services, health statistics, population, health education, human resources, nutrition, disabilities, social sciences and health, culture and health, environmental health and health mental.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Indications according to types or styles editorial
Title and Authors

Use the first page to the title and authors. The title should not exceed 15 words. It must describe the contents of the article clearly and concisely, avoiding the use of ambiguous words, abbreviations and question marks and exclamation.

For each of the authors that appears in the header must be provided: full name, highest academic degree attained, professional title, institutional affiliation, e-mail (E-Mail). There must be responsible for correspondence or otherwise assume that the first author will take over that role, for which it must also provide your mailing address or office address or place of work (street, road or equivalent) or phone or fax.

It is essential that information and only this. Ignore posts, grades teachers, names of research groups, awards, etc.. No pets authors who are only "students.

Conflict of Interest Statement
Only consider manuscripts in which the authors have no conflict of interest. The manuscripts include a statement in which the respondents said they are independent with respect to the financing institutions and support, and that during the execution of work or drafting of the manuscript have not affected interests or values different from those that usually does research.

The Editors and the Editorial Committee will look at potential conflicts of interest that may affect the ability of peers or reviewers, or that make them unsuitable for evaluating a particular manuscript.

The Editors, the Editorial Committee or the reviewers formally declared disabled to use for private or individual, information obtained in the work of reviewing manuscripts.

Abstract and Keywords
Use the second sheet to the summary and keywords. Because the summary is the most widely read of an article, while entering bibliographic information systems, must meet the following requirements:

Language: Abstracts of manuscripts in Spanish and English will be in the same languages. Articles written in Portuguese will have abstracts in the same language and in English.

Length: 150 to 250 words
When it comes to manuscripts containing research results requires a structured abstract that includes only necessary and objectives, methods, results, discussion or conclusions, or adaptation of this format to their field. Summaries of other manuscripts, essays, reviews, short communications and the like, can be presented in a format other than the above, but must contain the information necessary to understand the scope and significance of the topic.

The abstract should contain information or aspects that are not covered in the text, abbreviations, references to the text or references. Must be in third person.

Verify that the keywords are in the international databases in English and Spanish Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the Index Medicus and Descriptores en Ciencia de la Salud (Decs), NLM and Bireme.

After the summary should include a list of three to seven keywords. Be used as keywords only those that are accepted by international databases, which can be consulted at the following addresses:

Palabras claves (Español):
Key Words (Ingles): . Both the title, as the summary and keywords should be accompanied by an English translation.

Citation System
The citation system is digital (Arabic), according to order of appearance, with the quotes placed in parentheses. The citations are presented solely as follows: (2)
1. Do not use superscripts or subscripts to write the date in question.
2. When references are placed at the end of the paragraph should be placed before the end of it: (2).
3. Do not use any underlining.
4. A publication and its author or authors are cited only once. Do not use multiple citations from the same issue with the term op or Ibid.
5. No pets texts, comments, or citations as footnotes page. All that is present in this manner should be appropriately incorporated in the text.
6. Do not put quotes in the format of text endnotes
7. Appointments are not allowed other appointments.

If absolutely necessary to cite unpublished sources and personal communications, these should be mentioned in the text in parentheses or a footnote on page.

It referred only published material.
The reference list is placed on a separate sheet at the end of the article in the same numerical order in which they were cited. References should not have any system of automatic numbering or bullets and authors should ensure that it is so. You should follow these guidelines:

Magazine articles periodicals: provide first surname and initials of the names of each of the authors. Do not use "," between the surname and the initials of the names. Place the article title, journal name, year of publication (followed by ";"), volume, number in brackets (if necessary) and pages. Include only six authors and if more than six place after the sixth author's abbreviation "et al". Do not put "and" before the last author.

Exemplo: Wagstaff A. Socioeconomic Inequalities in child mortality: comparisons across Nine developing countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2000; 78(1):19-29.

Palma S, Delgado M. Consideraciones prácticas acerca de la detección del sesgo de publicación. Gacet. Sanit. 2006; 20 Suppl 3:10-6.

Gispert R, Clot G, Rivero A, Freitas A, Ruíz M, Ruíz C et al. El perfil de la dependencia en España: un análisis de la encuesta de discapacidades de 1999. Rev. Esp. Salud Publica 2008; 82(6):653-665.

If the author is an institution the name of this place by replacing the individual names.

World Health Organization. Memoranda/Mémorandums. Maternal anthropometry for prediction of pregnancy outcomes: Memorandum from USAID/WHO/PAHO/ Mother Care meeting. 1991; 69 (5):523-32.

When no author:

21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002; 325(7357):184.

Books: Provide first name and initials of the names of each of the authors or publishers. Do not use "," between the surname and the initials of the names. Put the book title, edition number, place, Editorial, (before the drop date ";") date and, if necessary, the pages after the abbreviation p.

Jiménez C, Riaño D, Moreno E, Jabbour N. Avances en trasplante de órganos abdominales. Madrid: Cuadecon: 1997.

The first edition is not necessary to make it.

The issue always gets in Arabic numerals and abbreviations, for example:

Tobón S. Formación basada en competencias. 2 ed. Bogota: Ecoe Ediciones; 2005.

Book Chapter

Use "In" (texts in English) and "En" (texts in Spanish)

Neter J, Kutner MH, Nachtsheim CJ, Wasserman W. Applied Linear Statistical Models. In: Multiple Regression I. 3rd ed. The McGraw-Hill Compañies, Inc., 1996. p. 217-259.

Cueto M. Los orígenes de la atención primaria en salud y la atención primaria selectiva En: Cueto M, Zamora V (ed). Historia, salud y globalización. Lima: IEP, UPCH; 2006. p. 27-58.

Uribe J, Priotto EG. Cariología. En: Operatoria Dental. Ciencia y práctica. Madrid: Ed. Avances Médico-Dentales S.L; 1990:30-7.

Internet Sites

Should be verified that the Internet address provided is active and accessible, otherwise, should be eliminated.

El Gobierno Clínico y la gestión de las organizaciones sanitarias. Gestión Clínica. Disponible en: Consultado noviembre del 2005.

Personal communications
Personal communications should be indicated in the main text, in parentheses, not in footnotes page, with dates and institution giver communication.

Do not include reference to:
1. Unpublished papers or abstracts, even if they have been presented at conferences or congresses.

2. Articles submitted for publication that have not been accepted

3. Book Reviews.

The reference material "in press" must contain the name of the magazine that has been accepted and the volume, or number or probable date of publication. If this date is earlier than the date of publication in the Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública, detailed reference will be sought.

For reasons of international indexing the references of the manuscript should be free of formatting errors. Otherwise, the manuscript will be returned.

And Tables
The tables contain text and numeric values, the tables are text only. All tables and charts should be developed in tabular format (Excel, Word). We do not accept tables as images. In general, do not exceed three tables or frames per article, essay or review.

Each of the tables and charts will be cited in the text with a capital letter, one number in the order they appear, and must be submitted on a separate sheet marked with the same number. For example: "As indicated in Table 1 or Table 1 ...".

Tables should be submitted only with horizontal lines visible, simple and black. Be explained by themselves and not duplicate what was stated in the text, should be used to replace or complement the prose. Abbreviations used in the headers will explained in footnote on the table and be identified exclusively with superscript lowercase letters.

Do not put the% symbol or other symbol in the cell where you place numerical values, but in the headers. The size of the table must match the size of the page of the Journal and the print area not greater than 20 x 12 cm vertical.

The tables and charts should be part of the electronic file which is the remaining contents of the manuscript.


All photos, graphics, maps, sketches, drawings, diagrams and the like, are used to illustrate or expand the information, not duplicate it. Do not exceed three figures per article, essay or review. All graphics, photos, drawings and the like, will be called figures. They will be cited in text with capitalized, identified by an Arabic numeral in the order they appear. The figures are presented separately along with their keys, but with some of the content of the manuscript and the electronic file. This also applies to photos or original drawings additionally must be completely identified on the back, and be accompanied by the respective file in the usual electronic formats (gif, tiff, jpeg, etc). All figures in electronic file must be open to editorial work, so that should not be processed as images.

The Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública does not use colors (polychrome) in the figures. All figures should be designed in black and white, shades of gray or similar high resolution and quality.

Figures, photos, drawings, etc.., Which have not been produced by the authors or have been taken from a magazine, book, website or similar, on which there are copyright or similar rights, must be accompanied by written authorization by the publisher or respective authors.

Percentages, measurements and abbreviations
The percentages are written with "," (comma), with one decimal and leaving a space between the last numeric value and the symbol%. But not type 18.25% 18.25%.

The measures of weight, height, length and volume are presented in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter, etc.).. The authors used in all cases the International System of Units, whose abbreviations of units of measurement have no plural or punctuation. In this system, numerical values are written in groups of three with a space between each group. Example: 1,967, 725,089 and 9,515,140, are written 1 967, 725 089 and 9 515 140. This does not apply to the dates are written as follows: 1970 and 2008.

Decimals are indicated by "," (comma). Use only one decimal place, approaching the last value, if any. Example 1 967.4 written 1967.37.

When necessary the use of abbreviations, they shall be preceded by its full expanded form and shall be entered in parentheses the first time they appear.

When necessary, include an explanation on the procedures followed in the study to ensure compliance with the principles and ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its subsequent revisions.

For articles in which studies were used informed consent forms for patients or individuals must attach a copy of them.

Editorial style
It is a point of view or opinion of the Editorial Board, the editor or guest authors. The maximum length is 500 words

Original research articles
Are reports of original research results.
A highlight:

1. The maximum length is 4 500 words (excluding title, authors and abstracts) and up to 40 references.

2. Manuscripts with a descriptive content should be a maximum of 3 500 words and 20 references.

It is necessary to include sufficient information on study funding sources and support, in cash, in kind or in labor.

In general, manuscripts should be organized with the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion or Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, legends of the tables, figures and figure legends.

Introduction. Indicating the purpose of the article, summarizing the logic of the study, including relevant references only and do not include results or conclusions.

Methods. Clearly describes the type of study and design of the same, the selection of the population and the sample, including the characteristics of the subjects, as required. Indicate the methods, devices, procedures used to obtain information to validate the evidence and programs used for analysis.

Results. It is the logical presentation of the findings in prose text, tables, charts and diagrams that summarize the actual contribution of the author, detailing such as to justify the conclusions. Do not repeat in the text the data found in tables, charts or figures.

Discussion. Emphasis on new aspects and conclusions. Do not repeat aspects included in the previous sections. Examine the implications of the findings, limitations and expectations regarding future research. Ligue conclusions with the goals of the study but avoid statements and conclusions not related to the outcome. Conclusions and recommendations should be part of the discussion.

Original brief
They consist of summary reports of original research or breakthroughs. They apply the same directions as for the original articles. The maximum length is 2 200 words (excluding title, authors and abstracts). It should be up to 20 references.

They are written for analysis and debate, posted by guest authors concerned or to stimulate discussion on issues of public health (including policies and health systems, equity, health, education, ethics). A trial is not an op-ed, but a reflection supported by factual information, data, real-life processes, trends, etc.., Whose presentation and analysis requires an adequate, sufficient and updated documentation. The maximum length is 3 000 words (excluding title, authors and abstracts). It should be up to 30 references.

Revisions are considered only those items that present the results of an analysis of recent information, following one of the accepted methodologies for this purpose. It asks whether it is a thematic review, a systematic review and meta-analysis. It is also necessary to briefly describe the method: sources of information, databases, search systems, descriptors, and so on. The maximum length is 3 000 words (excluding title, authors and abstracts). Must be at least 50 references.

It consists in presenting a topic, a problem, an aspect of social life, etc, which have produced new knowledge that deserve to be presented for purposes of interpretation, analysis, decision making, health plans, services, etc. . The maximum length is 1 500 words (excluding title, authors and abstracts). You must have 15 references.

They consist of an annotated summary of the published work (books, magazines and other publications about some of the fields or public health issues). Must include title of work, author (s) and publisher. The author of the review will place your full name, institution to which he belongs and email. The maximum length is 500 words.

Letters to the Editor
They are comments, criticisms and suggestions on what Costarricense published in the Journal of Public Health or another scientific journal, that have not been submitted for publication to any other magazine or media. The maximum length is 300 words (not include authors or references) and up to 5 references, one figure or table. The letters will be received only when they relate to material published in the two most recent issues of the Journal of Public Health. The cards have no more than three authors must sign the letter PITS and make the declaration on conflict of interest. It should include institutional ownership, the location address of one of the authors and email of all authors.

Controversial views on a subject under discussion. The maximum length is 500 words and up to 3 references. Each author should include corporate branding and email.

Technical Note
It is dedicated to examining the development, implementation and public health utility of diagnostic methods and study of problems affecting groups and populations (screenings, standardized surveys, genetic markers, immunological methods). The maximum length is 1 200 words and up to 10 references. You must include the complete information of each author and summaries in two languages.

Selection for publication
The receipt of a manuscript does not require the publication. Manuscripts received will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and will undergo external peer review, usually experts in the field concerned. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept, reject, request changes and make corrections as may be necessary to bring the manuscript to the journal style.
The review of manuscripts will respect the right of authors to confidentiality regarding the information, results and creative effort. Likewise, respect the right to confidentiality of the reviewers and editors.

Clarifications and corrections
La Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública allow comments and opinions that disagree with material posted, you accept the argument of the authors retractions and promptly correct typos or other equipment that may have been committed to publishing an article.
Once published each issue of the Journal, the person named as responsible for correspondence at work receive a copy for each of the author / s for its distribution.

Sending of manuscripts

The papers were sent by email to the Editor of the Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública (, accompanied by a letter, in requesting that their evaluation for publication in the magazine section appropriate. The letter must be signed by all authors.

The letter should contain the following:
1. Indicate that all authors agree with the content, organization and presentation of the manuscript.

2. Indicate that the manuscript has not been published before, has not been sent or will be sent for publication to another national or international journal, while in review and decision by the Editorial Board of Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública.

3. Specify authorizing the publication of the manuscript by the Costa Rican Journal of Public Health, should be accepted under the conditions laid down by the same publishers.

4. Indicate that you have permission to reproduce text, figures or any other material which has reserves of the respective rights and attach a copy of the authorization.

5. Name and signature of all authors.

6. Attach a copy of the informed consent form used, where appropriate.
The file of the manuscript should be prepared by a word processor compatible with Microsoft Word.

All manuscripts are sent acknowledgment. Keep copies of everything submitted.

Type specifications
The entire manuscript, including references and tables should be prepared on letter size paper, in black ink on one side of the sheet, double spaced, Times New Roman letters not less than 11 points. The margins must not be less than 3 cm and the pages are numbered consecutively including all materials. Not divide the words at the end of the line.

The manuscript's components and their sequence should be: title and authors, abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgments, references, tables and legends, illustrations and figures with their legends. Each component starts a new page.

Additional assistance for the preparation of the manuscripts found at:

• International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Ann Inter Med 1997 126: 36-47.
• http://
• http:// www.

Annex to the rules of publication:
Cover Letter

Sr. Editor:

Le remito el manuscrito titulado “ _______________________________” para su evaluación como Articulo Original /Original Breve /Ensayo /Articulo de Revisión /Comunicación Especial/ Actualización /Cartas al Editor/otros, en la revista Costarricense de Salud Pública.

Los autores, abajo firmantes, declaramos que es un trabajo original; que no ha sido previamente publicado; que no ha sido remitido simultáneamente a otra revista; que todos los autores han aportado intelectualmente en su elaboración; que todos los autores han leído y aprobado la versión final del manuscrito enviado; que en caso de ser publicado el artículo, transferimos todos los derechos de autor al editor, sin cuyo permiso expreso no podrá reproducirse ninguno de los materiales publicados en la Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública y aclaramos que la editorial no comparte necesariamente las afirmaciones que en el artículo, manifestamos los autores.

Mediante este documento, la Asociación Costarricense de Salud Pública asume los derechos exclusivos para editar, publicar, reproducir, distribuir copias, preparar trabajos derivados en papel, electrónicos o multimedia e incluir el artículo en índices nacionales e internacionales o bases de datos.

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