ISSN: 0257-1439 printed version

                1659-2913 electronic version


Scope and policy

Journal scope

The Revista Costarricense de Psicología. It is dedicated to publishing original and unpublished works and covers both basic research and applied research and experimental development. Its purpose is to provide an intellectual and academic platform for the scientific community in line with international standards in research and scientific publication. Thus, the journal aims to publish content, information and highly accurate, precise, reliable and verifiable developments. All research and studies published in the Revista Costarricense de Psicología are governed by international standards of ethics in research and go through the process of review of double-blind.

Stringent peer reviewing: Each manuscript was accepted for evaluation will be sent to the external review process, experts on the topic of the article or research field, in double-blind peer mode. The recommendations of the evaluators are binding for authorship. In the case of conflicting opinions, the Editorial Board may send the manuscript to a third evaluator. In the event that external peer opinions indicate a partial restructuring of the manuscript acceptance, you are asked to authorship restructuring deliver within 30 calendar days. Editorial restructured and revised the manuscript after a period not exceeding three months, the Editorial Board informs the authorship acceptance or rejection. The author has the right to appeal. If the Editorial Board considers it necessary to send it for review with other arbitrators.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Paper Presentation; Review Process; Paper Format

Sending of manuscripts

Director: Alfonso Villalobos Pérez,

MSc Giovanny León Sanabria,

Lic. Gonzalo Francisco Dittel-Gómez

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Revista Costarricense de Psicología

Colegio Profesional de Psicólogos de Costa Rica

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